Tfw no 5'11 (181cm) gf

>tfw no 5'11 (181cm) gf
Why even live?

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god i want a 177 cm gf so bad. same size as me, shorty are fucked up and give shit genes.
Don't know why roasties shit on each others for height

Because they know that they can't compete

also, she will be well over 180 cm with shoes and hair

based tall girl poster
also those legs and feet look too small for her size

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Why be so specific though?

>mfw I could ask out a girl this height
>mfw too much of a pussy to do it

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Yeah. Mangaka has problems with perspective. Her feet was shown as really big before
Actually I'm okay with literally everything

> tfw gf only 174cm
> tfw I want 185cm
I'm 188cm and it's impossible to get a gf big enough where I would disappear in her embrace.

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Also, this is definitely ideal.

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i wonder, do i only like tall women because i'm really short (5'3), or would i have come to this end regardless of my height.

It may be worth it if she has no one around
Tall girls are usually alone
Jesus Christ at least you're tall
I'm shorter than your gf
Propably yes since Anons like exist

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>Actually I'm okay with literally everything
Oh yea?
What about Johnny Walker Blue label second harvest?

Being tall is nice because it's easier to get taller girls. But at the same time that means that you'll never have a gf that's big relative to you. So it's like pyrrhic victory.

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I'd take your curse without a second thought. You're not even seen as a human when you're short.

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based and height pilled, imagine getting btfo by every man above 13yo and by 180cm girls

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not him but being tall is my only white-pill in life.

>tfw no tall girl to breathe down your neck while falling asleep, while she hold your hips both handed and whispers sweet nothing.

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I'm not even shy. But when you're 5'7 it doesn't even matters

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Wtf i need a 186.468598cm tall gf RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

If your parents ever ask you what kind of girl you are looking for, send them this pic and see what they say.

Wrong. You just lucked out. You commonly see tall girls with shorter bfs.

You could get a girl of any height, just get back to swiping on tinder.

I want to eat a girl who's significantly taller than me out so badly

5'11 is not 181cm it's closer to 180 cm therefore it's 180cm you brainlet

fuck you op
now you made me want tall girls

Anyone notice how tall grillz will get super defensive when another tall grill comes around?

They'll stand up super straight and shoot them dirty looks. It's like some Highlander shit where the one remaining gets to feel my cock in her cervix.

What I did notice was than when I as a short guy was with my tall ex gf it was the short girls who shot her dirty looks.

Try being 5'5 you turbofag lmfaoo

186 cm?
Would still be shorter than me, i'd just want a girl my height or close to it.

my gf is 5'10 but im 6ft, at least i don't have to fuck up my neck to kiss her
she need to hold something to go to sleep so i always get to be the little spoon though

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What did you mean by this? I'm not sending them hentai screencaps, but I would tell them I prefer taller women if asked.
