Is no fap legit? has anyone been able to turn their life around? remember that means no porn either

is no fap legit? has anyone been able to turn their life around? remember that means no porn either

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nofap is shit, you should just chill and stop fapping 5 hours a day. Try fapping 6 days a week and 1 hour each time you will have the same benefits without the cons

it's a troll so you get a testicular disease

men need to ejaculate for health purposes

>men need to ejaculate for health purposes
yes every day to bbc hypno porn

Yes. Don't listen to porn shills. They know no better and must be forgiven for their ignorance.

I did nofap/noporn for a bit more than 7 months. It gives you more energy, more time, makes you try and get girls...
But I realised that I'm addicted to porn and fapping because I cant get girls, not that I cant get girls because im addicted to fap/porn.

Fappin/porn is a symptom, not a cause for me.
So it didnt change anything much. I was never able to solve the real problem (get a girlfriend).

I did no fap/no porn and took it a step further with no internet for a little over a month, do not feeling happier during this time but came during sex for once without having to masturbate.

Did not heal my depression at all

fapping is a form of instant gratification that probably reduces willpower and motivation but to a degree that is insignificant when compared with something like internet use

you might fap for fifteen minutes a day versus ten hours of internet

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1 month is not enough, I'm and 3 months is the minimum.

I changed my life entirely while still jerking off three times a day.

Making lists of micro actions to accomplish every day is more beneficial than this vague notion of "lol just stop fapping bro!!!"

>is no fap legit?

yes day 43 here, I recently gained the ability to move small objects with my mind

Whats the difference between having sex during this three month period and masturbating given I was not using porn? Just less frequent ejaculations?

It just seems psuedoscientifical, if you have issues with porn and internet abuse or use I would say do it but for me all I did was help me pay for some girls plan B

>what are nocturnal emissions
your body already takes care of that for you, meanwhile overmasturbating has greater negative health effects.

dopamine receptors and the reward system in general needs time to rest
there are many studies out there, feel free to read them

If you're not using porn and just doing nofap though, then I dont think there's much of a difference
Sorry I'm strictly speaking about porn use+ fapping

no it's total bullshit. You want to fap all the time because you're depressed and need a dopamine boost. You're not depressed because you fap all the time. The nofap shills get the direction of causality backwards. All nofap will do will make you more miserable since you'll still be depressed but now without any sexual outlet. Fixing your problems will only become harder because now you'll be constantly insatiably horny in addition to feeling down and demotivated. just keep doing what you're doing

>All nofap will do will make you more miserable since you'll still be depressed but now without any sexual outlet.
Not true. It makes you more in tune with your emotions, not strictly speaking depressed. It heightens feels.
The sexual outlet is chasing after girls irl and on dating sites, it's frustrating but it gives the brain some ease.
>Fixing your problems will only become harder because now you'll be constantly insatiably horny in addition to feeling down and demotivated.
Horny a lot yes, not demotivated at all though.

You're absolutely right on the causality though.

the idea that you get magic superpowers or your "game" improves because you stop fapping is nonsense. A guy who can't get laid before nofap is going to be just as unable to get laid after. All nofap is going to do is make him more miserable & more despairing.

>nofap is going to do is make him more miserable & more despairing.
Not true. As I said for me it made me more motivated and I tried to get grills online (and that led to first date).

No sensible person is saying nofap gives game or superpowers.

It did totally make the feeling of shame when it comes to trying to get girls or girl related stuff totally non existent whereas normally i get ashamed and cringe feels very quickly.

no fap creepypasta. real or fake u decide

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yes nofap really does work
its really just about self-control, that's literally all it is
you stop fapping and your willpower grows because you're controlling yourself, from yourself
this is why you niggas need to read the bible: the spirit wrestles with the flesh(Galatians 5:17)
in time you will have learned how to better control yourself and thus feel more reason to be confident in yourself, which will in turn lead to better social interactions(timid shifty-eyed people who miss social cues are seen as untrustworthy) and overall a better quality of life
lust and hypersexuality will damn you to eternal hell fire and we should all be trying to free ourselves from it before it's too late i say "we" because i'm not gonna pretend i don't struggle as well

bump for nofapbros

I did it for a 5 weeks last year. I'm 32 and don't have a porn addiction: I view porn and masturbate 1 to 3 times per week.

Abstaining from porn and masturbation just lead to interrupted sleep with wet dreams and painful, eternal boners.

What did it do for me? Nothing. I spend at MOST 3 hours per week masturbating. It didn't increase motivation or make me more focused or make me want women any more than usual.

Complete meme that did nothing but make me change my sheets more often.

>men need to ejaculate for health purposes
complete meme
you heard this off hand and just believed it, you're a retard.

It is a Christian meme
Think all the sites related to it are always spouting religious stuff. Which is cool if it works for you, more power to you, but placebos dont work on everybody.

You are getting fueled and motivated because you think God is invested in how much you spank that thang so it is rewarding to be able to push yourself in that way. But if I dont believe in God, or at least that he is concerned with when or who I fuck including myself, it wont have that same impact

If anything when I get those irritating boners or achy balls I would feel like the world is giving me every signal to beat my dick off or at least fuck something, neither of which are Christian

the entire idea is that abstaining from masturbation is supposed to help you be motivated to work hard, take risks, pay money, and basically perform superhuman feats to be able to get a girl and then do what you were already dong in the first place- getting off. Oh, but this time, you're getting off ***with societal approval*****

lol no faggot the idea is that youre not supposed to be obsessed with sex and instant gratification like the dumbshit you are

obviously fake you fucking nigger. how does not beating your meat translate into getting replies on social places? does your fucking profile picture updates to reflect your blue balls?

>recognize this artist immediately

Im not gonna make it bros

I did NoFap for a couple of months, and all it did was make me get hornier easier so I fell back into masturbating. Honestly not worth it

imagine spending so much time and energy jacking off that deciding to stop actually helps your social life