In a world where women can dl Tinder and easily fuck a Chad for a night...

In a world where women can dl Tinder and easily fuck a Chad for a night, then get pregnant and get free support from the government, what possible incentive/reason could a woman have for EVER dating one of us? Why does anyone care about our lack of a family when the paychecks of everyone who does work can be cut to find what is essentially the female equivalent of a NEET (only worse cause she reproduces new NEETs)?

If we want our lives to improve, the single mother welfare state is the beast we must slay.

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Just leach off the beast. The only way to kill it is to pull it down under it's own weight.

What world are you describing? The one inside your head?

Wow, this level of retardation must make it hard to use a computer.
I am a white male without autism. No way in a million years will I ever be given any sort of welfare. I have been denied everytime I tried.

Well what world? Certainly not the real world we live in.

Which part of it are you disputing, roastie?

You're implying any woman can instantly get Chad from tinder. This is obviously impossible due to simple mathematics.

Correlation doesn't imply causation, the actual reason fatherless children are more likely to commit crime is that they're mostly niggers and shitskins

So we all know raising someone else's son is cucked, but what about raising someone else's daughter? You're essentially raising them to go out and get fucked by some dude that the actual father has no say over. Is this the ultimate reverse cuck?

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Holy fuck bro I think you've transcended. Where do you source inspiration for such wisdom?

Men have much lower standards for casual sex than for relationships and the ones that do casual sex try to fuck as many as possible.
This means that any girl can get sex very easily from men that are much more attractive than the ones they could get as boyfriends

>This is obviously impossible due to simple mathematics.
No it's not. Nobody said she'd be dating him, or fucking him exclusively. A single man can impregnate hundreds to thousands of roasties.

If you use terms of endearment for men like "Chad", then you're gay. So why worry about women?

Also women aren't clamoring to be on welfare with kids retard.

You're single because you don't try, and a closet homo.

God that image is dumb.
>single mothers are worse than single fathers
Well, no shit. How does one become a single mother? When some deadbeat walks out. How does one become a single father? When a man in a stable relationship loses his wife to disease, since women don't leave their children anywhere close to as often as men do. Show me some statistics where they look at children if single women who are widows and maybe I'll believe your shit.

>I'm going to let children starve because I want to punish their mothers for not fucking me

Are you so retarded that you are actually implying there is a 1:1 split for mates on Tinder?

Holy fuck..... You did make me chuckle, so good job on that. Your retardation is truly legendary.

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>Also women aren't clamoring to be on welfare with kids r

Imagine being a male feminist incel, sounds bad but not as bad is this cuck

how socially inept are you that you think women would do something so life altering just to get a few hundred from the govt?

Yes let the half-breeds starve. What are you a cuckhold?

So you think women want to be welfare moms? Prove it, incel.

kek the roasties are really pouncing on ya buddy also bump

I don't know why I am even responding to this shitty bait...... Explain to me why I should have my paycheck drastically cut to feed the children of whores? Let their mother provide for them or let them starve. Besides, nobody would bat an eye if it was you or I starving.

>Claims women aren't looking at the single mother welfare system as a viable career path
>Calls me a retard

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All this proves is there are loser men and regular women on OkCupid.

Why do they let 100 random men cum in every hole if they don't want aids and welfare?

Nothing in his argument is dependent on premeditated actions of the roasties.

>Few hundred
You do realize that the average benefits given to a single mother in a western country range from $60K to $75K a year right? The free housing alone is a huge benefit and a reason more and more women are actively trying to get knocked up.

>drastically cut

i don't know how you expect anyone to take you seriously when you live in a misogynistic fantasy. get your life together you sperg.

Welfare isn't a viable career path. Prove that most women want to be single welfare moms.

Are you so retarded that you are actually implying there's a 5:1 male:female ratio in the world? Since you think only 20% of men have sex, that's what you are implying.

>it's impossible to have sex with several different people in a lifetime

Attractive men have sex with attractive girl. Why would chad have sex with an uggo when he could have it with stacy instead? Besides if you go outside for a change you see ugly guys with hot girls often but rarely the reverse.

No, it's not. It's what you're incorrectly inferring.

Whores don't want a career they want $ for spreading their legs

Virgins are so vulgar and clueless about sex. You're an embarrassment.

Babies are expensive and welfare isn't very helpful. I think you didn't think your point through whatsoever.

>half breeds
Gonna need some statistics on that one, bucko. And even then
>letting children die because you're mad their mom, who probably isn't even the same race as you, fucked someone of another race

Withholding vital necessities like medical care and food from people who need them - especially people who did nothing to cause their lack of resources - when a pittance of tax dollars that likely woukd otherwise would be spent on luxury goods is grossly immoral and an indirect form of murder.

And maybe no one cares about you, but if I was starving my friends and family would do whatever it took to help me. My brother stayed by my side for 18 houes after I had a seizure. My mom put her our house up to get me through my doctoral program.

>makes claims about what a large group of people want with zero data to back it up

This. Most men on OKCupid do not even fucking try. You can literally get mountains of pussy by messaging first not being fat and not being Indian.

Meanwhile the average woman works on her appearance. Even frumpy chicks have a million face creams.

Feel free to do your own research leech. I bet you are a welfare sucking whore too.

did someone tell you that payment range, or did you just like assume it and then get mad about it?

Section 8 Housing vouchers pay a portion of your rent based on your income, so even on the high end of the payment scale you're looking at something like $12k a year. Theres maybe another $12k a year for food and other welfare programs like WIC.
And that's for the abosulte worst cases. Most people are not gonna qualify for all forms of welfare, or get 100%. And many programs also have lifetime or yearly limits.

Whores gang up and vote welfare for themselves and get everything free. How do you think these sluts survive it's not like they have jobs or if they do have jobs it's diversity hires and they don't actually work


>Most men on OKCupid do not even fucking try.
See how the roastie brain works, boys?

it's no secret that there are women who will try and take advantage of the welfare system. worrying about it like it has any impact on your life is pretty fucking stupid. there aint a shred of govt that people dont take advantage of. its fucking laughable that you focus your anger on some small section of the problem when there are billionaires running around not paying any taxes while youre dropping 10-20%

if you really want to stop it then you'd vote for shit that lifts people out of poverty. but no you can't do that lmao, fuck the gubmint taking my money to help niggers! muh communism!

>in a lifetime
But you said constantly. Most men will settle down eventually so the amount of available males goes down significantly.

Nobody gives a fuck about your "friends and family" scum. The question that you keep deflecting is would a stranger support your worthless seizure inducing ass and the answer is no.

>Over 10 percent of his check goes to welfare, with over half of that going to support single moms.
>OP you greedy pig quit crying about lost pennies
Literally retarded.

You are deluded, you forgot free medical, free clothes, free busfare, free activities sports art etc for the kids, free Christmas, they even have programs for free marijuana

>$60K to $75K a year
Lolwut. Source.

He just repeated a lie he read online though. Single mothers are not making 60k a year for nothing. Many benefits are based on income retard.

Someone who tells you a truth that triggers you because it goes against your incel beliefs is now a roastie?

>Why would chad have sex with an uggo when he could have it with stacy instead?
because he is horny and wants to have sex. his standards for women when it comes to hookups are low. Stacy is not always available, but that fat chick is down to fuck any time. Chad will have sex with anyone.
>Besides if you go outside for a change you see ugly guys with hot girls often but rarely the reverse.
That's a relationship. He clearly stated that men have lower standards for CASUAL SEX, not for relationships.
Any man, including chad, is willing to fuck really ugly/fat women, as long as his friends don't find out. A relationship, or holding hands outside, is obviously too public.

>Most men on dating sites aren't trying, they just joined for the lulz
KYS now you entitled shitbag whore.

Men shouldn't try? What's your complaint here?

Who are you mad at here?

You could also be dumb male who believes women at face value. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, hole sympathizer.

Not a roastie, but nice ad hom. And yeah, most men on OKC do not fucking try. If you're a dude who doesn't moisturize posting camera phone selfies of yourself in a polo shirt, you're not trying. Literally, I'm a ginger manlet and I've gotten laid by not wearing fucking autism shoes.

>seizure inducing
Don't cut me on that edge, honey. And I'm not "seizure inducing" - bright lights are seizure inducing. Don't try to be smart and just call me a cripple you pseud.

Anyway, yeah, most strangers would help me. I help strangers all the time. I've been helped by strangers plenty of times. I live in a country with socialised healthcare.

Here's a question, if everyone is as edgy as you think they are and do not care about strangers...then how did these welfare programs get started in the first place? Oh wait, it was because a bunch of people cared enough about strangers, especially child strangers, that they enacted policy protecting them. But yeah, nevermind that, you're a teenaged misanthrope on the internet, clearly you're warped perspectives are representative of a humanity that is, on average, happier and healthier than you.

>10 percent
Gonna need some verification on that.

I forgot this place is a reddit colony now. My bad.

Not free Christmas!

Giving kids consumer goods on your dime. How noble.

Be nice that fag is an rthedotard refugee

>Being this retarded
Holy fucking shit, it actually hurts to try to read this shit.
>Welfare was established as a form of charity, not an attempt to get votes
>I get laid regularly on OkCupid. I use moisturizer and other feminine products to
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH GOD STOP. PLEASE. HAHAHAHA. Whether you are a roastie whore larping or a legitimate faggot IDK, but either way scum like you had no place talking to me..... No matter how funny your seizure induced retardation is. Lol.

Go get your boipussy pounded on OkC again whore

Bingo. I've been saying this for a long time now.

>le Reddit le boogeyman
Hey, least you didn't call me an "SJW". Look, if this is what you fags are resorting to, I'm gonna ditch this thread because you can't offer me anything interesting.

>I don't want to help children because I need money to buy children's toys and video games as an adult man
This is why women don't want to start a family with you.

>get votes
Hey, buddy, think through this slowly. How many single moms are there? More or less than people who aren't single moms. So if what you say is true and people are completely selfish, then "getting votes" by appealing to single moms would only work if they were the majority. Which they aren't. So yeah, moron, the majority of people don't want little children, the elderly, and the disabled starving to death out of a charitable impulse. I know autists lack theory of mind, but this same impulse is why normies love things like Make A Wish.

>more ad homs and wanna be edgy humour
You deserve a seizure for how lame your posts are.

Anyway man, I'm out. I clearly won if this is what you resort to.

This is the reason so many black people are incels and robots despite the black dating population growing with white thots addicted to RnB. The 80-90% of single mothers in the black community.

So have I my friend. But it's hard to defeat the welfare state, especially when many areas now allow illegals to vote. Our best hope is that it collapses in on itself ASAP

Women do want to start a family with me and I don't even have a job.

>Single mothers are the only ones to draw welfare
Go away. People with triple digit IQs are speaking.

>I'm gonna ditch this thread
Don't threaten me with a good time.

>I dont understand how voting works. I think that everyone votes on the exact same topic, failing to realize that welfare guarantees me votes from single moms while other positions get me more votes from others who don't realize the deviating effect of the single mother welfare state
>Lol I declare myself the winner *starts retarded screeching* *starts having another seizure*
Wew you sure showed me Mr. Neckbeard. Enjoy getting your asshole pounded tonight, you earned it.

>So if what you say is true and people are completely selfish, then "getting votes" by appealing to single moms would only work if they were the majority.
Giving benefits to single moms can attract votes from more groups than just single moms.
For example, virtually all young women want more benefits for single moms, because they know that they can very well end up being a single mom one day.

He's suggesting that since women say men aren't entitled to sex. Then women aren't entitled to any of a mans earned taxes.

Single moms are parasites and crime factories. If you have a job you are enabling these useless cunts so fuck you

> making fun of "neckbeards"
> in 2019
> on Jow Forums
you gonna call user a foreveralone too lol

Most of 4Cham is home to some pretty based and redpilled guys, though Reddit raids seem more and more common Reddit is still the home of the cringey, femnazis, fucked neckbeard.