>ywn be a girl
>ywn receive male attention
>ywn be desired
Ywn be a girl
you can still get 2 of those if you're not ugly
Unfortunately I am very ugly
Are you a smol qt femboy? we can make this work
No. I'm 6' tall and massive in every statistical way.
If I was a smol qt I would just transition. Cmon user use your head.
unless you're burn victim you're not trying hard enough
You're completely correct. You will never be a girl.
The only males I would attract are twinks/femboys who want me to dom them since I'm all big
May as well die
Don't you have like a e-gf or something?
Why would you want to be a girl? Being a guy is so much better.
I still crave male attention
>want me to dom them since I'm all big
I'd... actually probably like this. You wouldn't?
just become a faggot and find another faggot to have a relationship with, life is not a hentai
I dunno, it's just what my brain wants.
No, I'm submissive
None are attracted to me
Contact this fag
then become attractive to dudes, you're tall but you can still have the tranny features, just ask the trannies for fashion/skin care/diet advice
I can't dedicate myself to someone rn which is what that user wants
I've done it all. It only does so much. I'm just too masculine.
Install Grindr.
>receive male attention
>be desired
I've received more male attention than female attention in my life and I'm butthurt about it.
>implying anyone would be attracted to me
I'm boymoder but have the other two, just do your best user!
just keep trying to find dudes to fuck you then, maybe make friends with gay dudes that will want to fuck you based off of your personality
Lucky you
It's not easy when you're ugly on top of unpassing
I'll try but clearly I'm lacking in the hopes department
I'm a 5/10 at best on my best days, point being, unless you're seriously deformed someone will love you for you not just your looks.
Plenty of people care for me on a personal level, they're just not attracted to me. I'm just a natural 2-2.5/10
doubt it, I think even you know that's not true even through your BDD
People don't say I'm ugly, but no one shows interest in me or finds me attractive at all. I'm just negligible. What is that a 4 instead? It doesn't really matter
You go to Grinder
You will get attention and be desire because gays have literally no standarts.