Why would a girl stay with a loser who has no looks, no height, no status, no education, no psychological stability, no money, no job or property while hes leeching all of his measely pocket change funds from parents. Whats the end game?
How and why do people like that deserve a gf, while i have more and i dont?
Why would a girl stay with a loser who has no looks, no height, no status, no education, no psychological stability...
I'ts luck I guess. I don't think there is a real reason. For example: I dated a guy that was at home all day, played videogames and had no social skills. He is very smart. He always listened to me when I wanted to talk (which was pretty much all day). Maybe you could try to present yourself more. You can show more of the things you're good at. Don't be jealous. You'll find someone!!
It doesn't matter what you deserve. It's just a matter of what you get. The major frustration of the system is that it's not fully controllable.
What system? Could you please explain it?
have you ever considered the fact that they might be fun to be around
It doesnt make sense tho. Fuck this system then. The goalposts are always moving. Get a job, look good, be tall, have money, have a house, be muscular, have a large dickWOOPS LOL SOME LOSER WHO IS THE OPPOSITE HAS A CUTE LOVING WHORE GF.
>just listen and talk
>girl btw my opinion matters
Fuck right off roast.
Have you ever considered the fact that the world doesnt work like that. Im sure shes just cucking him, but i dont get what she gets out of it. If he had a job and money it would be obvious.
It could be that he doesn't understand that something may be wrong with him/ that he is different but it can also be just bad luck.
Even prisoner trash get love. Something being wrong or right is irrelevant. Still to keep a woman in check you need to have something valuable that she wants and get get easily near her. I dont get what a loser could offer.
As a girl I can say that it is really important to talk/listen. You want to know what kind of person he/she is. If you can't get along with each other, you can't do anything about it. :/
Maybe it't just the kind of person he is that is attractive. Maybe she sees something in him.
Dont listen to cuck apologists. How much do you know about them? Maybe he has inheritence? a big dick or is dominant with her. Or hes her beta shoulder to cry on while she fucks other men. Women love having someone to come back to to cuddle after being chocked all night by a strong male.
but im a 29 year old stay at home security guard for my one bedroom apartment and i recently got a gf
Nice. Hopefully you get used to the taste of different men each weekend and exotic dick warts as well.
He used to be a friend of sorts i guess. His parents arent loaded, but they support him for whatever reason. He has a micro apartment, they pay for everything. It would make sense, but she can find plenty of beta males to do that that have something to them,shes not that ugly, has this cute shy nerdy girl look, but i guess its the fad with whores.
>As a girl
Dont care, fuck off from this board.
Like what? His anime collection, dept and small rotting apartment? He cant go a spring withoit allergies and spraying everywhere. Tbats attractive maybe?
Maybe his ability to be a nice person?
Good boy. You are finally realizing that the system is corrupt and that losers like me and you are expected to shut up, take abuse from media and mainstream culture and contribute for the betterment of THEM NOT YOU. Remember, it is perfectly okay for them to say that 'your life is about your time and your goals' except for you of course... You are an outcast and the chosen target, so therefore you must do for them.
you sound so salty and bitter its hilarious no wonder youre alone. normally i can understand bots here but you sound so unhinged for so little that i hope youre larping. if your "friends" love life is making you angry then oh boy i could send you into a fit of rage. fuck you and be happy for your friend for making it but it sounds like you never cared about him
I agree with you. I just wouldn't have said it like that.
Maybe she really likes him, understands whatever position he's in or gets along with him and likes his personality. Does he want to stay like that forever or would he want to eventually set any goals even if small? Not everything is about looks and money. Maybe they just genuinely like each other.
This, and you do sound bitter or just angry and judgy of him over all, it should be good if he found someone despite his situation
THEN WHY DOES A FUCKING FAILURE IN LIFE GET A GF??? I dont fucking get it. I understand what youre saying, i do. But it doesnt make sense. I tried hard, i changed so much, i improved. But now someone who was me at step 0 has my dream and im here looking like a fucking moron. I cant even get a whale to be interested. Im much taller than him. Hes 5'6 midget, im 6'0. Inyhr streets i keep seeing scrawny midgets with gfs. I understand theyre probably rich, but this anomaly is pissing me off like holy shit.
>just be nice bro that will get you a gf
>just have a nice personality
Its funny that im asking for advice in a place filled with other virgins, rejects and whores. We are all clueless.
Let me repeat a simple truth. Women do not love the same way men do. They love children usually, yes, no denying. But partners no. They have needs from a partner. Some sexual, some monetary, some status. These are the core that keeps them in a relationship. Talking and feeling good with each other works with friendships and short term pitty sex to earn goodgirl karma points after a cock carousel. Not for long term stuff.
I dont care about you, your pretend relationship or your rancid skank
>haha youre salty
Yes i am and very drunk. Someone is being an idiot and angry on Jow Forums holy shit thats a first.
Maybe the sex is good somehow.
Thats the only logical explanation i guess.
2 words, stupid people...that answers everything