Tfw you reveal your power level to your therapist

>be me
>turn down sex with literal alcoholic whore
>therapist starts telling me it's my fault I don't get laid
>therapist says I should date older woman
>sperg out
>start explaining 80/20 rule and that no matter what I do I'll always be more invested than others than they are in me
>explain that older women aren't magically attracted to certain men after 30, but that they seek security
>therapist tells me it's my mindset holding me back
>explain that mindset is the result of experience
>tells me women complain about all men feeling the same
>tell her women literally have too many options and don't know what to do other than complain anyway and fuck chad
>still thinks it's my mindset but wants to help me

she's so nice and actually cares about me but she'll never get it.

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normies can never get it

men are the worst

>actually cares about me
Until you stop paying her. Therapists are literal friends-for-hire who just to tell you the most normie-tier advice.
>Just be yourself!
>Just change your mindset!
>Just break the cycle!
You would be better off spending that money on a scort and asking her for advice.

She doesn't care or give a shit, it's her job and you're paying her to do so. Do not be fooled.

we usually don't talk about dating we talk about my other problems. i literally have nobody so i don't even care if it's paying for a friend, but she see's me for free a lot also because i've been a client for a long time and my insurance ran out. i agree though for the most part.

>female therapist
itt we reminisce about times the original poster made a horrible mistake
my fucking therapist(male) did give me the white privilage speech to me twice in as many weeks

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>Therapists are literal friends-for-hire who just to tell you the most normie-tier advice

yeah that's been my experience too:
>well have you tried thinking positively?
>hang in there, always darkest before the dawn etc
>that'll be $200 see you next week

>Therapists are literal friends-for-hire
they're more like emotional prostitutes

>>tell her women literally have too many options and don't know what to do other than complain anyway and fuck chad


had a male therapist before her. it was horrible, like speaking to a fucking literal robot.

Either settle for what you can get or never get laid, its pretty simple

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Paying money to a roast to be told to settle for damaged goods. Sue the cunt for malpractice

i don't care about sex i just want to have a close partnership with a woman who isn't a fucking npc, sex is just extra

yeah, desu I've been thinking of getting a new one. All the lad does is sit there while I ramble...

after seeing numerous therapists over the years with zero results I've concluded it's a giant scam.

I've always been resistant to trying psychiatric drugs but now I think I'm willing to give them a shot since I can't go on feeling this low the rest of my life and therapy is a useless meme. The only one I've tried in the past that had any noticable effect is Effexor which made me feel better but also caused me to puke. But my stomach puking all the time would be better than having my soul puking all the time.

wtf, I didn't know homer was that BASED

I used to always talk about cucks to my male therapist then I found out he married a single mom with two breeds

Therapist: explains that the fact you turned down sex means its only your mind set stopping you.

NPCincelAnon: 20/80 , "women have it easy" , nobody loves me , "chad" , "incel" , "roasty" , wha wha wha

>Get a fucking life and get laid you adult fucking child.

>we talk about my other problems
Then that's ok. I've never gone to an actual therapist - insurace doesn't cover that - but I assume they are only useful for serious mental illness.
I hope you get better user!

Go dilate you useless piece of shit

woah, guys OP here just checking back in. I had sex and it unironically fixed all of my life's problems. who would've thought the sticking my genitals into some whore I don't care about and moving back and forth was the answer to everything.

>literal brainlets

sex without any sort of intimacy is a pointless hedonistic lie

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you know she cares because shes paid to

Instead of paying a therapist, go and do some course like learn piano with an actual teacher. At least you will get a skill to be proud of.

Women aren't logical, much less therapists whos entire job revolves around feels. No matter what you say she'll just say its you're fault. Though you're stupid for turning down the sex with the alcoholic hooker I'd love the opportunity for an easy lay but have no social circle so she's right on that.

If you're gonna see a therapist see a man no woman will ever give dating advice worth taking.

incels blown the fuck out and will seethe at this post

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>pointless hedonistic lie

That you will never experience.

I hope your too religious to kill yourself.

>incels blown the fuck out and will seethe at this post

nope, not even close sweetie ;)

I had nearly the same conversation except when she tried to talk me down I called her a whore and that's why she didn't get it. Fucking therapists man.

>he thinks he needs another person to be complete

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>blown the fuck out

Well it was hardly blown the fuck off now was it.

>nope, not even close sweetie ;)

t. seething incel barely able to contain himself

>explain my most shallow issues to my therapist
>have serious issues with physical contact that I really wanna get over
"Get a job"
>have horribly low self esteem, she doesnt really let me explain the depths of it
"Get a job"
>having issues coping with constant rejection from friends, romance, and job applications
"Get a job"

I had so many issues I wanted to talk about but she would literally brush them off and show me another job posting. Never mind the fact I'd been looking for one for months

Yea I can't contain all this muscle and dick ;)

Well yeah if she agrees with you then she's admitting all women are trash and your efforts are hopeless in which case her options are limited in milking more money out of you. On top of that she's admitting that by extension of all women she's absolute trash too.

Therapists are only useful sometimes. A lot of the time peoples' problems aren't all in their head; they're real existential issues that a therapist can do very little about. It can be nice to have someone to vent to but if your issues are complex and involve real world problems what could they even do? Tell you to "think positive"? Give me a break.