Advice for suicidal anons

This year has been really hard and I don't see a way out of it, I always thought that no matter how hard it gets I'll get through it eventually. But I dunno if it's worth it anymore, I haven't got anyone anymore and I don't want to meet anyone new. I know there's robots out there who have felt the same and got out of it, or some who feel the same as me right now. There has to be a way out, it's just a mindset, I just can't bring myself there.

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Did all the suicidal anons kill themselves already?

Suicidal user reporting in. I don't see anyone out and am killing myself next year unless I break and do it early. The only thing that makes me feel at ease and relaxed is knowing that it's finally going to be over.

What led you to this point? Let's talk user.

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I feel like just saying fuck it and take jew pills. I'm so tired of living feel like garbage every day

Just like existing, telling the story is exhausting and I have no motivation to do so.

Being afraid of pursuing treatment is a symptom of your mental illness.

suicidal shut-in user here
i'm keeping myself alive to work on my weeb comic
once it's finished i will kms and isekai into it

I'm killing myself in 2 years if I don't reconnect with my oneitis and apologize for all the stupid shit I did while we were together. Until then, I'll avoid making any new relationships and continue to go to college to make my sick mom happy. She'll probably be dead by then anyways, so I don't have to worry too much about disappointing her.

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take the stoicpill my brother

That's okay, I feel the same.

I can be stoic around others for sure, but it doesn't help actually dealing with anything. I still feel hopeless and sometimes just breakdown when I'm alone.

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Im planning on killing someone and then kms i dont know who just now but i know i will do it everything seems so pointless and empty all the people just walk a waywithout looking their sides why do we live why do we eat why do we meet people and have children why the fuck what is the fucking porpouse of all this shit work 70 years and die to meet the void of nothing to be spread in the fucking ground like a piece of shit WTF btw by all this time we had to hear and treat with stupid people to end like this fuck this shit

to the agents assigned to monitor this site,
none of us know this faggot thank you, have a nice day

Who the fuck are you motherfucker back to plebbit dumbass faggot

I dont plan on killing myself until I am old because life is short and ends eventually anyway. I will keep going for a while and just watch the world go on.

18 is the minimum age required to post on this site

>I haven't got anyone anymore
You've got us, and we're not going anywhere. Best of luck user, I know you're gonna get through this.

user please kill me. If you're West Coast US pls drop info so we can double suicide. I don't have the guts to kill myself alone. Please help me. I promise I'll drive to you.

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Im 100% sure im older than you bitch user btw you can suck my cock ill let you

And ill sage this shitty thread full of rainbowpilled kids you ruined this shitty site even more

lol shut the fuck up zoomie

I cant give more info about all this shit and im not k a random fag take your choice and do it by yourself

It was worth asking ):

Bap#5688 if you ever change your mind. Feel free to add if you just want to bully me

Unironically get 8 hours a sleep a night, meditate 20mins every morning, lift 3x week and experiment with psychedelics
Give that a year and see if your life changes
If not, kill yourself

Thanks user. I can't take psychedelics because I have schizophrenia but I will try the other things.

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bumping this thread. It's interesting and we only have garbage threads today

40 yo boomer here. Life never gets better. Regret not offing myself at 30. At least then I would have died with a little bit of hope

nice pic related
I fucked things u so bad with my oneitis I know it's all over permanently. And i didnt have anyone or anything other than her in mylife. No interests, no passion, no drive, no motivation, no friends, no carreer. So I'll do it before my next birthday, I dont want to see how no one says hi on that day

reading this thread with anons who planned on killing themselves by a certain age and then never doing it is kinda scary. Am i gonna pussy out too? I hope not

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