I met her here in a bpd thread. I showed concern because she said she didn't really have anyone and we eventually traded disposables and discords, then moved to snapchat.
I Talked To Bianca 2 Years Ago
>tfw she looks like my first gf
Especially the death pic (but my old gf isnt dead)
We snapped daily and had a streak going. I was a virgin struggling with bipolar depression and anxiety and I was too nervous to ask for nudes but I screenshotted or used a 3rd party snap app to save some pics of her.
So? Fuck off. This isn't your blogm
When she was alive she was a thot, now shes an afterthot
I felt like her feelings for me weren't very valid because I was so insecure and every time I'd try to have a serious conversation with her she'd just leave me on read.
Eventually she'd just send a snap a day saying "streaks" so I just ended the streak and she stopped replying.
Y'all grown ass men why are you so obsessed with underage girls shits creepy
I thought we were done with this slut. She was a soc/r9k whore. Half of the discord fags (myself included) have spoken to her. She was nothing special and does not deserve to be remembered.
Bianca's death pic so unintentionally pleasing. It's such a good picture. The angles, her position. Nice
This shit annoys me about posting here so much. Niggas literally obsess over any bitch, obsess like I do not understand the shit.
Literally will not have met a woman at any point in their life and then dedicate their whole online time to this person that is not thinking about them? Then cry about being alone? Stop simping Jesus Christ
so you spoke to a 15 year old girl and wanted her nudes but was thankfully too much of a beta virgin to ask and now you're posting on here because?
fuck off you're irrelevant and creepy
I knew this Bianca and all these threads, news and whatnot about her disgusts me
He's less creepy than you at least. You're pathetic as fuck going into every thread about her my guy. It's clear you're as much of a pedo as OP is
weak bait, project your insecurities to your therapist instead of embarrassing yourself in front of everybody
It wasn't bait. You just come off as pathetic. Have sex please
Well she's dead now and the world's a better place for it
Yeah she was an awful human being. Love seeing people shit on her to be honest
>Being this mad at being called a pedo
>"If I tell people to have sex it'll make them think I have sex, right?"
congratulations faggot here's a cookie
Didn't even know you called me a pedo. Just saw you sperging out
the age of consent should be 13, girls like this aren't underage
this is fucking gold user
it's okay user, I never expect much of retarded incel manchildren that defend pedophiles and find pleasure in women being murdered because they don't get sucked off everytime they open a door for one
apebrains gonna apebrain
Oh and you're still sperging. This is good
who cares she got what she deserved
>the age of consent should be 13, girls like this aren't underage
should be 12, desu
puberty usually starts at 10-11 for both girls and guys
who gives a shit that you have been another orbiter of this thot?
oh my god who the fuck cares? move on creep
Regardless of AOC it would still be creepy for an old ass dude like you to lust after a girl that's barely a teenager
creep desu
Lmao you sir, are original.
I hate that that's funny to me
Why did homeboy stop before her head was off?
>she said she didn't really have anyone
So you got played as an orbiter from the start.
Post more of the snaps, please
maybe she got off lucky by not being caught by you
Yeah this bothers me a lot too and I've been here since '14. Underaged or not I can't understand how you retards obsess over random girls, make threads about their lives and stalk everything they do.
he was a weak noodle-armed beta orbiter
kek what a diamond in the rough, need to remember this one
It is the single most jarring thing about this place.
>We are enlightened unlike normie bluepill cucks we do not want thots but conservative qts who will not cuck us and without much experience
>Also the moment any girl, underage or not, makes her presence known we are going to not only follow her like Christ but post several topics about her everyday
It is glaringly obvious that incels do not interact with women to begin with in any capacity, but you would think no matter how pathetic you are you would not openly behave in this way. I could see sliding into her private message box or riding dick and at least trying to maintain an ego out in the open, this is embarrassing to me and pisses me off.
All that fucking talk about bitches arent shit and betas ruined the dating game with simping but the moment they have an opportunity to orbit
If you are this type of person to do this shit and really expect genuine friendship or a relationship while following someone around like a puppy giving them attention you really deserve to get killed or at least just dont post about how much you orbited here fuck
ok but where are her nudes
Most people here just have a massive case of the sour grapes. They talk a good game, but in reality the second they get what they see as a chance to gain female attention they go straight back to acting like little beta-faggot orbiters, then get mad when it gets them nowhere. There's a lot of posturing that goes on here, just like in places like Jow Forums or /v/, but in reality most of the people are just pretending to be the opposite of what they are.
t. White supremacist pro-eugenics misogynist
nobody gives a fuck you sad faggot. whenever i think /b/ is filled with truly the most pathetic people, it literally takes me less than 5 minutes on r9k to remind myself that this, in fact, is not true.
The last photo I have is a pic of her in a bra but I cropped it and don't have the original photo on hand.
17-20 I had really short hair and shaved my face constantly because I didn't like how facial hair looked on me (possible gender dysphoria growing up) and I got mistaken for 16 pretty often, I also had a friend shorter than me that looks 18 even though she's 23, so it didn't seem Impossible for her to be 18. But I was 20 and she was 15.
I didn't intend on orbiting her and when I looked around a bit and found out she was talking to others on /soc/ I sorta just lost any feelings I did have. I wasn't head over heels for her, just surprised by her death when I saw the photos and made the connection.
you dont have to justify it dude I used to talk to 16 year olds on kik all the time no one cares
so you used to talk to a girl and now you dont and havent for awhile. and you made a thread killing another thread off why? sounds like you're just talking about her while going oh I didnt want her... WHY THE FUCK DID YOU MAKE THIS THREAD OVER HER THAN!?
Rip Bianca/oxy
the absolute poetic genius
Holy shit what the fuck are those knees
So how do you feel about her being decapitated?
What is wrong with you guys? Honestly, what makes an adult man infatuated with a random teenager or even adult woman over the internet that does not express any mutual interest in them?
I could see if these girls were playing you and acting as though they were into you with the ulterior motive of giving you money. But I do not understand how you can praise and follow someone who is blatantly not interested in you. It defies logic, what can you get out of humiliating yourself to others? Is it a sexual thing or delusion?
*ulterior motive of getting your money, but as far as I can tell these girls just exist take nonnude non suggestive photos that you could see on anyones Instagram and are treated like Gods. Why would anyone do this?
She never showed interest in money, her and I talked about dealing with our mental illnesses and she showed a bit of interest at the time. Without a doubt I wasn't the only person she was talking to and the same was for her so I just let it go.
I don't have feelings for her, currently in a happy relationship, just what happened is still kind of tragic.
Hadn't spoken in over 2 years and didn't think the next time I'd be seeing her face it'd be leaked photos of her death. I met her on Jow Forums so figured it would be the right place to come. Found out about her death a little late because too busy with personal life issues, wanted to confirm it was her.
Does anybody know her birthday or zodiac sign?
i can confirm this is probably her. im from upstate ny that rustic house looks like upstate ny. she looks anorexic.
it is her yeah
why are you talking like niggers
>years ago
fbi-kun, is that you?
male knees
Incredibly based, and fantastically redpilled.
>She never showed interest in money
But she definitely showed interest in chad and chad only.
thanks for the pics they can go into my fapgif
>she said she didn't really have anyone
What were Bianca's last thoughts?
>Maybe I should have just treated the incels with kindness
i hope when i die some fag who "saw me once" make a thread about it for free (You)'s
rip Oxy, but OP she talked to a shitton of people, you aren't special
She was alone but surrounded by expendable orbiters
She did try to connect but every single one of you dropped the ball
Rest in peace angel
"rest in peace angel"
man you really are a gay nigger huh
in another life she would have found a good man and be a good spouse faggot
noticed and acknowledged
Yeah except in this life she chose to be a dumb whore. "If only parallel universes existed" he cried "I could whiteknight her across all planes of existence!"
Ok i lol'd originialiono
meanwhile ciara still lives.
>I showed concern
do you want a pat on the back for being an orbiter to a random nobody online or something?
I just busted a nut laughing to this
Good one eddy