FtM tranny btw
Ask a based tranny anything’
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i need proof tranny after that i shall indulge you
Straight femanon here. I think trans men are hot. Are you into girls? Do you pass well?
you aren't a tranny you just need a good dicking
Are you one of the ones who actually puts in effort or are you one of those fat lesbians with glasses who wears tank tops and doesn't look sound or even try to act masculine in the slightest?
Are you gay? If so, are you a bottom? And if so, do you ever wish you had a prostate?
Have you had SRS? I've heard it's a lot more invasive for FtMs, probably because not only do you need top surgery, but the material for the penis has to come from another area of the body.
What are you sexual fantasies and how do you fulfill them?
I'm FtM too. What makes you a based tranny?
I'm interested to know what you think being a man will be like. What kind of man do you want to be?
For the FtM trannies, did you get a penis attached? Did you get to design it?
how to not kms over not passing
Can you answer this as well?Originami
Do you still have wet dreams about getting fucked by men?
1. How do you cope with increased levels of Testosterone? Have you adjusted to it?
2. What factors in your life convinced you to change sex?
3. What were the things that surprised you about being a male?
What gives you the authority to declare yourself based?
Why didn't you let me love you before you did this?
why cant these threads be moved to /lgbt/
I have a pussy and will for the forseeable future. The technology for making dicks is very bad and I would rather have weird surprise junk than an nonfunctional flesh hose
Keep taking HRT and get chest surgery if you haven't already, and figure out how not to dress and act effeminately, and you will pass barring exceptional circumstances. It's much easier for trans men to pass than trans women. Part of it is the differing HRT effects, part of it that people simply aren't paying attention to men's appearances as hard.
New to Jow Forums so I'm kind of a fag. Here's some answers:
Yes, I'm into men.
Yes I put effort into passing.
Theres nothing in life I live more than cock, therefore I'm a bottom to every man I've ever banged. I also take it in the ass like a champ, though I do kinda wish I had a prostate.
Trannies can design their cocks to be as long as they want to as long as they're cool with paying the $30,000 premium.
As far as sexual fantasies go- I focus mainly on serving the man rather than myself.
I think I'm gonna focus on being a man that people trust and come to for help and friendship and all that.
Oh yea, all the fuckin time. Cock is the greatest thing since the internet.
Damn I wish trannys like you lived near me.
Since guys still turn you on, what kind of traits are the most attractive for you in men?
Muscles? Facial hair? Weight?
Passing really isn't as important as you think. Stop being a faggot and grow a pair.
Well that's an insult to real lesbians
>New to Jow Forums
Why does every faggot announce this like a retarded sack of shit? All self declared newfags just leave.
Big cocks, nice face, nice hair and good fashion sense. Honestly, I don't care. I don't date anymore, I just suck dick and fuck. Falling in love is for faggots.
>Yes, I'm into men.
Of course
OP I didn't ask you earlier but how do you feel about me riding along on your thread a bit and answering qs for shits and giggles? Since I'm curious how our opinions differer. I'm gonna put on this name and be "anon2" so people can distinguish us
Ive actually noticed a lot more ftm's on grindr these days. It used to be rare
Ye totally cool mate. Didn't expect to meet any other trannies around here
Aw damn.
now I really wish you were in my city.
I probably wouldn't be able to control myself once I got ahold of you.
Nigga chill your neck beard. I don't suck everybodys cock.
>I also take it in the ass like a champ
In that case you are based indeed
I actually had an idea for a character I'd like to play in a Dungeons & Dragons game, who is a trans man. Basically he grew up in some shitty conservative village where elders and their traditional values are revered. Because of this he doesn't realize why he feels like such shit about his body and everything else, and his main way of coping would be to try and act like a hyper-masculine, stoic tough guy and hide his pain. Whenever he finds a sword bigger than the one he's already using, he would always take it.
His name is Tastern Fermann, a bastardization of "Testosterone" and "Femme man"
Is that a totally cringe idea that I should scrap and never mention to anyone again?
Would it matter if i have a 6 inch peepee but have a muscular bod and im 5'7?
Im sorry
What's your opinion on TERFs? Has anyone ever accused you of having "AAP" if that's even a thing? I'm not saying AGP is a thing but it's at least a thing in people's imagination.
Nah mate. I'm 5' 6" so you're the perfect height for a blowjob. 6" cocks make me choke but it's kinda hot so..
Uh huh, sure thing, slut.
Oh, and here's a song I think fits the theme of what I'm trying to convey
I have literally know idea what all those letters mean. I know TERFS are annoying as hell tho. We don't have any here tho, conservative town, so everybody sits in the closet together
AGP = Autogynephilia
which basically means "trans women are actually just creepy dudes with a fetish for themselves as women, especially if they're lesbian"
AAP would be "Autoandrophilia" which would be the same belief applying to FtMs
Thanks friend. I think you shouldn't be so surprised that there are other trans men here. Bit of a misc. weirdo board here after all.
1. Hungrier and hornier basically. There's not much to cope with, it was a quick adjustment.
2. Cliche but I knew what I wanted at puberty. My body physically "felt wrong", hated my hips, my chest, how soft my skin was, etc. Fundamentally a physical thing for me.
3. I was surprised how different the expected behaviour for men and women is. People always said I was very masculine for a woman but as soon as I passed my behaviours were so feminine it weirded people out. I would say something too emotively, or be too attentive to the person I'm talking to and not try to push my own opinions, or act self deprecating and people would act like I was a two-headed monkey. Men and women live in totally different worlds and it's something I didn't appreciate as much when it was just background radiation of my life.
TERFs are loud on social media but don't matter in the real world and the backlash against them is excessive. AAP isn't a term people wield as a threat like AGP but there is some stereotype of the "smol trans boi" who likes fanfiction and wants to be like a yaoi anime that seems to be the equivalent. I think on average adult trans men are less at risk of being like that and more at risk of overcompensating and trying to act like straight chads even when they're short and nerdy.
I will ask again. Who gave you the authority to determine whether you were based or not?
People on d*scord, Reddit, and irl. Been told I'm based here as well.
>"smol trans boi" who likes fanfiction and wants to be like a yaoi anime
>trying to act like straight chads even when they're short and nerdy
Both of these sound cute ngl
I've heard of that first stereotype. That type of trans boy seems to be complained about primarily by other trans people from what I've seen. I think it's pretty stupid to imply someone can't have "real dysphoria" just because they don't present the same way you do.
I guess that shows TERFs might have a few valid criticisms when it comes to perpetuating gender roles
I'm an endocrinologist. You'll never be a guy. You're making a mistake. You'll just end up as a Frankenstein's monster. There is currently nothing you can do on the genetic level to make yourself another sex. Gender politics are nonsense. No matter how masculine you appear after your therapy. You will always feel like a woman trapped in a eunuchs body. You will have little to no masculinity. Your body will not perform like a man's body does.
What should i do to also become based?
Be more self aware than the people flaming me currently
Top kek
I don't care.
The majority of trannies that i met were ftm. I recently saw a video on demographics that states that ftm transitions are starting to become more common than mtf. I find it curious. Anecdotally, i have met more ftm than mtf people.
Why not just be a masculine girl, like a tomboy or something?
Dunno, really. Something about presenting as male was very attractive to me, so I began transitioning and suddenly felt better about myself.
Is the testosterone thats making you this horny creature my man?
Nope. I just have an insatiable addiction to cock.
Do you like mtf? Do you like using a strapon? Asking for fren
How do u hit on trans guys as a dude? Most only seem to care for girlz
Nope. Mtf's gross me out.
I'm almost entirely gay. I do hit on just about every gender though.
Is it common to get approached by guys or do you have to initiate?
Yep. I get approached more often than I approach them.
>every gender
god I fucking hate every aspect about you kys
>man that people trust and come to for help and friendship
what the fuck are you on about your very emotions are still enthralled in femininity you are nowhere near a man you are a Darwinian disaster reproduction wise.
I respect your opinion to control your body but I hate how you ended up faggot
Tfw being a genuinely decent person is considered too femme
How was your day?
Totally- uneventful. Chat me up on D*scord @Indie #1322