Wagie dies in store refrigerator

Wagecuck dies gets forgotten for about 10 years
Police: Remains in closed Iowa store were those of man missing since 2009

Authorities say the remains of a western Iowa man who was reported missing in 2009 were found this year inside a closed supermarket where he'd worked.

The Council Bluffs Police Department said in a news release Monday that the man's been identified through DNA analysis as 25-year-old Larry Murillo-Moncada.

Police say the Council Bluffs man fell into an approximately 18-inch gap between the back of a cooler and a wall at No Frills Supermarket. Former employees say it was common for workers to be in the storage space above the coolers.

Police say his parents reported him missing Nov. 28, 2009. They say he'd become upset and ran from their home.

The store was shuttered in 2016. The remains were found in January.

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damn we're in a tight spot

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>No Frills Supermarket
>fell into an approximately 18-inch gap between the back of a cooler and a wall
like pottery

>Noise from the cooler could have muffled his calls for help

Jesus Christ! Can you imagine being stuck behind the cooler at work because you went to go pout after mommy told you to clean your room. Imagine being stuck in there yelling at the top of your lungs hoping someone finds you. Time passes, start to get hungry and thirst, you think about your life, eyes wet with tears, you beg god in heaven to have mercy on you, for someone to come save you, you'll be good you tell yourself, you'll never argue with your parents again and you'll go to church every day, just please someone find me! But more time passes a day goes by and no one is coming for you. You thrash hysterically, mind gripped with fear thinking that if you just fight a little harder maybe you can be noticed, maybe you can get out. But you're tired, all that time without food and drink has weakened you. The icy blackness of forever starts to creep in from the edges of your eyes, this is it, it's finally going to end. You are alone, cold, hungry, thirsty, forgotten.

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How the fuck do you fall into an 18 inch gap and furthermore how are you not the fuck able to just squeeze back out

And Trump finally deports his first illegal

he has nothing on nutty-putty man.

someone probably killed him ten years ago
pertfect crimes exist

True robot.


should i an hero by dying the way he did?

True robots make original posts.

>Wagecuck dies gets forgotten for about 10 years
lol, get fucked wagie

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I never hear about this stuff happening to people on disability payments.

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Neets win again
Poor wagie even his family thought he ran away
they must knew he was living hell.
I know it should be S but I'll press F instead just because i have some neet manners

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does the kodokushi phenomenon in nipland count?

Old people who live alone are alone when they die. But it sounds more ominous if you put a Japanese word to it I guess.

but you do see the pictures of the floor after they've been lying dead in their room for 5 years

>wagie gets mad
>runs away in 2009
>years pass
>2016+x years
>breaks into old store and ends up trapped
It's highly unlikely that he died there in 2009 and no one heard/saw/smelled him.

>reading comprehension
His parents said he went missing and presumed he just ran away because when isn't a 25 year old living at home angry as fuck?
The chances of his dumb ass storming out angry as fuck the last time they saw him are nonexistent, homie either died on the job or as someone said was murdered

Of course nobody would've smelled him. Do you know what a freezer fucking does? Besides, he went missing in '09. Why would he wait 7 fucking years and come back to a store he worked at before he ran away and kill himself by doing that?

He wasn't even inside the freezer, he was like trapped on the side of it or something

This guy was probably pretty robotic considering
>25, living with parents and working at a grocery store

Hmmm almonds activated

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It says that it was common for works to work above the freezers and that he fell behind one. My guess is they have a huge fucking line of freezers that don't really have any gaps on the sides and are incredibly heavy