Was blackface racist?
It was people back then who mimmicking the black people move, voice and acts, not the black face itself, why does it considered racist now?
Was blackface racist?
because the movement is over and people use it to mock black people now
It's not, it's just rubbing in your face that whitey is a slave to the negro now get back to work and feed him
It's like saying "hahaha I'm going to pretend to be black for a little while but don't worry because at the end I can just wash my face off and then I'll be white again".
It's basically denying all of the hardships that black people have to face because of the fact that they are black and can't change their skin color. You are using someone else's life as a roleplay, dismissing the difficulty of what they have to put up with *because* it's not a roleplay for them.
Kind of like if a billionaire decided to be a janitor for a day and then declared himself an expert on what it means to be poor.
What hardship do they have except being retarded? They get everything for free and can always use their race card to get out of jail when they get caught raping and looting
1) I'm explaining why general populace considers it racist, not here to argue
2) but you proved what I said anyway so I guess that's that
I mean, Dave Chappelle has been doing white face so I guess it's just a double standard?
> I'm explaining why general populace considers it racist
Because they are required to think that way. Ie do what you are told bitch and no thinking allowed slave
Niggers are the sacrad cows of the (((west))) currently, so none should aknowledge them for anything other than completely positive reasons.
Blackface looks silly, it's a no-no by the jews via law.
i was thinking about this the other day, i was on instagram and this asian chick who used makeup to turn herself into different people decided to make herself black once and people were getting mad in the comments, despite the fact she had no cruel intentions.
i think people, since in the past blackface was generally done in a mocking manner, have just automatically linked blackface to being racist any time they see it, without considering the person's intentions at all
people do it now as a way to appreciate black, hispanic, asian, etc. people rather than mocking them with it, but people don't get that and get defensive really fast, which is incredibly retarded, this same stuff goes for a lot of things too, it's just people jumping to conclusions i think.
The thing a lot of people don't know about black face is that a lot of the actors actually admired black people and black culture, dance, sense of humor, etc. So a lot of blackface wasn't trying to be disrespectful as it was just white peoples curiosity. Al Jolson was known to love blacks. The issue with blackface is that there were black actors that could've portrayed black people but whites only wanted the goofy caricature of blacks.
Why are whites so clueless with racism?
This has nothing to do with why blackface historically came to be seen as racist.
Historically, white performers would put on blackface as part of routines where they acted in a ridiculous, clownlike, deliberately moronic, or absurd fashion. The blackface was a performative device that said, "You'd never believe a white person would act this way, but we all know how slow, dimwitted, foolish, and silly black people are, so if I put on blackface this skit becomes believable."
The blackface was itself designed to mock and belittle black people. It in no way was an attempt to usurp an experience without somehow "earning" it - because it was about putting that experience down, not about appropriating it.
Because they've never experienced it, so they think white jokes are equal to Jim Crow laws.
Fragile niggerility.
Maybe the Jews making the movies didn't want to be around blacks? And since they have Jew privilege they don't have to. Heck they routinely gas all the blacks who sneak into Israel for that reason
College made you retarded.lmao
Meanwhile, if negroes were to put on whiteface and start acting like white people, the crime rate and welfare costs would go down by 90%.
why are blacks so sensitive about everything? grow a pair.
Because their lives are extremely hard: a cop looked their way once.
Bro imagine waking up every morning and having to put on your socks ON BOTH FEET and you literally do not even get an extra welfare check or white assistant to help you do it. This is what African Americans go through EVERY SINGLE DAY. Have some compassion you fuckimign racist,s
The only thing wrong with segregation is that they should have lived completely separately in their own place with their own society
Can you imagine how unfair it is to stick them around regular people and expect them to act like regular people and think like regular people when they are literally impossible?
This. It's basically like taking a toddler and putting them in university and expecting it to perform at the same level as the other students.