As a bigger guy, one of my greatest pleasures is going out to the street where all the bars are on a friday night and looking for the sloppiest drunk skinny guy I can find and instigating a fight with him. The sound their head makes when cracking on the concrete is sweeter than any tight teenage pussy I've ever cummed in. You have never lived until you've experienced giving another guy brain damage. How sweet it is.
As a bigger guy...
As a bigger guy, one of my greatest pleasures is going out to the street where all the bars are on a friday night and looking for the sloppiest drunk skinny guy I can find and instigating a fight with him. The sound their head makes when cracking on the concrete is sweeter than any tight teenage pussy I've ever cumed in. You have never lived until you've experienced giving another guy brain damage. How sweet it is
this is such a carnal, human post. This guy sounds like a moron but he's happier than a clam posting this bullshit, even if its real or not. Intelligence is truly a burden.
Yea until one of those skinny guys is the son of a Saudi diplomat with diplomatic immunity and pulls out his gun and shoots your knee caps off and you lie there crying your soul out. Happened to a friend of mine in London.
By bigger do you mean fat?
too long and I didn't read hahahah
Pretty much this. A psychopath doesn't care how big you are OP
Manlet/skinnylet copes
Fact of the matter is that small guys are TERRIFIED of big guys
Just wait until you attack someone like me who'll stab you.
lmao quiet fatty
How big are we talking keyboard warrior?
>as a bigger guy
Not huge, but big enough. 6'2", 200lbs lean
hesus christ im bigger than that in both stats and still when i go to the city im border manlet tier
where the fuck do you live?
taiwan or something?
a skinny guys who lacks physical strength has to make up for it with viciousness. i'm not dumb enough to get drunk alone in public and then walk home too. i have been assaulted before, but the nigger ran away when he got a sight of my f-s knife.
>The sound their head makes when cracking on the concrete is sweeter than any tight teenage pussy I've ever cummed in
Except teenage girls like skinny guys, not fat assholes that start fights, virgin.
Oh, thats not so big. Had me worried for a second, I thought there was some psych giant beating up little guys.
Where do you live? Hshhdjdjd
i exist in madison$
What country i meant.
Is madison that place where they send all those released pedophiles where houses cost like 10k or am I confusing that name with something else?
i didn't hear of that. madison has a pretty low crime rate, and while i imagine it is difficult for pedos to find housing, i don't think there are so many of them to be dumped all at once. also houses cost around 100k here.
Sometimes i wish I could get in a fight just to see how far I can get with pure lack of morals & pent up anger. I would love to claw the eyes out of/murder anyone dumb enough to approach me. To be able to crush people like ants under my heel like a god, goddamn...
T. Very sweet looking, nice, small girl
Dw I'm very harmless. :^)
Wish I could be there to see when you get pumped full of lead
didn't realize i was on
I know its larp but even with your nails and real man would absolutely destroy you
There's a reason women need weapons to defend themselves
Life isnt like your marvel movies sweetie, you ever attack me and I will curb stomp you like Edward Norton
fighting is nothing great if you ask me. i won every fight i was ever in, which is 6 i think. i appreciate that you're just having a fantasy, but i was never thinking of crushing people or clawing out their eyes, just to avoid harm. i have heard of women temporarily getting stronger in a rage to protect their children, like a news article about some 40 year old mom lifting a car up to get the kid out, but destroyed her hands and legs in doing it.
Back when i was 16 a big dude was trying to start shit with me and my friends while we were out drinking. A buddy smashed a bottle over his head then everyone just started beating the shit out of him while he tried to recover, we left him lying in the field we were on. My cousin knew him and said he got stitches from his harline to about midway down his forehead, his face was all fucked up and he had two black eyes.
I asked about him again a couple of years back and he's in jail for stabbing someone now
As a manlet I like people starting shit with me, because the police always let's me go after I break a dudes arm in a bar fight.
They do that with everyone unless its a clear assault. They just let the other guy go at a different time so you dont get in another fight on the way out
I'm a manlet with nothing to lose . I'm waiting for someone like OP to come around so I can shoot him and his entire family down then kill myself.
jk FBI