Were you team light or team L?
Were you team light or team L?
Team light. He literally made the world a better place.
i liked both and wanted them to become friends, cried like a bitch when L died.
Light has magic
Team fucking your moms ass lole
This, but I wanted to be like L. Too bad Im a lazy fuck but yeah team L.
Yeah this, L's magic was his own brain and that made him more likeable
I always want the edgy bad guy to win. Shame he almost never does
Dropped it after around 10 episodes
I love that light had the courage to commit fully to his morals, flawed as they were. It's too easy to let yourself be paralyzed by the complexities of reality. He met his end as a villain, but, like all good villains, he was just trying to help.
The first arc is interesting because both are sort of in the right.
Everything after L is straight dogshit because Light becomes a fucking mustache twirling Disney villain maniac removing all the moral nuance from the show.
>mustache twirling villain
he was never that. All moral theories fall apart at the extremes, and the power he was given was bound to find those extremes.
He celebrated murdering his dad and he literally ends his life on a psychotic evil laugh
He had to because of the kiera taskforce, besides you can kinda "change" the ending if you decide to stop watching after ep25. The 2nd arc was kinda boring but i loved seeing the great lord kiera unleash his wrath amongst the guilty.
He never celebrated his dad dying wtf.
Lawliet! Very adamantly so.
L, I find it funny how the only guy with mostly white ancestry is a pale guy with gigantic eyes.
L and when he died i rooted for Near. Fuck that edgelord with a god complex
Team L. I agreed with Light as an edgy tween and agree with L now.
team light. as this user said in the manga the world was actually becoming more peaceful and crime rates were at an all time low globally because people were too scared of mysteriously having a heart attack in prison. Ls philosophy is way too childish and rigid hurrr da law says it bad so it bad we kill Kira. basically inspector javert from les miserables but more insufferable
i was team light but both were cool as fuck, i also cried like a giant pussy when L died
Team L, fuck stupid ass utilitarians who think the ends justify the means
Youre retarded
Agree. I like both and wanted them to be friends.
Light because I'm not a fujo or basedboy.
>the ends justify the means
They literally do, kid. Even L thought so.
>rooted for Near
What a tool you are. Could have at least said Mello.
>i rooted for Near
Wow be careful with that edge kid
Team L because no being with their subjective morals should ever hold that
Someone light Light is good until he is bad. Sure, he gets rid of all of the people that most of us can agree deserve to die, but what if Light became a communist, and started exterminating landlords and business owners? What about the various crimes that we don't all agree are deserving of death? What's Light's stance on those?
Also he kills innocent people who get in the way of his plans, provingnhe'd rether protect his warped justice than innocent lives. He wanted to be god the whole time, not a hero. The proof is in being willing to give half his life for wings but not shinigami eyes. One guaranteed success the other guaranteed divinity and thats what he really wanted.