Minimum height for girlfriend?

Do you have a minimum height a girl has to be before you would consider dating her?

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She has to be at least 5 inches taller than me
I'm 5'7

5'4 but only if she's a virgin

Yes, I'm 5'8"
She has to be at least 6'+
I want her breasts up to my face, no exceptions.

Doesn't have to have a vagina if she passes
High melanin content OK
Must speak more then one language, doesn't have to speak English.

Attached: realyee.png (500x582, 272K)

At _least_ 5'8". No womanlets.

Fuck yes this, tho she has to speak English and one or more languages.

I don't have a minimum height requirement, I wouldn't be able to date girls below certain age.

Simply over 5' and under 6'4

I think it would be fun teaching some one English from scratch, great for a relationship.

Attached: big gains.png (1016x1500, 1.25M)


I saw a guy cant have been taller than 5'2 with a gf, height is hindrance but you can overcome it.

Like 140cm

5 to 5'8. Cuz im a 5'8 manlet.

Is there an upper limit most robots have?
t. concerned giraffe.

Although I don't want a girlfriend, if I had to get one my minimum would probably be 5 feet but I'd prefer it if she was 5'8"-6'1".

since most robots are manlets, i guess the "upper limit" is rather low, somewhere around 5'8

Huh well that sucks.

From 4'7" to 5'11".

The absolute minimum is 5'1". The ideal is 5'7" to 5'10".

I dated a girl who was 4'11 and the height wasnt a problem, so im not sure

Any "woman" above 5-8 is disgusting. 4'11" are the cutest.
I guess anything above 4'3-ish is alright.

179cm as minimum. If she's shorter, she can BTFO.

yea i would date anything but would only marry 6ft+ cuz i dont want manlet children

Most robots are tall, not manlets.

Maybe robots do but chads don't. Just date a shorter chad.

Not really if they're attractive, same thing for lower limit though honestly if they a proper midget they'll look like shit. Might be exceptions but personally haven't seen one

i don't have any height restrictions femanon

No, but I have an upper limit of around 5'6, the shorter the better. I'm 6'4 myself and size difference is pretty hot.

No minimum and as long as she's not a skeleton, no maximum either.

I mean, I don't. I'm 6'2 so it would actually be kind of exciting to see a woman that's taller than me.

I'm 6'4 and have had this happen only once on a trip to Amsterdam.
Having a blonde amazon towering over you is kind of exciting.

Shorter than 5'2", or taller than 5'9". Anything else better have giant tits to compensate.

Anything below 4'10" and they start to get a "little person" vibe.

4'11" to 5'2" is basically the sweet spot.

I'm 6'4, I wish I had a small gf