What would you do to me if you could do anything you wanted to me within a 24 hour period? Give detailed answers.
What would you do to me if you could do anything you wanted to me within a 24 hour period? Give detailed answers
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two words: melon baller
try to figure out if she's nuts and then move on from there
Nothing really, I'd go home.
I thought we already went over this a couple of nights ago? I would punch your head repeatedly taking out years of anger and frustration on your face. I would then choke you and shove my entire cock down your throat then thrust into your roast beef pussy. After fucking you like an object repeatedly for 24 hours I would then keep kicking your head
repeatedly until your brains went all over the room after the 24 hours are up. I would then proceed with pissing over your corpse.
pic related would be me punching your face repeatedly
And the aftermath
We'd go to a park I know and play Smash Bros by night. Talk, walk and fun.
Beat her to a pulp and then fuck her until she gets pregnant
I'd sell your kidneys to buy a new PC.
This is a very accurate retelling of a nice night that we'd share with each other. Can't wait for your reply.
I would make you go to a therapist so you stop being a degenerate tranny, tho the girl(male) in the picture is a cute one, but nonetheless should stop
I would ask for a hug and I would cuddle you for the whole day and kiss you goodnight until I drift off to sleep with you
>Falling for the roastie instead of using her as a hole
Who is me? That looks like a girl you orbit. So assuming you are an orbiter, I will rape your ass with a dragon dildo, make you lick the shit off of it, then slowly cut your throat.
Sell your organs to the mafia LOL
rape you for hours on end and make sure that you get pregnant
Just hug you and hold hands so I feel like an actual human being
Depends on if your female (female)
shave your ugly hair off and wank off to the wall
would make you a bawl of eggs, you need to eat it all
go out for ice cream then see animals at the zoo
shit on my dick and then put salt and pepper on my crotch and then make you eat it
nigga she looks like she's 15 foh
How edgy of you
Enjoy your first year of high school you underaged faggot
I don't know about 24 hours, but I can kick your ass in about 10 minutes
Since you probably look like Trump's nutsack
Sure you could faggot. Sure you could.
Help you clean your room
Probably just rape your butt hole for hours while I browse my phone completely and totally ignoring any interaction between you and me. You fucking piece of meat.
lol wtf whos that in the pic is that some user that lurks here?
Is anyone gonna tell us who the duck this is? Origami
id give you a kiss and then id violently fuck you in the ass
Force you to clean your room you nasty fuck
Oh no, an entire day of tickling? How will she survive?
Who is that girl?
ugly liberal tumblr whore
24 hours of sex crammed in every opportunity we can get in a normal 24 hours day.
Bash your head in with a rock
Yeah he is some Jow Forums nigger. He cute af tho.
Gib discord and I'll tell you
>he can't handle the edge
Chad doesn't mind punching someone's head in, why should you?
I'd clean that room and evict whoever lived in it.
Turn 180 degrees and walk away. There is a penis under there.
Fire it maul you like a bear than you would be my torture doll
All because you made this thread
Damn bitch you live like this? I'm leaving
>Take you to the barbers for a nice haircut
>use cigarettes to burn your shit tattoos off
>force you to clean your room
Then with my remaining time we would watch movies and do cutesy shit
Snuggle, any human interaction at all is fine.
if instagram didnt delete my accounts 3 minutes after i make new ones, id ask what her insta is
1 hour through 23:
excessive amounts of anal.
the 24th hour:
drive you to a remote location and kill you.
I would pimp you out to make some money.
I want benefits that last longer than 24 hours.
Nut in your mouth or pussy, if you don't annoy me afterwards maybe nut in your butthole later, then ignore you after that.
I'd spend the entire day having as much sex as I physically could just to lose my virginity and try to make up for all those years I haven't managed to dip my dick anywhere. In the down time, I'd cuddle and play with her body. Maybe try to get some shower together and obviously use that chance to stick my small dick in her and get some awkward shower sex.
I'd probably skin my penis from all that friction in just one day.
hold hands
Yeah, OP's a fag
24 just once? I'd freak out and think I was in some kinda purgatory. Be real.
Just once? Realistically what in the fuck am I supposed to think. Is this a test? Who offered it to me even if there were instructions?
More than once, then you'd eventually adjust and use it. The first thing you'd do is is steal a fuck-ton of money, then drugs, then a jet and sub, then nukes, then move away to your own island after gathering enough drugs and food and assets to both protect yourself and never have to be in this actual purgatory again.
>to me
Oh. I misread the comment. Disregard.
I'm 30 myself. This thread is fucking lgbt spam though subtle.