Why do you guys hate women so much? Is it based on real life bad experiences with women i.e. rejection...

Why do you guys hate women so much? Is it based on real life bad experiences with women i.e. rejection, being cheated on, being used/manipulated, bad relationship with your mother, etc, or is it based on the things you read on incel forums without ever actually interacting with a woman yourself? Or are you just naturally inclined to hate women because you're a psychopath/narcissist?

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You're using the term psychopath wrong, that describes charismatic people

I do not hate women. Thanks for listening.

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>Jow Forums is one person

I don't hate women.

A better question to ask would be why do women hate men who are less than chad

I treat women the same way I do men.

Who is this guy I keep hearing about?

I know stacy comes from Wayne's world but I have no clue who the fuck chad is. It's obviously a character reference. Someone fill me in on this shit.

Who doesn't hate women. They are all manipulating egoistical cunts . They are also boring,uninteresting,annoying and retarded. Giving women rights was the biggest mistake ever done by humanity

I don't hate women, most are actually quite pleasant.

The issue is you can't trust them. They resort to mind games and other shit because they don't have strength. And the second they do decide to hit a man you are still in the wrong if you hit back.

Not just that but one women claims something your whole life can end, regardless if it happened or not.

>but brock turner and other cases
thats cause they are rich.

I thought maybe it was Sixteen candles, but that's Jake, and plus that guy didn't seem like a tard.


There must be some other film though with "Chad" in it.

God damn it this reference shit is so fucking autistic.

I don't hate women, I have multiple friends that are women and interact with women on a daily basis. I'm just generally distrusting of them because in my past experiences women have take advantage of my kindness to use/manipulate me.

first day on 4ch?

I don't only hate women, but I mostly post about this here.
I also hate men and larp on cc.
Hate minorities and larp on pol
Hate whites and post on twitter.
I just hate everyone, fuck you

That's how they are by nature

Chad, Chad, Chad... Where do I begin sweet summer child...

Long ago there was talk of a man who came by these parts unlike any man who walked these roads before him. A surly man, strong jaw, long golden locks. God's he was handsome then. He walked with a kind of swagger and you couldn't help but feel in awe of his immense bulge. Women couldn't help but fall madly in love with him, abandoning their feeble partners as they would profess their firey passion for the man named Chad. The other men became furious, swearing they would kill him or drive him out, but this was just a fantasy. Deep down, everyone knew that without a man like Chad at the top, the whole damn place would each other alive trying to fill his shoes.

Sorry im kinda fucked rn,

TL:DR Women have inherent social advantages that they use but blatantly deny possessing

fuck karen for taking the kids

ive had lots of female friends, one even sent me nudes without me asking i swear to god im just a sperg that fucked it up anyway.

nowadays ive resolved to "B myself lol", if a girl comes around and is interested in me ill give it a shot. But actually going out into the world or tinder and competing with everyone else for puss is stupid
the juice aint worth the squeeze unless you really find "one you can really have for a companion not just for sex and even then you need to do the whole song and dance constantly to keep em around

Well, I think it is safe to say that my misogyny is attributed to my upbringing. I had a loving and caring but controlling mother. She was always possessive and overprotective of me. But it is not only that, I may have some repressed homosexual urges despite not being attracted to men. I was interested in a male friend of mine when I was 14. But that was the only time I ever liked men that way. I have also had sexual interest in women.

I think it also has to do with my experiences with women and how I have observed them overtime. Most women are very superficial and basic. They do not seem to be more creative than men and I truly think that they are intellectually inferior to men. I am not suggesting that they are completely stupid, I just think they are not capable of being as brilliant as men. Tesla, Einstein and Neumann were all men. Feminists will try and downplay their achievements by suggesting they only made their discoveries and ideas through white male privilege. Everything a man has done to further society is now dumbed down with this idea that these men either stole their ideas from women or held women back from doing the same.

I also think women are very cocky and arrogant. They often have no sense of shame and are capable of being extreme.

Women are also a dangerous force in politics. Because they are so socially oriented, they seem to have this ability to align people with their ideas but at the same time, they are so manipulated and driven by the authoritarian left. They are also very authoritarian. They are shallow and only value what men can do for them sexually. Although, they have lots of empathy towards animals and children.

>Is it based on real life bad experiences with women i.e. rejection, being cheated on, being used/manipulated, bad relationship with your mother, etc,

>why do you hate women so much
but, user, I don't. I think they're neat. I made a picture to help you understand. I hope it helps

Attached: they're neat.jpg (976x741, 165K)

For starters, mother race-mixed with a mutt when she was pure German, which is a fucking disgrace. At the age of 6, she dropped me and my sister off at my Dad's after we lived in homeless shelters for a year. Didn't see her till the age of 8, and after me and my sister were used as pawns in a proxy war between my parents. As I got older, I found out she had stolen 10 grand of savings that was supposed to go towards me and my sisters college fund.

She tried to come back into my life again and she gave me 10k after I had joined the military, but that ended up being wasted on a a woman I was engaged to that ended up cheating on me when I went on deployment. That whole debacle was a completely different kettle of fish, and just thinking about that time in my life makes me murderously angry. I spent thousands and thousand of dollars when I was barely above the poverty line on paying for an apartment and a car so that woman could slut around.

Bitches and fucking whores, all of them deserve the fucking rope.

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I don't really hate women, but I get bitter at them cause I can't get a gf

What pisses me off is when people say them men and woman are equal. They aren't equal. They're different. Different means "not equal."

I've got $3.50 that says it was Helene who just shocked the fuck out of my asshole with electroshock anal implant. I don't hate women in general, but the ones who are like Helene, I surely do.

I also get quite miffed when a woman is appointed to a position of authority over men: female cops, female managers, female Congressmen. That is just wrong on every level and it is completely degenerate. If a woman works, it should NEVER be in any position vested with anything even modestly resembling authority over men.

Yes, all of these peeves of mine come from my own negative experiences with women. What makes you think those negative experiences aren't totally representative of the general case of all women lumped into one big stereotype? I think they are. I think the reason literally 99% of my experiences all tell the same story is because that story is the truth.

I have a great fondness for women, and it pisses me off to see them out of their element. A woman should never have any authority over a man. That is completely degenerate.

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>completely degenerate

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I don't hate women, I just don't feel like they're worth persuing. The dating pool around me is small and everyone is white trash including myself. I'd rather be alone than be shitty to someone who doesn't deserve it. Too many things wrong with me to even consider some form of relationship with a carbon based lifeform.

I don't hate women

However every conversation i've had with women has either been awful due to my supreme autism or they were just using me for something in the end.

I'm not mean to women and don't act like a total sperg, but it just never seems to be a good experience.

a little bit of both
used to hate women with a passion because of r9k's PSYOPS. then i lost my v card and in the span of a year had sex with 3 other women and they were either actively cheating on their bf with me or had done it previously on their exes. that just made me realise that r9k is right and all women are indeed whores

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Basically, the woman hater is the opposite of the man hating feminist. They are normally miserable people. A man will want a beautiful woman, but in reality he can only get someone who he deems "ugly" compared to the porn he spends hours daily watching and so becomes resentful and blames all woman for the fact that he can't date whoever he wants, despite him himself often having more standards than a normie himself and being a colossal hypocrite and delusional douchebag.

Some are just weak minded and jumped on the meme bandwagon but would have otherwise stayed a decent person, that's especially the case with the teenage "robot", who despite being the statistical majority (most teenagers are virgins) feels like he is a snowflake and he literally constructs a new reality for himself using r9k, r/incel and porn/hentai/anime.

>first day on 4ch?
That was Dec 2003, then I decided it's gay. Today I just don't find the gayness as offensive. I don't mean homosexuality, I mean people having minds that I can't distinguish from buttholes. Real honest faggotry.

I just don't understand this newfag shit. I mean "faggot" and "nohomo" and similar counts as newfag shit to me. 2004 was the beginning of the end, not the beginning.

I don't hate you guys.

That doesn't really explain the reference in any clear way.

Is there even an actual reference. Thought it was just a part of the virgin v chad meme

Dont take it personally. I'm not sexist, I hate everyone equally. Including myself.

I don't hate on them. I'm just too autistic for them to even look at me. Can't generalist on women as a whole since I despise everyone equally. Anyone can be manipulative. I have never experienced women at their worst behaviour so I can't answer, I have never talked to a women since maybe 4 months IRL except my mother.

The former, i will never understand women

>Why do you guys hate women so much?
h8 is such a strong word bby, you need to chill

I hate them because they ruin everything.

I like how you completely remove any possibility for a man to dislike women purely on their merits alone. What a bunch of fucking garbage.

There isn't one, I think, it's from the meme.
Further, it was taken out of context. The virgin wall came first, mocking the posters here, so someone else made Chad doing the exact opposite of what the virgin does to show people how silly it would look and how the mockery was baseless. Then newfags came and treated it seriously, not knowing the context behind it.

I hate all normies and most women happen to be normies. Even when they're not they're into cringe shit like kpop and tumblr shit instead of anime and vidya

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I think most of the women in porn are quite ugly, usually... They have specific sorts of attributes a lot of the time and their personalities are well... there are always generalizations within which you can create sub-divisions, categorizations and so on, but the narrower you try to make things just like the more generalized, the less these abstract notions of personalities actually match up with any individual person.

I think generally speaking though women who do porn are a certain type of woman who is actually very rare. Not just 1/50, maybe 1/100, but more like 1/1000. The successful ones are a breed apart, 1/1000000... but not in a good way!

Anyway generalizations aside, the rare sensible woman who actually enjoys producing porn is someone I might like... and it's not as far fetched a notion as some might assume. There is this myth that women don't enjoy visual stimulation, but in reality women DO watch porn, they just enjoy other experiences MORE then males might be capable of.

Like the fact that the greatest chefs/cooks are people who derive far more pleasure from food flavors than ordinary typical people do.

Digressions aside... my point is that I don't think the majority of women in porn actually enjoy it, and I don't find I enjoy them. So abstractly I find those women unattractive (as a holistic measure, not just in terms of psychical appearance.)

I find women who are maybe 4/10 psychically to be most attractive... although I've been told "no way, she's a 7/10"... so all relative subjective nonsense innit?

In any case I disagree with the assertion "women in porn more attractive than attainable"... that might be true for a lot of guys, but those guys are whack, yo.

I must have hit my head recently that's the fifth time I've typo'd then/than. Super fucking annoying.

>horrible, abusive mother
>first and only gf cheats on me w/ best friend
>women generally treat me like shit although there are a few good ones

gee I wonder why I don't like women.

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>I find women who are maybe 4/10 psychically to be most attractive...
Based upon the women I've had sexual relationships with. The average of those women would be 5/10... of which I suppose I'd say there were two or so? One or two 3/10, one or two 7/10, no 1/10 or 9/10 (0/10 and 10/10 being invalid to me due to extreme rarity... these are nightmare vs. fantasy, neither I'd ever run into in real life.)

>women generally treat me like shit although there are a few good ones
That sort of contradicts itself though. Are you saying "a majority >50% of women disrespect me" or what?

In my experience I've only been with some tiny fraction of women beyond just strangers I hardly know. The strangers mostly treat me with plenty of respect... there has only been one woman who really treated me like complete shit, while many others treated me well enough that I wouldn't question it.

I know I'm not always mindful and aware of everything... I make mistakes, so I'm willing to look past the honest mistakes my partners may have made. The frustrating thing about being emotionally disconnected like that (leading to failure of the relationship) is how frustrating it is, because you simply DO NOT KNOW what the other person is feeling/thinking or who's actually making the mistakes.

Still though like I said only one woman has ever treated me like absolute garbage... and I don't even blame her although I probably should hate her guts. I think she was just too dumb to realize how awful of a person she was being.

So evil women = 1% at most in my experience. That's also assuming an awful lot of the women I never had a relationship with are awful. It's entirely possible you were just VERY UNLUCKY.

Always keep in mind: Selection and Confirmation biases.

If you find in relationships WOMEN MOSTLY TREAT YOU LIKE SHIT, you're really bad at picking women. That isn't the fault of "women", that's your fault.

Learn to take some personal responsibility, stop being an authoritarian coward and MAN UP. Do you honestly blame everyone else for your own failures? You're the one who failed to overcome the odds, whether they were against you or not. That's nobody else's fault but your own.

Overcoming the odds to end up being on top is not something Chad or Brock do... that's what Adam does. Can you still fight or not? Then keep fighting until you can't.

>being used/manipulated

Women only try to play me and I've stopped talking to them all together. They're also mundane shallow creatures who just pretend to have any authentic personality of their own. Say i meet a girl who's friendly towards me and i get to know her better, then i always find out she has a bf even before i even ask. Then they get mad at me for ignoring them. Stupid cunts.

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I hate stupid normies. Most of women just happened to be dumb and useless