free (you) thread
Does anyone want to talk?
I have the light on in my room while I eat brekfast and it is making me anxious.
How is your morning
>what comes after death
free (you) thread
Does anyone want to talk?
I have the light on in my room while I eat brekfast and it is making me anxious.
How is your morning
>what comes after death
>free (you) thread
oh man, I really, really like (you)s, user.
>how is your morning?
well, it's 9pm here, user, but my morning was alright I guess. I was out of food so I had to eat a spoonful of peanut butter instead lmao. The coffee I made was better than usual though so it wasn't so bad.
>what comes after death
hopefully nothing. Eternity is completely terrifying if you think about it.
Well i have been drinking beers since i woke up around 3 pm and it's almost 10 already, still haven't eat anything.
>what comes after death
>well, it's 9pm here, user, but my morning was alright I guess. I was out of food so I had to eat a spoonful of peanut butter instead lmao. The coffee I made was better than usual though so it wasn't so bad.
Sucksy ou have no food.
I have an overabundance of food but nearly all carbs so do not eat it.
Did you make coffee with a peculator?
I just do "mouth coffee", where I add instant coffee to my mouth and add water and swallow.
No one drinks that shit for the awful taste.
hey W, beer is liquid food anyway so you will be ok.
Why are you drinking beers though? they make you fat as so much carbs.
I don't know if I want anything after death, the moments before I am conscious are always the best.
We wake up and have to stare at this mirror,
this life we have and the place where we are at.
Life is just one big reflection of your choices and circumstances.
Just listening to music and drinking some vodka.
>how is your morning?
It's 4pm,i can't sleep because mosquito noises
Haven't slept for 3 days because of this shit
>what comes after death
Hopefully not a loop of your past experiences
Hello, I want to die
A (you) will brighten my day by 0.000000001% though
Doesnt matter if i get fat or not, im 90lbs anyways. And i am drinking beers becuase it's all i could afford this week and still be able to get a few packs of cigs. Also i'm not eating on purpose to see if i can get drunk or something since it is almost impossible to get drunk on beer only.
I really believe there's nothing after we die, but who the fucks knows anyways, doesn't concerns me and if there's something else, good if not, even better.
Five (you) and you get dick pic.
nah it's a french press
>mouth coffee
alright, user, wtf is this!? The image of you doing this is pretty hilarious, I'll admit, but why would you do this every day lmfao.
I just went and bought food, so it's all good now haha
hello, user. I'm not the op, but I've still got a few (you)s laying around. What's up? What do you normally do when you want to die? Or is it a new feel for you?
I wallow until it gets to the point of breaking down into tears, then I take anti anxiety medication that has sedative effects to force me to fall asleep. I do this every day really
I don't know if this is how it works for you, but my mood sometimes crashes so hard literally all I can think about is killing myself. It sometimes passes almost as quickly as it comes, but other times it lasts until I get drunk enough and fall asleep. It almost feels like a betrayal to that part of myself, but I think I'm doing better than I was when that used to happen regularly. I still wish I hadn't existed, but since I'm here I guess I'm stuck with living until something ends me. I doubt my rambling will help with anything, but I guess I hope it's nice to hear from another user regardless
oh, I forgot to ask, what medication? The only thing they've ever given me is an snri which doesn't have any immediate effects like that.
>How is your morning
4am and i should have gone to sleep hours ago. oh well... not like i have anything to live for anyways.
what a deep question user
>how is your morning
its 2320 here, but it was nice, ate last nights leftovers for breakfast/lunch, and watched the new tejina senpai episode
>what comes after death
probably nothing
Hydroxyzine. I guess it technically doesn't sedate but it really feels like it does. I'm usually sleepy and loopy within an hour max. I wish I could drink, it's so tempting, but my e-gf says I'm not allowed.
hmm, webmd (heh) says it can be used as a sedative such as before a (very scary) surgery. My issues with panic/anxiety get so bad I really wish I'd been prescribed something like this, but I guess drinking works as well. Much as I hate it.
>How is your morning
my morning is alright, user
>what comes after death?
i guess its religion specific on what someone believes in. abut if you want my ideology im christian
honestly im just excited because in 5 months i can legally work (age 15)
i know the whole shit about being a wagie, but i dont think ill succumb into that mindstate. i love making money man
>free (you) thread
>that bastard op only has a handful of (you)s to spare
here (you) go
You can get it from a GP if you really want
>Haven't slept for 3 days because of this shit
must be more to it than that though user.
>Hello, I want to die
well you are a tripfag.
Meh, often we all want to die but if we do not know what is after death how can we be sure we really want that.
is vodka not cheaper than beer?
>Five (you) and you get dick pic.
I don't want a dick pic
>alright, user, wtf is this!? The image of you doing this is pretty hilarious, I'll admit, but why would you do this every day lmfao.
I do not do it often but it started years ago when I would be a gamer and quickly have mouth coffee between games of battlefield so I did not waste any game time.
>4am and i should have gone to sleep hours ago. oh well... not like i have anything to live for anyways.
I know that feel
you have an answer?
I coul never watch anime or showsas it came out, always waited for the full season or series to binge it.
she has good advice then.
>>honestly im just excited because in 5 months i can legally work (age 15)
hey underage faggot, here is a tip.
Get off this board it will rot your mind.
I wont snitch
>>that bastard op only has a handful of (you)s to spare
I was doing something.
Well not much but yeah nothing
>how can we be sure we really want that.
Because anything is better than this
>the (you)s flow forth once more
I've run out of things to talk about, though desu.... Umm do you, too, like mommy gfs? I think they're great! Discuss
yeah, used to be like that but netflix started acting weird so i switched to animeflv for my anime consumption
Oh you know, replaying heart gold right now.Talking to a qt shorthair liberal girl with piercings and all the other hot degenystuff I like. How do I make the convo sexual?
IT is cheaper, but i'm a picky drinker i guess, i only drink beer and whiskey.
hey i havent seen that trip in a long time
>Umm do you, too, like mommy gfs? I think they're great! Discuss
No, what people look like largely has no impact on me liking someone.
My isolation and not fapping to 3DPD resulted in physical looks meaning much less and who someone is and their personality being everything.
as that is all that matters online.
>Oh you know, replaying heart gold right now.Talking to a qt shorthair liberal girl with piercings and all the other hot degenystuff I like. How do I make the convo sexual?
try not being an incel BETA.
Vodka is good.
Gets you smashed over beer and any cheap colored spirit is tras.
Hope you've been good
Incel beta sounds like a software program.
>mommy gfs have anything to do with looks
but, user, this is all wrong! It's supposed to be about a gf who likes being loving and nurturing and who likes to tell you it'll be alright.
>It's supposed to be about a gf who likes being loving and nurturing and who likes to tell you it'll be alright.
I do not need a girl that will enable my self destruction, nurturing yes but not enabling.
Perfect girl for me is just someone who I am able to even care about at all.
Also if she was able to tell me off when I do the wrong thing.
>how is you morning
It was OK. Usually I do some yoga and meditate before work but I slept late and skipped the yoga.
>what comes after death?
A blank space, followed by more life. Not the same life, maybe not even on the same planet or in the same universe, but more life nonetheless.
>EA Sports, Its in the game!
>must be more to it than that though user.
The sound is really loud and headphones with music in them can't drown it out.
I'm just really autistic I guess, I'm bad with mosquitoes.
My original plan was to wait for them to land on me so I can kill them when I feel where they are but they never land, its driving me nuts to hear this shit all day and all night.
Is it time to take hrt for daddy gunjy? uwu