Cute gay underwear edition.
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Cute gay underwear edition.
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Tfw no clingy friendless virgin black metal bf...
Ruffle-able hair is an underrated trait of any potential bf
>no 15ft bf
why even whypost bros
hey if you could not at me, I'm currently clinging after someone
pic just in case its you lmao lmao haha
ruffly hair bf > long hair bf >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> short hair bf
hello im a cuteboyyy owo
>Tfw you ruffle his hair while he complains, telling you to stop it, because he has to fix his hair after, but you both know he actually likes having his hair ruffled
Fuck off you stupid furry.
Get out of here shoo
jokes on you i cant tell how cute i am but i do have ruffleable hair for certain
i would post about my undies but i don't own any
>tfw born with curly mutt hair
Is it over? I dont know how to straighten it permanently.
uwu *glomp* post tummy cutie need that proof
what's wrong with curly hair?
what i boy doesnt know cant hurt him
Pfft when you think of curly your thinking of slightly wavy. So of course youd think theres nothing wrong with it.
>born with cowlick and double crown
resorted to watching japanese "for women" ASMR videos of boys holding microphones to their heartbeat
this is killing me
is there something wrong with afros?
>tfw no one will love a wizard
Could you link one?
>is there something wrong with afros?
Mviii they are called "virginity helmets" for a reason
Japs have their otome stuff filed down to a T, that shit's addictive.
And heartbreaking
I've never heard that before. Why not just straighten it temporarily?
>r9gay is just male fujos
at last i truly see
I'm everything in there except for clingy (I'm secretly clingy but I dislike seeming clingy so I keep it as much as possible)
>tmw you cant grow long hair for headbanging because growth stops after a short while
The proper term is fudanshi
nah i don't really care for their looks there's just not many athletic white guys doing this weird stuff
>ywn have bf sleep in your arms
wtf does AGP mean?
Will leave the moment you give me my smol qt3.14 bf to marry and i will never return
>tfw no bisexual bf to turn completely gay
Turn me into a fag please
I'd like to see you try.
I feel high as balls and I havent taken a single drug
>ywn have makoto bf
brb hanging myself
you know there is no going back right?
and what about it you degenerate no-pants-wearer? what is your intent with informing us of such a indecent matter?
I wanna be able to nut just from my ass
Tfw no mentally ill but still high functioning bf
Why would you want such a thing, user
Back to there friendo
Because that's what I am, but everyone who is into dudes is some failure NEET. I don't need a Harvard degree, but not being on Jow Forums 8 hours a day would be nice.
>anything good happens to anybody
>some fucking faggot always responds with hurrr soc hrrrrrrrrrrr lgbt hhuhuhhuhurhuruhhurhrhrrrhruuhrh
god I fucking hate all you joy sucking cunts and I cant stop fucking coming back to fucking r9k because its the place I've been for fucking 7 years and I don't know where else to go
/soc/ is for hookups not fucking happy stories, lgbt is for fucking self loathing hons, not happy stories, and I'm not fucking going to reddit or facebook
you're a retarded normie, you don't belong here
It's okay user, not everyone in here is such a bitter nigger.
Just because someone responds like that doesn't mean you should take it to heart.
Once you nut from your ass once you can't go back user
Sorry sweaty, Jow Forums is an incel board and always will be, toodle-oo now
Ah, that makes sense, then. I'm the same way but can't really imagine someone wanting me, but that's probably more self-esteem issues rather than an accurate self assessment, I don't know.
>tfw poking my prostate does literally nothing
whatever i don't care about coming anyways
It's better NOT to wear pants in the SUMMER, that's how I stay so COOOOL!
you don't feel anything at all from it?
My jacket is in the washer so I cant wear it and I'm cold
Someone hug me please so I can warm up
Thats a risk im willing to take
I have a single friend and it is that man in the screen cap, the only other person I talk to is my brother, I have a single friend and I'm the fucking normie
I bet you've sucked craigslist dick and have more than 3 gay friends
my school life was spent in the special ed room with literal retards
it just gets annoying considering every single time I post about him some bitter cunt responds with gb2 /soc/
sorry sweaty but until he actually means "I love you" in a romantic way, asks me out, and decides to fuck me, I'm still a khhv relationshipless incel
you know how much I hate you.
so what is this general for? self loathing, pretending to fall in love with every single faggot in the thread, but not being able to actually talk about the act of being a faggot? so what is this? not fucking /r9gay/ then, just another bitching general
Sorry user, I only hug my BOYFRIEND!
>has a friend and a brother whom he talks to
>thinks he's not a normie
>not realising people want you to get out so you can improve on yourself so that you and your bf can be happy
LOLE jk fuck off now normie
>I have a friend yet I'm the normie
Good lord, they are getting dumber by the year.
just gonna post this in a few generals to get some help
Nope nothing special at all
are you sure you're actually touching your prostate? You should feel something at least
yes now stop being a retard and scared little kid
you know whats on /soc/? dicks ass and titties
you know what my screencap doesnt fucking include? dicks ass or titties
you know what I dont want to see? thats right, dick ass and titties
you're all fucking bitter
like you're possessive of everyone in the thread until they find someone, then your le epick cool virgin incel club rejects them, even if they're still virgin incel neets
just want a free video chat website where i can touch my pp without my computer being riddled with adware
you know whats on /soc/? normies
you know what your screencap does fucking include? retarded normie shit that no one here cares about
>you're all fucking bitter
where do you think you are
I'm like 99% sure
>bf told me off in front of all my friends
>they tease me about it and spread it around school
do you feel like you need to pee a bit when you press on it? Or just nothing at all
alright wannabe fag, if you're actually serious just drop contact
Get lost normalnigger jesus
>why can't you be more like I want you to be waaaah
Maybe this place isn't for you, piss off
idk i haven't done it in a while i'd have to check lmao
try it, you might just need to press harder, rub against it or something. If you're just using your fingers you might not be far enough in
I've now lovingly helped 4 gaybots from this thread lose their virginity by serving them with my gentle hands, warm mouth, and soft butt! Yay, go me!
Breaking their hearts afterwards when I tell them that I'm not actually their boyfriend and that it's just a fetish for me is justified, right?
I was only pretending to be a virgin, it was all a ruse. Thanks for the easy sex though
Seething teen retard
Better yet, depart from the thread :)
lmao @ the salt
Actually I replied to this user but I meant the whole fucking thread
I can hear the sound of mosquitoes all around me even though there's no mosquitoes to be seen.
Looks like I'm not sleeping today either haha.
Soon at #800 I see
fucking same, but I tend to watch asmrs of boys cuddling and falling asleep next to the listener.
>tfw this will probably be the closest I get to the real thing
that's cute as fuck, user.
Ok then
Any website can be safe if you're not a computer-illiterate brainlet
what is the best website for that sort of thing right now though?
>I entered the board that hates me and I get negative replies?
I'd be open to talking to you if you'd like, user. It doesn't have to be more than platonic if it doesn't click.
woah, do you actually live on heligoland?=
>hey stop smacking the baby
>what do you mean stop smacking the baby? you just want me to be more like you WANT me to be
you dont do this shit in real life do you? are you going up to every couple you see holding hands and going "GET A ROOM FUCKING NORMIES REEEEE"
are you user? you aren't are you? I sure hope not
>seeing couples
clueless normalshit begone
how do you feel about bpd and occasional but extremely intense delusional non-violent paranoia
I think this sorta fits me although I sorta fall back into the neet lifestyle whenever my friend is busy or out of town or whatever
till uni atleast