>meet girl in a discord server
>talk for a bit
>start chatting one on one
>start liking her
>she has a dick
Every single time
Meet girl in a discord server
there are no girls on the internet newfriend
only us and thots
embrace the madness
get a dickgirl
Such is life
99% of fembots have a Benis
Dating a trans person is akin to giving up and going gay
You're just seeking an imitation of a female
If you date and marry a trans girl she'll never have a vagina
She'll never give birth
Its worse than being an incel
If they pass then they are a girl and you are a fag for not fucking them
>She'll never give birth
Oh yeah bro, EXACTLY what I want in this hellhole country and dystopia tier economy, a fucking child.
Even if they pass They'll never be able to pass on their genes through childbirth
>not wanting to be an amazing father and improve yourself for such
>Unironically wanting to prolong our species
>Your genes are valuable in anyway
>believeing the muh childfree life
Go back to plebbit
Like it would be a good thing for the human species if Jow Forums faggots passed on their genes...
>i want a kid so i can feel better about myself
Life is shit, why would I put someone through the same struggles I'm going through?
>Dating a trans person is akin to giving up and going gay
What part of "there's no women on the internet" don't you understand?
Whats wrong with a cute exta long clit user?
Trannies should be given the oven treatment, desu
extremely based elliot
If you mean they should put me in a dutch oven with them as i huff their sweet bussi braps, i agree
Wait lol, how many times has this happened?
I don't care for other humans espically other races, i only care about myself so if i think im worthy to have kids then i am
About 3 so far this will be the 4th
>wanting children
Based beyond believe
Economy is doing well and if we killed all trannies there wouldn't be much dystopia left.
>we killed all trannies
Only trannies? That isn't even a start
How does it feel to be a genetic dead end? How does it feel knowing youll grow old and have no one to take care of you. While you waste your life on hedonism you're friends are out having kids and having fulfilling lives while you sit and try to fill that hole (not the axe wound you call a vagina) with materialistic things to compensate for the fact the only value you have is being used for breeding
Nothing cringe about wanting children, it's natural. The only cringe here is your coping with being unwanted.
Maybe you just have a type, robot. Embrace it? Explore it?
I dont want a tranny gf
You ain't got no gf at all. Somebody is showing interest in you. May as well see what's up. Doesn't have to last.
It'll continue to happen, trannies on discord tend to be the easiest since they crave affection and attention. Dont worry, eventually you'll find a nice girl, fall in love with her and get ghosted a week later. Discord is not real life and edating is not a real relationship.
t. edating retard
Like i said here orere
But are you attracted to them? Because it seems like it.
No, i keep thinking they're real girls but they end up being trannies
youre actually a fucking idiot you know?
Women use discord too
That brianca thot used discord before she got serious neck injuries