Getting your life together

Simple steps to get your life together
*Build Habits of Success*
-Set yourself a new, simple daily task (take out the trash; make your bed; etc. Anything you should do every day and don't). Do this every day at as close to the same day as possible
>After 3-5 weeks this will turn into a habit
-Once this is a new habit, add another daily task, then another.
-Then get into a daily routine of going to bed at the same time every night and waking at the same time every morning allocating at least 7 hours of sleep every day
>This will get your body and mind into a regular cycle that allows you to sleep better and have less anxiety
-Once your sleep pattern is established start adding weekly habits; vacuuming; laundry; shopping; whatever weekly tasks you have, make them habits with regular days and times
>A regular routine is like a sleep schedule - it frees up more mental energy, reduces anxiety, and gives you more organization


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*Build habits of your body*
-Make sure that routine hygiene (showers, brushing teeth, etc) are made strong daily habits
-Add three good meals and one snack as routine habits, as well
-Start eating better; good quality protein and lower carbs is associated with less anxiety, less depression, etc.
>good meals eaten and regular times aid in digestion, etc. and make it easier to eat well
-Add daily exercise. Start with just 20 minutes of walking around every day, that is more than enough to improve mood and health, and then build up over time
-Also add in weekly and monthly habits like trimming your nails, getting a haircut, etc.
The initial goal is to build habits, not perfection. Once habits are made you will instinctively improve in them over time.

*preparing your mind*
-Add 20-30 minutes of reading to your daily habits. Then read good books, classics. Your local library can assist you picking out novels and other classics and often have a list to help you 'ease into' them. Take your time; you are not trying to read as many pages as possible, but to pay attention to the book and its contents.
-Once reading is a habit look into classes for adults. Cooking is a great start (it will help you eat better and save money on buying food - stuff you fix yourself is much less expensive that processed food).
>The goal is to take your skill at building new habits and attitude of success and use them to add more life skills
-Over time as you go through various classes you can see what other skills you could use and add them to the list. But don't make this a crushing pace!

*improving your social skills*
The classes will get you around strangers more, which is always good. Now you grow on that
-Join a book club; your local bookstore or library will have one. The great thing about them is you have something to talk about and a reason to talk to strangers about it. And you can often 'just watch' for a few weeks until you are more comfortable with the group
-If that is not enough or you have exhausted it you can join all sorts of similar groups, like birdwatchers, volunteers at soup kitchens, etc. Just get out among strangers and get used to more spontaneous interaction.
-After 4-5 of these look up your local toastmasters group and attend a few meetings as a visitor. Their goal is to help people with public speaking and the anxiety of talking to strangers. Everyone from people with social anxiety to professional salesmen can benefit from their coaching.

This will have taken some time, but given you obvious positive results.
With your extra time and energy from a solid routine, reduced stress and depression, new skills, new look, and habits of success you can add virtually any skill, now.

>Set yourself a new, simple daily task
>program yourself
>structure everything
>everything is a system
>tomorrow you'll add yet another task upon those other tasks at the established schedule after that then you go to work at your job
>dream 10 min
>drink your power shake
>quick you need to get to your second job while listening to your audio book on STEM research
>you barf your whole stomach at the entrance of your second job
>quick wipe that shit off your face you're about to ruin everything
>feel like shit, don't forget to smile, we're looking for a promotion here, just a few more steps and drink more coffee

>chop chop

It simply is not how it works.

>After 3-5 weeks this will turn into a habit
>Aren't you content to become a creature of habits, like a robot, do it like a robot, it's great

>The initial goal is to build habits

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>*preparing your mind*
>you can manipulate your mind, you can totally control and own your mind you can put a cage over your mind and make it your bitch

Your list of silly is not how it works.
But making routine shit nabitual so you don't think about it is.
Wiping your ass after you shit better be a habit, but it doesn't dehumanize you to do it.
Brushing your teeth should be a habit - you aren't a "robot" because of it.

You *can* develop a long attention span, gain new skills, and change your outlook and attitude.
Or are you a retard?

>Wiping your ass
I do it because I want to stay clean down there you idiot, not because of some stupid habit.

>I don't know what the word "habit" means

>You *can* develop a long attention span, gain new skills, and change your outlook and attitude.
>Or are you a retard?
>you can warp your mind, you can take your mind and whip it, you're now a mind master

>you're a moron

You want your ass to be clean so every time you shit you wipe your ass.
that IS a habit, moron.
You want your house to be clean? Do it routinely. That is called a habit.
At a certain point these repetitive actions are no longer something we have to be reminded of, *freeing up mental energy*.
Or do you sometimes take a shit and 3 hours later realize
'oh, yeah, I forgot to wipe'.
that is the only difference.

>read every day, take a cooking class
>ZOMFG!! Look at this guy who thinks he is a psychic who can control his own mind!

That's not how you initially presented it you adhominem guyister
>The goal is to take your skill at building new habits and attitude of success and use them to add more life skills

>You want your ass to be clean so every time you shit you wipe your ass.
I don't do it out of habit, I don't have a way to do it and then repeat it or a patern to be able to qualify as a habit.
Check the definition brainlet
>a. A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition: made a habit of going to bed early.
If I had no experience at all but I knew what toilet paper is I'd still do it

that is exactly what I said.
Or do you not understand English very well?
Or not understand that when you do something routinely it gets easier?

You are proving me right and you wrong.
I *literally* spoke about 'habits of going to bed' and you post that to *refute* me?
I get it, though.
You are a bitter loser that clings to the idea you are a loser becuse you are too free-willed to be tied down by the shackles of conformity.
In reality you're just a loser so frightened of change the idea of having a routine bedtime terrifies you

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>You are proving me right and you wrong.
Self taught cocky moron, that's you.
Would be intellectuals that have solve their comprehension problems by acting like they know everything.
You're a joke.

...says the guy who doesn't know what the word 'habit' means after he looks it up and think 'learning to cook' is wizardry too advanced for mere mortals.
when did you shower last, robot? was it within 5 days?

OP I have no idea why you are arguing with anons who are giving you every reason in the world they can not improve their own lives. The only reason they are commenting on the thread is to discourage others from doing the same, these are crab ass niggas pay them no mind, they will always be the same thing in life cause they have no desire to improve and a built in list of dozens of excuses preventing them from doing so.

I would rather read your advice than listen to you go back and forth with someone who has resigned themselves to being a genuine loser.

Where do I get a money to do all of this

>...says the guy who doesn't know what the word 'habit'
I gave you the dictionary definition you demented zombie!

You do like this guy.

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I want to keep his negativity in perspective

Most of it is totally free.
Cleaning your own place, going to sleep at a regular time = free
walking around the block, going to the library = free
book clubs are usually free, etc.
If the are no free courses near you there are cooking tutorials on youtube and similar places - the Cooking Channel website is all about that stuff!

And who is this nigga?

...while proving you don't understand what the words actually mean

>it's a "good samaritan advices" thread again
Aww shit, here we go again.

Adam Egret.

No its not. Cleaning tools and electronics cost money. Going sleep in time makes you sacrifice your work tasks.
Cooking - food to experiment and etc.

Jerking off guys for 15$ per man? Shit, that's a HELLA BREAD.

>cleaning tools
If you haven't any, you need them.
A mop/broom/bucket combo can be bought for $6, a set of cleaning towels for $1, and white vinegar is $2
>food to cook
You buy food now; fresh ingredients are usually cheaper. take your time cooking, over weeks
>Sleep on time means no work
You work more than 17 hours a day?