I can't get a gf because i'm ug-

>I can't get a gf because i'm ug-

Attached: BfyxFoj.jpg (960x960, 108K)

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I can't have sex because I'm ug-

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>I actually want to sell my soul to a woman
Imagine being like this

he's not ugly, maybe goofy looking but not ugly.

>tfw no lolita gf to talk shit about other girls coords with

She looks like she bought all the make-up at the Halloween store.

I had my life ruined simply because i was ugly. Just because of that. It wasn't for any of the other reasons i previously thought, it all came down to a decision that was made based on the fact that i'm ugly.


>tfw male, know lolitas, and envy the lolita thing but the few times I mention it they're like "user you should go brolita believe in yourself!! positivity"
> nah im not into crossdressing
> i just like costume design and drama

> I can't get a gf because I'm ugly and also a horrible person

>I can't get a gf because I'm a loser who would rather spend his time on the internet than actually try and improve myself

There ya go, I fixed it for all of Jow Forums.

Man take a look at that guy's personality!

why don't you just do the cute dandy non cross dresser male lolita thing?

But people tell me I am average or even semi-attractive the reason I can't get a gf is because I have no friends or job and am a rural and suburban retard.

Is that the Aussie with the poofters sign from Jow Forums?

probably loaded/has a nice career

nowhere near the level of chadness

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Anybody know how to find a gf in a small town? I just have no one to really pick from.

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that's an orbiter.

Go outside and ask one, go to the next town over, find a dating site/app, e-date and work towards that.

There are 7 billion people on this planet, even if 99% of them find you ugly, that's 70,000,000 that don't, and even then assuming only half are women, 35,000,000, that's all of NYC that would find you attractive.

Get out there even if you have to venture beyond your small town at times and work towards moving one day.

Become a dandy, user

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That's you? I'm sorry lad.

based, thanks much
>tfw act autistic on dating apps

You just gotta get used to being social, opening up, etc. Takes time my dude, hell be confident and use that as an opener, make a joke out of it to break the ice, sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't.

she looks like one of my friends, wth

The first word on that sign spelt backwards is SATFOOP.The SAT is a standardized test given to school children. Its a protest against the education system confirmed!1!1!!!

Not as interesting. Lolita fashion has all kinds of substyles, colours, accessorisation options, different fabrics for different seasons, hair and makeup, etc. Dandy/ouji is a much smaller sphere that aesthetically is mostly limited to gothic and associated with a dead romantigoth/vk social scene, and it's also a bitch to GET good items as so many brands have gone out of business or do limited releases or are scarce on the secondary market.
I probably wouldn't own any brand except that it legitimises my presence on the periphery of my local lolita comm. Really I'd just be happy playing stylist.

>full head of hair
>clear face
>of a decent height
Yeah, if that guy is a 4/10 then I'm a 2/10.

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