So this is the guy who calls me shitskin on the internet?
So this is the guy who calls me shitskin on the internet?
watch out, op, he's gunna do it again!
>beady black eyes
Are these the white Americans I keep hearing about?
based, fuck wh*te people
>who calls me shitskin on the internet?
I'm a shitskin and call others shitskins to
He is, and so am I, prieto.
At least he doesn't have shitskin
guy belongs in the 1950s like the people in the background
you white supremacists are losers in real life, so you release all your frustation on the internet
So this is the guy who calls me nazi on the internet?
>he actually thinks the "kekistani" memers post here (whatever the fuck that is)
Are you fat shaming him?
this is the guy that posts on the_donald and praises based black men as they rape his wife
post a picture of yourself or you're a bitch
>thinks he's epicly trolling "magapedes" hardcore
lol u lost?
He has lard skin which means he'll probably die before age 40 (like you)
black person larping as a white nationalist
Small dick white supremacists are cringe.I would knock one out if he ever tried that racist shit in front of me.
No, that's the guy who talks about how "actually, blacks were doing better than whites before democrat policies destroyed the black family".
Isn't white supremacy the logical conclusion of observing this chart?
>Whites aren't supreme
>But white countries are the nicest places to live
How does this compute?
based outspoken burrito eating brother
Is that the Prince of "Whales" that Trump-ster fire visited?
Wow, youre so cool. Im totally intimidated.
Every goddamn time
America is quite low on that list because of its extensive non-white population.
Fucking lol
Good one m8
I am of dark complexion but I hate niggers and other shitskins, I have more in common with whites than those subhumans.
>the leftist meme economy relies solely on editing popular right wing memes
don't make me say it