Which character are you Jow Forums?
I'm the helicopter *whirwhirwhir*
Which character are you Jow Forums?
I'm the helicopter pepe
based bell curve poster
tfw 6'1 and good genetics
feels good man
Fellow heli-pepe brethren.
I'm precisely 5 foot and 8.5 inches, so closer to the 5'9" big boy, but honestly my temperament is much closer to 5'7" pepe.
l like that.
Probably closer to the pink one, I think I'm too noticeably small
Im the smug pepo
Thanks for that gif.
>estan roleplaying sapos y memes como los manchildren que son
Que verguensa, ponganse a trabajar aver si se les quita lo pendejo
i'm thinking apu
Can I admit something? I'm 6'2 and I love it, the girls sometimes tell me "Look at how big your feet are!" and everyone knows they're implying that something else must be big (and it is), the look of envy of manlets in the streets.
I kind of feel bad for guys over here who are trying so hard to get some additional height by any means.
5'11 dwarf or1ginally
i'm 6'1 but i fail to comprehend the insecurity of manlets.
my half jap, half latino 5'4 cousin already has two kids and is always going to parties. meanwhile i'm a friendless, virgin wagie that wants to die every single day.
Sunglass pepe.
Im 6'1+
Get btfo manlets
my height never helped me
then why are you here chad
anyone else lie about their height by claiming to be shorter than you actually are in order to make everyone else shorter in relative terms?
6'2" im the background
im 6'5 an am god of the multiverse, give your 14-22yr/ol daughters to me
Helicopter gang rise up
5'7" chad pepe here.
I don't understan anything but meters and centimeters. And I'm 1,87m.
Go back to Hispachan you filthy spic.
>thought I was 5-10
>get measured
>5-9.5 at the tallest
>Coming onto Jow Forums to boast about one positive attribute
You're clearly overcompensating, my guess is you're a hideous, balding dicklet
i m not even on here.
why is 5'8" never on here? Is it because there is this unspoken thing about how 5'8" is the true gray area between too short and normal height? everyone alwyas talks about guys whoa re 5'7" and shorter and guys who are 5'9" and taller but rarely do I see 5'8". i think it is because we are so unremarkable that no one really thinks of us as manlets but we dont particularly stand out for being too obviously short looking
5 feet 10, does that mean I am retarded?
>6'3" and dabbling on the manlets
Feels good
5'8" is solidly in chadlet territory like 5'7".
5'5 i would kms but i can't reach the gun
I'm 5'3, what mode is that?
I'm the smug 5'11 little shit
>tfw 6ft6
>all it ever did for me was have old people ask of I play basketball
Wassup lil man
Ayyyy ma man
im jsut over 6 feet