Hey guys this is my cat Reese's please say something kind to him hes home from the vet and he thanks all the anons who...

Hey guys this is my cat Reese's please say something kind to him hes home from the vet and he thanks all the anons who sent energy his way last night he appreciates it a lot. The pic makes the wound look worse than what it is, I have a few more I took too this is the worst looking one. I made a thread yesterday about him going to the vet because of an infection so this is the update thread I said I would make, not sure how many people care but I saw a few anons asking for an update yesterday and I promised to make one I hope some of you see it.

Reese's now has some tootsie roll gauze looped through his cheek, just the skin it isn't looped through his mouth so it isn't just some big hole in his cheek. Vet said it was an abscess and had a lot of pus in there and they drained it and cleaned him up good. I think the gauze is suppose to help drain too I have to clean it and put some neosporin on it every few hours, then he goes back Friday to get it removed and stitched up I think. He has been just sleeping since I got home from work a few hours ago but he is drinking water and eating a lot, purring too but not as loud. My dad said the vet didn't believe him when he said Reese's was around 20 years old since hes in such good health beside the infection of course. Always new my old friend was a trooper fuck the doubters that say hes on his last legs, my man has years more to go he needs to celebrate my 30th birthday with me soon. Also now I think my younger cat Simba is scared of him or something he was hissing at Reese's and avoiding him, I don't know if he forgot who he is overnight or just scared cause his face looks fucked up.

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Did he lose a fight with another cat? Cats have filthy claws and often get nasty infections when they fight

good old catter get wel lsoon

You are still way more handsome then your owner is!

Take care man, cats are wonderful.

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Glad he's doing a little better, OP. Sounds like he has a lot of fight in him.

Don't worry about your other cat - he can sense something's up. Once Reese recovers, Simba'll be back to normal too.

kek oh you bad user, you bad

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I saw your thread last night and I'm glad he's doing okay. He's a real trooper. Old cats are treasures.

I don't know much about cats, but that cat looks pretty nasty, OP. 20 sounds kind of old for a cat. You should probably get ready for it to die, desu.

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You're not supposed to kiss your pets. Human germs can literally kill an animal.

stay strong and get well soon I've 3 cats I know how you feeling :)

That's a good looking cat, you couldn't tell he's 20. God bless Reese's

sending kitty my digits

No Idea he would just go outside and disappear then show up sometime later at the door or something. He definatly got bit just don't know by what all I know is he won the fight.
Thanks user I think so too I just never seen him hiss at him and then just run away while my man just sat there and gave no fucks.
Thanks I'm glad at least one person did. I'm sure in a few weeks when this shits healed up he'll be good, then I'll just let him outside to chill with me while I smoke or something. Hes been in fights before and always recovered but this is the first time a cut got infected.
There is almost nothing wrong with him besides this shit every time he goes to the vet they are always surprised how health he is, no problems walking or breathing or eye sight didn't even believe he was that old. But I know 20 is old but I know hes got some years left hes been though some shit. follows me like a dog too I can walk my cat down the street

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another attempt at digits for kitty


I lost my old dog maybe two years ago, I still miss her. Similar situation, had her since I was maybe 12 and now I'm almost 30. She got an eye infection that turned into an abscess. It ballooned up into a huge lump on her forehead. The vet drained it, gave her some antibiotics and pain meds but the thing came back. Their immune system gets weaker with age and sometimes a bad infection just sticks. It happens with old folks sometimes too.

Eventually we had to come to terms with the fact that she's not going to get better. It was a little strange, when I was a kid we'd put the dog down. In a house full of adults we could stomach the harsh reality of a slow and painful death just a little better. So we kept giving her pain meds and lots of love right up to the end. At a certain point that's all you can do with a terminal loved one. Give them the best quality of life you can and try to make sure that their last days are good ones. This may be your chance to spoil him and start coming to terms with saying goodbye.



I really hope your kitty gets better soon, user. That's a real shame. I'll pray for them.
Please give him lots of love and care from all the cat-loving anons here. Best wishes.


Get well soon buddy. Such a beautiful and brave cat.

I can't watch so I'm leaving this thread but good luck to your catto op, and good luck to you.

I feel for your loss user I know I will cry when he finally goes I even think about how I want to remember him, should I bury him in some pet cemetery or cremate him and get a really nice urn to put the remains in and keep it. Its very weird to think about. I'm hoping he gets through the infection, every anons energy helps to matter how little, because they drained all the puss out and gave him meds, but they didn't give any take home meds just to make sure to put neosporin shit on it every few hours, we will see when he goes back Friday morning.
Checked, kitty's appreciate the digits now I know how old he will be 33 for a cat is a good age to go.

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Gambatte neko-san.

get well soon reeses
we love you

Why are people taking the bait on this? It's so obvious

People are shit. Cats are amazing. Hope he feels better

cuddle that cat right now.

my cat is nearly 13 and while that's not too old it's still getting up there and she's the healthiest cat ive ever had
she's super tiny but lean like you can feel her muscles all over and she still looks like a kitten

cuddle digits for kitty

Arigatou, retard-chan.

looks like some ass hole shot your cat with a pellet/air rifle. Hope it gets better soon user.

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Whats the bait user I cant see it?

he's a big kot


Your cat will get better, mine lost an eye as a kitty but it has not affected it at all years later

digit kitty

>his face looks fucked up.
I bet it was gordon freeman

Get well soon catto

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That's hard. Get well soon, kot.

My doggo needed two leg surgeries last year and that was really hard. It took a long time for her to recover.

I had almost the exact same thing happen to my cat. Same place and she was really old at the time. Still recovered fairly quickly. I'm sure Reece will be fine soon enough

I'm sorry about your cat OP. He loves you very much and he looks like a cutie

Please snuggle that kitty for hours, OP.

God, that looks awful user. I'm sorry to hear that, I will send all of my positive energy towards your cat in hopes of a full recovery. God bless him.

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I hope him get well soon.
My cat had a cancer and died in 2008. I never had courage of have another pet.

I'm sorry user. Mine passed away this past April from ling cancer. It was very painful

i hope your cat gets better soon OP

Reply to this post or your cat will die in it's sleep tonight

I have a cat named simba also OP. good luck to your kitties.

For you. My other cat is an even bigger guy, even has an extra claw on every like some kind of mutant cat
You can get another pet just take good care of them and never forget your old one.

Thanks in general to everyone for the energy me and my cats appreciate it, maybe I make a thread Saturday with pics to give an update after he gets those things out of his face and stitched up or whatever they gunna do

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user no pls

Reese will be okay in no time.
Hang in there, both of you.

Reply to this post or my mutant cat Simba will come for you in you sleep tonight.

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did you need any money for him frend ;; hope the vet bills weren't too expensive and he gets better

Cats recognize each other by smell not so much sight. Your cat probably smells different so he's getting bullied. When I took my cat to get his hair cut short his friends bullied him when he got back.

Also he's a good boy I hope he gets better soon.

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based cat user, im sure he will be fine

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Based simba will never get me.

One of my friends cats also has that extra toe thing.

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What a cutie. Glad he's doing well and you're looking after him properly. Old cats are great.

Give us another update when he goes back on Friday.
I'm surprised the vets didn't give him any antibiotics to go home with. Can you ask them why for me?

Keep your cat inside dude, him being outside puts him in constant danger of getting fucked up by a dog or cat

Yeah this, it takes a few weeks before they stop smelling of vet and get used to one another again. My cat hated her kid after he came back from getting neutered for a good few weeks

I really really hope your cat dies.

>all I know is he won the fight.
You don't know that

Get well soon kitty

Get well soon cutie

Hope your cats get's better. They are blessed creatures.

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Kitty take my energy and be safe.

>They are blessed creatures.
blessed by satan

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