Leave Jow Forums if you don't like anime.
You fucking losers
Leave Jow Forums if you don't like anime
Other urls found in this thread:
>unironically liking anime
if you're 20 or older and like anime you need to grow the fuck up
>thinking anime is for fucking kids
The anime fans are what puts me off it. Like, just be more normal so I don't feel like watching anime is a death sentence.
350 titles here
I fucking hate weebs/japan and consider chinese cartoons the worst kind of content
I'm watching Non Non Biyori right now. SO COMFY.
Can't let a weeb site be filled with weebs now, can we?
W-what if I'm 18?
yeeeeaaah we grew out of that a while ago kiddo
Thoughts on Renchon? Is she autistic?
>gf told me to watch hero academia
>watch all available episodes and ovas and the movie
>she hasnt even seen everything
>thinks iida has squid tentacles coming out of his legs
What about if there are a few anime I like, but I'm mostly just indifferent about it and don't watch it?
relax she said she was 16
but today she said she was 14
>doesn't like anime.
pick one
Ooh look at these filthy fucking neurotypicals acting all smug and fucky
>"hurr yeah im gonna go on a board that basically exists because anime (i dont know that though teehee newfag gang) and say anime bad and childish"
Like wowee why would you come to this website of all of them if you want mature adult anything? Go to facebook or twitter, instagram or reddit anything other than here you filthy neurotypicals
>"h-haha you like anime what a child"
Anime isnt for children you filthy shitmongrels maybe if you werent so normative and only hear about fucking yuri on ice and konosuba youd have heard of any animes/mangas that are grisly as fuck
Ever read berserk? Ever watched the egg of the king movies? Ever seen a girl get raped to the point her mind breaks and she regresses to a nonexistant mental state while her lover watches on after having an eye pierced out all before ripping his arm because it was trapped in the mouth of an apostle? Ever seen spirits possess a horse and attempt to rape a girl whos going insane because she uses god and church as an escape from her sadistic bdsm fetish? Doesnt sound childish to me friendo
Lurk moar or off this site you filthy fucking neurotypicals
stop being homosexual pls
Watching anime is the most childish and unresponsible thing you could ever do.
Get off your computer and get a job you pathetic 20 y/o
Mommy and daddy can't pay for your living forever you know.
Anime is just a time waster for children that makes them dumb.
Wait you trannies like anime? Lmao I thought you identified as little girls instead of the buttfucjed faggits you are
i dont watch your shitty childrens cartoon i just read the superior matured mangas
>anime poster
>shit opinion
every time
Why is she fapping in the op?
I fucking love berzerk and elfen lied and the you know the good shit. But tou also have to admit, that the good shit is a fucking minute minority to the brain dead anime that is mainstream.
>work 48 hours a week and live in a miserable flat I pay out of the arse for
>only free time is shitposting on Jow Forums on my dinner break and sifting through /a/ for anime I'm never going to watch
>come home every day with a headache and I can't watch any anime like I used to
>spend days off sleeping all day
NEETs don't know how good they have it
I mean, what else do you expect? A teenagers that think he is different because he watches japanese cartoons.
10 dollars says that he's still a virgin
Dragon Ball is the only anime I give a shit about. Can I stay?
Jow Forums hasn't been an "anime website" (japanese imageboard rip-off completely unrelated to actual anime) since 2005
I haven't seen it, but technically you could never actually travel 50 km in an hour unless in a perfectly straight line at exactly 50 km/h continuously for the entire hour.
Otherwise it's only possible to have traveled approximately 50 km by travelling at an average speed of 50 km/h which is implicit, as this is what "average of 50 km/h" implies (1 h = 50 km).
For example one might state "I traveled at 50 km/h" when you only instantaneously traveled at that speed during your journey, when in fact you actually averaged only 3 km/h. IT would then take you 16 + 2/3 h to travel the distance.
Hmm, well since you said Dragon Ball, and not Dragon Ball Z... I suppose that's acceptable, maybe.
Those are just zoomers and election refugees who spent most of their time on lebbit boards such as r Jow Forums, r donald, million dollar extreme, the various cringe boards and took ED seriously.
>be more normal
Shoo shoo normalfag. Begone from here.
In other words it's really a philosophical question about the nature of our application of abstract communication to objective reality. No abstraction can ever completely encompass any instance with 100% accuracy.
So a definitive statement such as "50 km/h" is in a concrete sense implicitly and axiomatically false due to it being impossible. Only by combining several abstractions can we form a true statement. The implication would normally be that any measurement is an average based upon an object such as a thermometer. The statement "the air is 24 celsius" is inherently false as the only truthful statement one could make based upon the observed facts would be "the number I just read from this thermometer appeared to be approximately 24 celcius."
Of course there is also always the argument that "there is no such thing as a fact." In which case reality is inherently subjective and we should just release all the lunatics from the asylum because they're all correct and not delusional at all.
every anime after 2010 is shit.
BTW I failed to mention the obvious: The reason it is impossible to travel at 50 km/h is partly due to relativity as the measurement of time would depend upon the observer. The one travelling would experience a different amount of time than one awaiting their arrival at the destination.
In addition to that, things do not actually travel at a definite continuous (analog) velocity in the same sense we consider at quantum levels. That's the meaning of "quantum", things occur in discrete (integral) steps rather than being based upon real numbers. So the whole concept is purely abstract with no basis in objective reality itself... yet it is a valid emergent property so long as you keep in mind we're dealing with averages, approximations and so on and never anything definite.
>thinking that porn and gore make a shot mature
Oh fuck. You're right. That sure is very mature. I mean look at all those serious businessmen in those big, corporate buildings. What do you suppose they do? Posses a horse to rape a girl! And look at all of us children they look down to. What do we do? Not those things because we're not mature!
Wash your penis.
>every anime after 2010 is shit.
Stfu tard
>writing an essay over child cartoons
have sex
Okay. Not everyone wants to be a 35 year old virgin looser collecting pictures of little girls. Shoo shoo to jail or something you fuck.
>a 35 year old virgin looser collecting pictures of little girls
Why is this is the first thing to come to your mind when called out for being normalfag scum?