What is the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath?

What is the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath?

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psychopaths are born that way sociopaths are made way

But what are the personality traits that define a psychopath and a sociopath?

I can give you my definition but its not very scientific.

Psychopath: Lacks the ability to feel empathy with people. It means they can fucked up things to people guilt free.

Sociopath: Born with the ability to feel empathy. They do fucked up things, but they will have some form of guilt over it.

>What is the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath?

I'm both.

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You left out autistic psychopathy there bucko. One of the rarest forms of ASPD, and also the best.

Lets say a psychopath and a sociopath both did something bad. A sociopath would genuinely not know what is wrong with his behavior. A psychopath would not care

What is autistic psychopathy?
So a sociopath is basically a self aware psychopath

Are you asking because you think you might be a sociopath OP?

Psychopaths are usually more impulsove and violent in a way that cant be trained only created. They're the ones who like blood and torturing animals.

I was diagnosed with ASPD this year. Basically sociopaths are able to make social connections and often grow a little through life. They usually exhibit criminal behavior when they are young and become more normal with time. This is because sociopaths are produced by certain environments and when they escape that environment as adults, they adjust socially. Psychopaths never change their behavior.

They are effectively the same thing, it's mainly colloquial usage that varies.

Also, neither term is used in psychology anymore.

one is biolgical/something your born with. the second is something that develops through trauma.

Psychopath is less impulsive, aware of how they are perceived by others.
Sociopaths are more likely to be discovered/ caught committing crime because they do not recognize they're abnormal/impulsive.

You guys know any tests for aspd/psychopathy? Kinda sounds like me lol

sociopath = explosive crazy low empathy, might hit ppl
psychopath = internalised crazy low empathy, less likely to resort to violence

im an expert

They're the same thing. You cannot argue with a pigeon in a graduate's cap.

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Psycopaths have a dysfunction in their brains. They were literally born this way. Sociopaths have a somewhat normal brain

think of it this way:
they both hate people/society and neither of them is capable of feeling higher emotions.
difference is, while sociopaths are fueled by rage, psychopats cant really feel anything.
also, as mentioned before, sociopaths are made while psychos are born(reduced broin activity in amygdula or something)

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Psychopaths dont exist and sociopaths do. Anyone else who doesnt know this is a fucking retard who views reality through Hollywood movies

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