No screeching about Islam, bros. Take that to Jow Forums. Just post cute girls.
Cute Hijabi/Niqabi Girls Thread
I can post a lot. Have a full folder.
Sand niggers get out. Fuck off.
tfw date a persian, but shes jewish. you know a woman is hot as fuck when they look good with only their eyes showing.
Have sex.
Look at those curves user, damn
Islam is a meme religion, with a meme prophet.
>Allah is the best of deceivers
>Allah tricks people to believe Jesus died on the cross
>Promises Jesus' followers that they will be upper most until the day of resurection
>Allah starts a false religion, but at the same time promises that religion it will be upper most
>Allah.exe crashed
Absolutely this
>muh heretic
All abrahamic religions were born from Jews of the desert, all of them are worthless and filled with pedos.
>muh 1488
No one is taking away the future dumbass, its just that white men like you are pathetic. Ever notice how 99.9% of chads are white? Yeah women go for them not cleetus the Jow Forums racebaiter with fetal alcohol syndrome who screeches about the war on christmas, shakira law in Wal-Mart, and the war on white people (despite the growing population).
Instead of seethe cope or dilate, may i ask that you pull the dip out of your rotting teeth and go to beddie bye? Its late for kiddies to be awake
>i like my women dress like whore
>deus vult
>I like my children below 10
>allahu ackbar
The Jow Forums is white and likes therefore mostly white girls so you're actually being racist yourself. You could stop making racist generals you know.
Both of you fags go back to Jow Forums.
Also implying that white girls can't wear hijabs.
Go back to your shithead country, shitskin
>tfw you're getting a PhD in Islamic studies because of what started as a hijabi fetish
Did I fuck myself for life, bots?
Yes please keep them coming.
I'm in so much debt and still no qt desi hijabi gf uwu
You should have probably just get a normal gf and make her wear as kink desu.
Do Catholic mantillas count user?
That'll probably be awhile off lol, right now I'm so busy with the program that I only associate with people in my department to any great extent, and all the women in the program are Muslims wanting to marry a Muslim guy, so I don't have a shot.
But yeah desu even just a middle eastern or Indian gf would do, hijab or no
>tfw no cute hijabi gf
did you get the medallion?
Asian women tend to be muslims too.
And they are usually really cute.
optic bIast
kyokugenryu ougi
zatto konna mon ya
Take this thread to /s/ you dumbass.
Don't be so rude.
I just wanted to look at pretty girls with the boys here.
cute as fuck
muslims are bad and whenever I see a hijab in public I want to yell. Islam is an evil religion
It is, but we're not talking about the religion here just the women.
It is a shame that Muslim women are nightmare difficulty to approach and completely unattainable
Read the original post.
Fucking hell this is a new low Muslims are 99.9% ugly and inbred
ITT: half is virgins idealizing another group of women that will never touch them and the other half is pol level demonization.
Not true: I knew this muslim chick who was beautiful. If I wasn't already married I would have converted for her. (the last line was a joke.)
True: I think their culture dictates that you state your intentions to her father first and he or a male relative chaperones your dates until the marriage day. Or maybe that's just old school Christianity before feminism turned all our women into whores.
Yeah but they all smell and have low IQ so no thanks
Again my antidotal, near perfect muslim chick was almost at the top of the general chemistry course we were sharing and didn't smell bad at all.
But I can concede that most fresh from the desert types are gross.
Fuck off you filthy shit skins.
can t you just say fuck jesus, mohammed pbuh is my best friend now?
This. Christianity is a dead religion in the west. It fails to produce women (and men) that are worthy of marriage. So many ""Christian"" women are born again virgins aka repentant whores. They think Jesus will give them a good husband even though they spent the better part of a decade sucking Chad's dick. Muslim women are at least decent enough to fail shame if they ever whored. And most respect their fathers enough to have never whored at all. Take the Sharia pill my friend. Massallah.
honestly muslims are some of the coolest people i ve been around. they were like the one group that never bullied me and actually stood up for me a lot in high school. they tend to be good people in general desu. most christians i ve met were assholes who just did bad shit and said sorry to god.
On the day of judgement many will say "Lord, Lord," and the Lord will reply "depart for I never knew you." The majority of Christians abuse the forgiveness of the blood of Christ and will be cast out into hellfire on the day the Lord returns. They are worse than blasphemers for they damage the church with their heresy from within. At least the atheist blasphemers are honest enough to be outside the church.
Can we get back on track?
Based and forward-thinking
>Christianity being hateful is a Jewish conspiracy
>A Christian was also hateful enough to make this meme
Wow it's really the Jews' fault, sure faggot.
I'll take the most evil religion on the planet if it means that I get a virgin wife. Too bad Islam is polygamous meaning Sheik Achmed gets 4 wives and a low level bastard like me gets no wife at all.
That's stupid. You're stupid, user.
Which part was stupid? The "embracing evil for wife" or the "polygamy" part?
He is right though. Young men from poor families have problems getting married as they cannot pay to parents of the bride.
Any muslimfemanons want a cute white bf?
>I'll take the most evil religion on the planet if it means that I get a virgin wife.
That's stupid.
I'm so fucking horny for two kinds of girls. Pixie girl art hoes and cute middle eastern women. UUHHHHHHHH
Post pictures, brother.
If a religion produces women that retain their virginity until their wedding night, then it can't all be bad.
K.O. Knocked Out
By looking at the op picture, I imagined her favorite song being "War Pigs" by Black Sabbath. Hell I even like to see Black Sabbath as her favorite band as well.