Thoughts on Donald Trump supporters?
Thoughts on Donald Trump supporters?
I don't have a problem with them, but I dislike discussing politics with anyone
They are pretty gay. But not as gay as OP
Really stupid and shallow but then again, I don't expect much from rural dwellers and small business owners. Some of them are okay. (Btw I'm a right-winger so..)
Dunno about real life types but the ones here are flaming turdminers
I could kinda empathize with them back in 2016. I saw their reasons for liking his message. But if you still support him this late in the game, you're just fucking retarded. A lot of his supporters seem like cultists as well.
Dumb as a bag of bricks. Neocons, boomers, zionists and civ nats comprise his supporters. Oh, and the deluded alt-righters who think he is their poster boy.
Donald's support of Israel bothers me. I'm not even anti Semitic but the way he defends them like they're America's greatest ally is fucking annoying. It's probably because he knows most of his fans are stupid boomers who think Israel needs to belong to Jews so God can trigger Armageddon.
Love the guy. Love his supporters. Will vote for him again
They are almost all universally idiots and fall into two categories
unabashed racists who will defend literally every single possible thing he does. The mental gymnastics these people are capable of make tumblr trannies look sane and well adjusted. He could literally be caught on camera raping a baby while beating a kitten to death with a hammer and these people will yell something about HURR BUT OBAMA AND HILLARY DID X.
and ex-centrists/ex-leftists who support him just because Buzzfeed makes really cringy videos that make them angry. These people are morons and are far too easily swayed, they are good fodder for cult groups.
A majority of them are dumbass sheeple who base all of their political leanings on surface level nonsense or the R/D next to the candidate's name when it's time to vote. Of course, that's not exclusive to Donald Trump supporters, but the vast majority of American voters in general. The simple fact is, our democracy has failed because we could not maintain a level of social consciousness that allowed people to make informed decisions.
>I'm not even anti-semitic
You should be, unless you are Jewish yourself, for the simple reason that Jewish interests benefit Jews exclusively, and hurt everyone else. They use the stigma of "antisemitism" to shield themselves from criticism.
No one in their right mind should support, or even be neutral to people who hate them with every fiber of their being.
Ya but socialism doesn't work. I own a home and you cry about not getting free college to earn a worthless degree because you were brainwashed into thinking that's the only way to achieve status. Now go back.
I don't doubt that but that's probably a conservative thinktank funded study. My boss is a Republican and he was a Putnam Winner in the 70s. All his buddies are Republicans too and are sucessful businessmen.
You don't have to be socialist to think Trump is a retard. You sound like a boomer
I think free college is retarded and not a worthwhile idea (neither is student loan debt forgiveness) but Reaganomics is bullshit too.
I'm going to vote left wing no matter what until there's health care reform. Health care is the only issue that matters and should be a basic human right. Every other civilized first world nation in the world has AT LEAST a hybrid socialized system, like Japan and Australia, let alone full socialized like everywhere else.
Found the brainwashed redditard
Wtf are they all blondes?
I live dead center in the middle of the country and all the people who have the hats, the stickers, the shirts and constantly defend him are straight up factually openly racist.
Go to those countries and you will realize that waiting in line three months will kill you
>Japan and Straya
>waiting lines
not everything is a disaster like the NHS
even then, waiting 3 months is better than literally having 0% chance of anything like in America
I am a minority and I would be terrified if I was dropped into a Donald Trump rally. The audience is 100% white and you have a madman telling them we're the source of all their problems.
>openly racist
Why do you hate normal people?
I don't have opinions on trump's presidency beyond "it's hilarious"
I don't think the people that voted for him are evil, I don't know if he's done a bad job, I'm not hyped for anybody else to replace him, I think he's an average president with the public going crazy.
The waiting line is a myth in most countries with nationalized healthcare though.
everyone obsessed with politics is just a brainwashed simp
>and you have a madman telling them we're the source of all their problems.
Trump never said anything like that. He wouldn't have become president if he did. In fact, Trump openly welcomes immigrants, provided they go through the legal process, which makes him a civic nationalist, not a white nationalist.
The imminent destruction of the European genome will continue unabated. Trump is an active instrument in the process. The people at the rallies are disgruntled lumpenproles, dirty peasants with pitchforks eager for a scapegoat to maim, essentially.
Normal people don't exclusively use racial slurs to refer to any other ethnicity and don't celebrate any time a black kid drowns on the news.
Tell that to the millions who die from waiting in line for free healthcare
Do american baby boomers actually believe this? Unironically?
Tell that to the millions who died and still die everyday because they can't afford healthcare.
a cabal of capitalists, lobbyists, industry titans, and conservative wealthy people that play on racial tensions and complete lies to stir up your average uneducated lower middle class rural american to vote for the cause or endless bad things will happen and america will be destroyed! ...yet they somehow think they are so full of common sense and the rest of the country are the sheeple. they play politics like its a schoolyard competition and care more about beating their opponent than half of their own supposed policies. to some people, politics is about serving the needs of the people, having a just and efficient governance. to many conservatives, its about scoring points and getting your policy into law, no matter how fucking shitty of an idea it is.
The ones that are educated are self centered self serving boomer types that only want to see them and their circles get ahead in life and don't really care about the rest of the population. they think the rest of the people just lack work ethic or are predisposed to be lazy/failures/deadbeats, and that only they have the right mix to succeed in america.
and that's not even mentioning the rabid, fanatical cult worship of patriotic symbols while simultaneously trampling on founding ideals of the american republic.
the only thing worse than that is trump's true supporters constantly having to twist his words to make him sound better than he really is, believing in straight up conspiracy theories while calling long established pillars of journalism the enemy of the people, and thinking that somehow being isolationist, xenophobic zealots is going to increase our "greatness" in a globalized world.
politics is a fucking debate on how to manage the funds of the citizenry while meeting all of the needs of the nation. but to trumptards its literally "win or die" at this point.
Our country is literally trying to genocide 9.4% of its population out of existence by price hiking diabetes and you're trying to claim OUR health care system is the one that's working fine?
Literally fuck you, go jack off to Atlas Shrugged
Yes they do. You are the abnormal one
Obnoxious and dumb, but no less than his haters really.
I like to just put them all in the same basket which is full of hypersensitive queers fatties and trannies who can't handle any criticism of their idol of choice and will go to any extreme just to one-up their perceived enemies, which is anyone who questions their favourite celeb. Truly, they are braindead.
idgaf about politics, they are gay. i prefer to watch the world burn while chillin in a rancho relaxo with the b0yZ!1!
Last time I was in Canada I heard on the news some dude died he went to three hospitals and none had a doctor.
Only a retard would expect otherwise. Do you think doctors work for free?
Poor people in the USA get free healthcare you stupid government school retard
>m-muh (((healthcare)))) (((specialists))) are too busy to serve the pleb
Then why do millions die because they can't afford healthcare?
Well, here in Poland everyone who can afford it pays for healthcare, since otherwise the waiting lines are really bad. Using only the "free" healthcare, you'll wait a year for a simple routine eyes check up (and if you have an insurance, it's 1 week at most, and even paying out of pocket is like $30-$60 for a visit). What I don't understand is the insane prices in USA, how the fuck do things cost so much?
They are definitely racists. You see this group of women? When Trump brought up immigrants, you should've seen their face.
Because our politicians (even our supposed "left wing" of the Democratic party) literally only care how much kike CEOs make and do not care about the wellbeing of their population.
it'll be their downfall once the revolution comes
They don' is free in the USA if you are poor.
>how the fuck do things cost so much?
Occam's Razor says it's just greedy insurance and pharmaceutical companies being amoral and gouging prices to line their pockets
a more conspiratorial take is that the shit is only cheap in other countries because the extra price that the US pays.
Well here it's faster, and if you pay for a private doctor or clinic you still her a bunch of the money back from national healthcare (around two thirds of the cost)
About 40% of americans get everything completely free paid for by the middle class.
you're making it sound nice but that sentence also means
>40% of Americans live in awful abject poverty
The U.S. has the best healthcare in the world. We routinely provide better care on average, and have access to the most highly trained specialists available in pretty much every field. People come to the U.S. when they want complicated procedures done, not the other way around.
That's not to say our healthcare system is perfect, there's a lot of issues with waste, and doctors performing high cost procedures simply to rack up more cost.
But the biggest problem without a doubt is that we are plagued by a vermin boomer class who are undoubtedly the largest recipients of welfare while also providing nothing to the economy. Last year, medicare and social security cost the American taxpayer 2 trillion - money wasted paying for these fuckers to sip martinis on a Florida beach.
These useless old fucks need to be taken off of the government dole before we can make any progress in basically any sector.
I'm in the USA on free government healthcare and I could get a Dr appointment today and an MRI or ultrasound or knee replacement tomorrow. There are no lines for anyone
>and these people will yell something about HURR BUT OBAMA AND HILLARY DID X.
Not exactly what he said, but you just caught the spirit of what we was getting at. Ignore the conversation and babble about "right-wing" talking points.
People who didnt want Hilary to be pres (understandable, she's a cunt) + racist ignorant retards
racist ignorant retards
>Free medical, free housing with air conditioning , $200 a month in food, free social activities
Yeah it's horrible
As said, I can get the same here if I go to a private clinic and I get the majority of cost back from our NHS.
Ans in most cases where it's nothing serious the normal NHS infrastructure is more than enough.
Ditto but adding on, everyone is dumb as bricks. Donald trump supporters, Republicans, Democrat supporters, and especially those who vote independent or don't vote. It pisses me off. Both parties are so corrupt and just play on people's idiocy to remain in power. 90% of people are just moronic and make me wanna shoot myself in the head listening to them.
I'm a registered democrat and very left leaning generally but even I hate the DNC.
I keked. Have a (you)
>especially those who vote independent or don't vote
Sorry but given that we have two right wing choices every year, I'm not voting for that. Last time around we got the two shittiest candidates possible.
Muller was destroyed today, libtards.
Facts don't care about your feelings. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH
The difference is all the doctors in your shithole are from Africa
Absolutefuckingloutely based
>Posting an infografic without a source
come on man
Great argument homo
Trump is a leftist just like Hillary but he's just better at ruining the country by importing more coloured folk
>Implying half of americans are able to raise enough money in taxes to pay for free healthcare air conditioned housing free food and social activities for the other half
Gonna call bullshit on that one, son
Even social security doesn't have a 1:1 ratio of younger workers supporting retirees lmfao. It's unsustainable.
Stop shitting up Jow Forums with politics
Do you really believe the brown people and the females are smart?
And when you request a good Dr you are banned from the NHS and sent to prison for racism. Lol at u
funny, in the US the good doctors are almost all Indian. Good surgeons on the other hand, usually white and also usually insanely autistic.
Half of government spending is borrowed $$$$$ of course it's not sustainable we are running out of white men (suckers) to pay for it. Heck the government borrowed another $6000 on your behalf already this year
Gotta pay for the doctors in Israel somehow
The hardline supporters are braindead. You can like the guy and some of his stances without thinking everything he does is amazing, but a lot of them refuse to admit that he isn't perfect because they feel that it's an admission that they were wrong about him.
You have TDS chum
>Marie Curie
>Jocelyn Bell Burnell
>Ada Lovelace
>Lin-Manuel Miranda
>George Washington Carver
gee. Look at that.
Literal all whos and we was kangs. You should have said Einstein or George Washington
>Refusing to admit imperfection because they are so insecure about themselves
Based. Not just wrt trump supporters but so many people are like this about anything in life.
>Obligatory We live in a socie-
No. We don't.
They're both white men. The point of the list was to counter the idea that women and people of color cannot be intelligent. Are you retarded? Can you not follow basic trains of thought?
Usually braindead. Plays both sides. Don't even realize he's accomplished more to hurt guns rights than Obama. I do like watching people throw tantrums over him though so I hope he gets reelected.
Why did you pick dead people who are half white?
Why do they need lower standards if they are all so smart?
literal retards. then again, so is every american.
They are the cause for such a divide, they make it so anyone who has some controversial opinion labeled as "trump supporter "
But I will say this. Every trump supporter i have ever met has been a nicer person than any other person on the opposite spectrum.
>Every trump supporter i have ever met has been a nicer person than any other person on the opposite spectrum.
But also most of them are in the spectrum
They wouldn't if they weren't seen as less than human 100 years ago (and still are which I'm sure you're familiar with)
Based off the people I know it's a bunch of Zionist retarded boomers screeching "AYUP HE DAGAWN REKT THE LIBTARDS AGAIN DA MEEDIA GETTING #BEN SHAPIRO'D FACEBOOK GROUP AYUP"