Is incel just a glorified trem for an autistic person with a porn addiction?

Is incel just a glorified trem for an autistic person with a porn addiction?

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You mean demonized?

that's not what glorified means in this context, user. It just means "fancy term."

there's my contribution to yer dumb thread I guess. Enjoy

All incels are autists with porn addictions, but not all autists with porn addictions are autists

Many porn addicted autists are peaceful and don't bother anyone. They aren't hateful or angry about not having a GF because they know getting a GF would require talking to humans and that's disgusting

>but not all autists with porn addictions are autists
correction, ,not all autists with porn addictions are incels

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Invulontary celibate sounds nicer than authistic porn addict

I get what you mean but point is that they just lack the social skills to get laid and are completely obsessed with women because they watch porn all day and get a total false image about dating and sex.

At least you have a very high risk of becaoming an incel if you are a autistic porn addict

Autism is a real disability. Why cant people understand this?

Every girlfriend haver i know watches porn tons. Dont believe for a second porn is whats keeping you from having a gf. Its your looks

90% of people that are labelled incels don't self-identify as incels.

It's just a slur; a way to bully weak people.

It means involuntarily celibate. Every person who wants to have sex but isn't getting any is an incel by definition.

Very blue pilled. My brother is friends with an autist 8/10 guy who hacked his school network when he was young. Also had a massive addiction to femdom and findom porn. The guy had no problem getting hot girlfriends, only losing them once he demanded they let him lick their feet or whatever. Idk creeped them out. Every time we go to a night club the guy gets approached by at least one girl asking him to come home to her house. The dude almost got a restraining order for his perversions too lol. Incel is not about mental state, that is a symptom of being untouched for years, not the root cause. This guy was living proof of that, although he was very intelligent, maybe normies couldn't tell. But it's not autism anyway, social awkwardness and lack of confidence perhaps. But most incels haven't spoke to a women in years, so 0 chances, 0 scores. Looks is important however, you are a fool to deny it ok. Unless someone wants to tell me why this 8/10 autists is one of the biggest chads I know?

Well of course we are only here on this board hating women because we realize that women are more shallow than men are thanks to their biology. Yet, society keeps pushing the narrative that a mans confidence, outgoing personality and income is key to getting a wife.

I finally realized that my actual face is why I was called a nerd my whole life and why people always treated me in the most neutral ways but at the same time kept a limited friendship with me. I was always an easy target too for bullies. Now that I realize ugly people have little to no value unless they start a big business, invent something or create innovative art, it is pretty much a life of loneliness for me.

If the female has autism, not a problem, if the female has a porn addiction... Not a problem. Incel is caused due to eugenics which is promoted in schools and for population reduction. No fault divorce in particular is a law which has created a mass number of incels... You have to be intelligent to figure out why that is. No I'm not telling. But since no females have this problem you can't blame the individual suffering it. His main fault was being born male. If he were an autistic female with porn addiction he'd do alright.

Not only alright; she can easily make a Twitch channel playing the horny gamer gf xd card and make tons of money from orbiters.

Truly autistic retards don't orbit pussy so much as normies do

I believe even being average looking can be beneficial, chads have to hang out with other chads because the average looking men don't want to hang out with them for fear of them stealing all the women. But average is probably best for male friendships, good looking is best for females. And nobody wants to hang out with ugly people. Most incels are ugly. Apart from ER, but he wasn't real that was an act. How do you deal with people telling you to be more confident. I know women who reject men for not having blue eyes, or blonde hair etc. Girls who only want to date black men. So if blue eyes can play an impact, and race, (which by the way are both features that impact your outer appearance) then I wonder how about general looks?

And of course being able to form male friendships easier can help out with meeting more girls, so increasing your chances. Worse looking with meeting more girls is like a dart novice playing a professional with double the darts. He still may get a higher score ok.

Wonderful breasts there. A prime example of DFC.

But yes average looking can be good for fitting in.

Why she hate me?

Case in point Ciara Horan.

How do you respond to retards that tell you only men judge people based on looks and that women like '''''confidence'''''