Why are asians like this? Stop hating your own facial features.
Why are asians like this? Stop hating your own facial features
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Asians hate themselves because their life is incredibly boring and unhappy despite having money and high IQ, their society condemns the very notion of love
that's why asian women always run to white men's arms, because our society is fundamented upon love and empathy, unlike countries like Japan and China where nobody gives a shit about others
Not really they worship white people because it's a status for them. White society is highly individualistic while asain countries are more about collectiveness. No asain women would be with a white man of they were rich.
Explain why Japanese women do this if they are rich
cause japs are short and dicklets
Is that one a hapa?
most chinchongs are rat faced ugly shits. the more white they look, the less ugly they are, though that applies to basically every other breed of subhumans
the OP pic girl is right though. The left pictures looks like a better depiction of asians or even whites in cartoons. No humans have eyes that big, including white people. It just goes with the artstyle more.
KR/FI hapa here
This isn't really true for a huge portion of the population. Asian wealth is 99% from the past 60 ish years and so people who didnt get on the train are living like borderline third world eastern europeans. For people who did get on the train, they think their country will grow economically indefinitely and dont really save much for the future. They would rather spend money on designer and meme tier items.
The jap girl in your picture had plastic surgery to make her eyes look bigger.
I was in japan for a year and there are tons of girls with eyes like that naturally. Even then those anime eyes are obscenely big. If that girl were a human she'd probably look like the cosplayer.
I just looked her up. She actually WROTE that manga. That's awesome.
That's because this is the most common and popular type of plastic surgery in east Asia
Looks korean. Lots of japs have naturally big eyes surprisingly. Something about the way they are shaped makes them appear even bigger then western girls a lot of the time. Shits weird.
Holy shit dude. A woman created something? That it's so awesome! I bet it's like the best manga ever.
I agree, the eyes are too big. But that's still retarded. How can you even tell that the girl on the left is asian? She looks more like south european/latina women than asian to me. And in a lot of asian cartoons/animayys white people look just like their asian counterparts but with blue eyes and blond hair, that's because they already portray themselves unrealistically.
Japs are white
Japs and whites are gods chosen people
God was a white man and mary was a jap
Jesus was a hapa
In Disney on the other hand you can see clear difference between races.
Asian women want to erase the yellow from their faces, whuch is why they go for even ugly lookibg white guys. The guys is just happy to be getting laid by anything. That explains 75% of these couples.
Japanese women do quite a few stuff in the anime/manga industry. They don't care for the whole 'pedo' rhetoric women have in the West.
These "Asians" don't exist. Asia is made up of many different countries, and Asian-Americans aren't interchangeable with natives.
Plastic surgery is uncommon in Japan.
Originals lmao
>And in a lot of asian cartoons/animayys white people look just like their asian counterparts but with blue eyes and blond hair, that's because they already portray themselves unrealistically.
I get what you're sayin but there are so many different hair and eye colors it's irrelevent. Even the girl in the pic has purple hair which no race has in real life naturally. My theory is that even in anime with a western theme it's still basically just japs cosplaying as whites.
That's because they're usually young.
Older caucasians, in anime, have more 'robust' features (id est: pronounced jaws, noses et cetera).
Plastic surgery is common in Japan just not as much as Korea or America. Double eyelid surgery is a thing but it doesn't make them look western at all. I've never seen a jap girl with surgery that looked white.
This is true. Some notable characters that definitely look white are Annie from AoT or Pakunoda from HxH.
I have never seen any evidence of plastic surgery in Japan. Just claims that it's popular.
>Older caucasians
> more 'robust' features (id est: pronounced jaws, noses et cetera).
Older people in general, including japs themselves.
This guy is supposed to be japanese, and yet he has strong caucasian facial features.
It's really popular in Japan, but not as popular as in S Korea
I can see how this guy is japanese. He just has some more masculine facial features. Its not as common but it happens. Heres a super caucasian looking character more in line with what he meant.
They probably get a little bit.
A lot or a little, it still counts as 'one' statistically, you know?
So, say, exactly the same AMOUNT of people in Korea and Japan get PS, statistically they have the same rates even though Koreans, individually, get more.
Yeah, but when people say asians they often refer to Chinese, Japanese and Koreans. Only retarded britbongs think that arabs and indians are racially asian.
Maybe it spiked recently but from 2015 its not even in the top 10.
cope harder zhan yang
It's so popular that no trace of it can ever be found anywhere. And nobody ever talks about plastic surgery in white countries.
>Yeah, but when people say asians they often refer to Chinese, Japanese and Koreans.
Those are all different too.
*Asians in general, not just Japs
lol, is he a scumbag?
Because the 'big nose' thing is also a stereotype of being a shyster.
2011 originallioddffewf
>1 surgery for every 50 people in south korea on average
holy shit
That's an extreme example, he looks like older Chad Thundercock.
no she's had alot of plastic surgery, including eye lid surgery
They look only marginally different. About as different as french, germans and anglos.
I hear that girls get a coupon for plastic surgery as a gift when they are in high school.
SK also is the most circumcised of East Asia.
They took the American culture thing too hard desu.
>their society condemns the very notion of love
very few do most get eye lid surgery
>About as different as french, germans and anglos.
They look pretty different to me. I can tell. I know it's subtle but at the same time I can tell.
Brits have more chubby cheeks, exempli gratia.
As the graph shows, facial plastic surgery is in the minority. Most of it is skin and hair procedures.
she's had obvious eye lid sugery
I wasn't talking about their appearance, and they look different enough that they can be generally told apart.
I'm pretty sure those are Korean girls. And sure enough, GIS brings up nothing but Korean results.
Nowadays plastic surgery is even more popular in Asia, tho.
I bet they're Okinawans.
You people tend to post Okinawans and think they are all of Japan.
Honshu Japanese aren't so tan.
>Lets pretend that Japanese and Koreans are not 99.99999999999999999999999999999999% the same because some jap autist on int showed u a shitty info graphic
hellava cope
Because their modern art and culture worships white people
they even know this, a Japanese person made this pic
Some japs are mixed race
Of course, she's a model. All models get some alterations done to improve their looks: east or west.
Mongolians invaded China and Korea.
Mongolians did not successfully invade Japan.
Really makes you think.
>>Lets pretend that Japanese and Koreans are not 99.99999999999999999999999999999999% the same
it's true though. The same way eastern europeans don't look the same as anglos. Most countries have different variants of faces. For example eastern europeans have more asiatic features, and anglos have very square masculine defined faces.
Why does the left image not change the anime girl but the right one does? This seems kinda retarded.
>GIS brings up nothing but Korean results.
lol, if you look at the search results, it actually appears to be Koreans posting photographs of 'ugly Japanese people'.
I wasn't talking about Asia. I was talking about Japan. Japan is a country in Asia. There are many other countries in Asia.
They're different enough that this isn't the first time this has happened to me. And this image is also Korean.
Anime characters aren't white and the Japanese do not worship whites. You have a racial inferiority complex.
They look Korean to me as do their uniforms.
Japanese animators stylize their characters more off of visual cues like colors and hairstyles because animation and illustrations often simplify images. There are fewer details in a given manga than a photograph of a real person. To add distinction, where subtlety becomes more difficult, requires some cheats. The larger eyes, fair skin tones, and varied hair colors only resemble coincidentally resemble whites unless otherwise specified.
Zainichi trash thinks she should be drawn like a Japanese girl because reasons
many east asians have wider noses and forward mouths that simply do not look like anime characters
most pics that show them looking somewhat similar(still not as close as whites) are with either hapas or people that have had extensive plastic surgery
See this is what I meant. A lot of japs just have naturally big eyes.
You have a racial inferiority complex. Anime characters are not white nor are they hapa memes.
You're right this is caucasian nose, but so are most noses in anime
Asians naturally don't have pointy noses.
The Japanese girl is a princess that no gook whore is even worthy of gazing upon
>are so many different hair and eye colors it's irrelevent.
Sure, but not in every anime. I'm talking about animes that portray regular Japan.
see its the same thing in this pic. They didn't change the other image to appear realistically white but they changed the other one to look more asian so I assume it's bait. Especially the top left ones where the white girls literally resemble pakunoda. Here's a more realistic comparison since they're comparing western and jap art forms.
>one actress had thin features (maybe) naturally
That proves it then!
If I find one of the Billions of Africans out there with a thin nose that proves that its a common trait!
these copes are so sad
They failed because of the bad weather.
>but so are most noses in anime
Most anime don't have noses.
White women are known for having strong masculine jawlines and features but that doesn't mean they all have it. Same with this.
based JOMON BVLL putting k*reans in their place
>Lets put people that have had eye lid surgery among others forward as a common phenotype
LMFAO what a cope
I mean that bottom right one is SO CLEARLY a hapa or a person with extensive plastic surgery
I know, my point was Japanese have less Mongolian genetics compared to Chinese and Koreans.
Everyone but Mikasa is white in AoT
Only guys look like their manga counterparts, especially the left one. But japs usually don't draw themselves too realistic.
>no source or study
yes that works user very good
Bottom right is Taylor Swift. If you meant the bottom left, that's Ryouko Hirosue. She seems to have looked the same ever since her career started in her mid-teens.
Feminists always claim that any attractive Asian woman must have had plastic surgery.
most of those look nothing alike lol
is this a joke?
top left looks like a downs guy
I'm not talking about moe trash.
Bro idk what your fetish is, but Japan has one of the highest percentages of people who get plastic surgery
Not him, but finding a source for the fucking obvious is retarded. If a nation isn't conquered they will by default have fewer rape babies than the conquered nations. No fucking duh.
I meant bottome left
that girl is not common Japanese which is why you think she looks like anime
oy vey, (((white))). also mikasa would be hapa
>I only watch mature anime for mature men
lol. Your anime is literally 'shounen' meaning little boy.
My anime is seinen meaning young adult male.
We already went through this. Read the thread.
She is Japanese, you just don't want her to be because she doesn't fit your narrative.
Mongolians are actually whiter (skin,hair wise) than Japs.
Yeah, he's literally say no Japanese can look good and if they do it must be surgery.
Don't know if he's trolling or retarded but clearly he'll never accept the truth.
she looks NOTHING like the average japanese girl and you know it
thats why you like her
these girls wouldn't work would they??
slip this in there and you have a more fair comparison.
Yeah, that girl behind the albino is very white.
I'm saying almost no japs have WIDE EYES and THIN POINTY NOSES without surgery
YOU think those things look good and hate common japanese features
Those girls are cute. And I went to japan for christmas and saw EXTREMELY beautiful women everywhere, especially in Tokyo. They have the cutest girls on earth bar none. Shat all over the women I see here daily in the states.
>redoing the Japanese guys graphic to cope more
bottom left doesn't even look like the top left jesus u must really hate East Asian Features
>these girls wouldn't work would they
They would.
The point is not good looking but general features. Dumb cunt.
English isn't even your first language, is it? Get fucked mate.
The girl on the left could be blinded by floss and both look nothing like anime characters lmfao
>Shat all over the women I see here daily in the states.
so thats why you are coping so hard here. they are your coping mechanism for not being able to fuck white girls
makes sense
She isn't supposed to be average Japanese girl. She is an actress. Actresses are usually selected for physical attractiveness.
>thats why you like her
Yes, generally men are attracted to attractive women.
You people are either incredibly stupid or incredibly dishonest.
What thin pointy noses do you mean? Thats not the norm and usually happens in more stylized animes like Kaiji.
Lol, all those are pre teen kids and that graph compares them to grown woman.
Here's good looking japanese kid