why don't incels just settle for a 4/10 public transportation gf?
Why don't incels just settle for a 4/10 public transportation gf?
She looks like she just sucked her boss' cock
What happened to this beautiful board? This place used to be a place filled with high quality philosophical and esoteric discussions.
I would but I'm guessing they won't settle for me.
Because she's not a virgin, the whore
Virgins suck, they dont know how to fuck
why does she have red spots on her knees? was she kneeling in front of something... or someone? what could a young woman have been doing that required her to kneel before something... or someone.
I would but they don't want to settle with me, also that girl is 6+
It was a race to the bottom that became a contest to see who can dig the deepest hole. Me? I'm just a minor sprocket in the tunnel boring machine known as Jow Forums. We're slowly but surely digging deeper every day.
4/10 women don't want 4/10 men.
Because even incels know used females are trash
>all women want 10/10 chads duh
have sex
I want a milf gf
Because most women wear headphones from the point they leave their house till the point they reach their destination. It's like being unable to be alone with your own thoughts for just a minute. I think it's part of a strategy to not get involved into discussions. I mean listening to music is OK but doing this each and everyday for hours seems like there's something wrong. But as said maybe they just don't want any conversations just like incels but because of being fed up with getting talked to by every male in her age range rather than being unable to do conversations.
No one said that. Lose weight.
I'm not poor so never used public transportation before
gimme more of her
She's 4/10 to you?
>only poor people use public transportation in his country
Lel. Burgers.
this is true
>This place used to be a place filled with high quality philosophical and esoteric discussions.
It stopped being such almost a decade ago when /lit/,/his/, and /sci/ were made and all those worthwhile posters fucked off from r9k, leaving nothing but the virgin feelsfags.
Because she won't settle for them.
There were quite a few small towns in the USA that actually banned wearing headphones in public in the 1980s when walkmans began proliferating.
Love the bruises on her knees from kneeling while sucking dick.
Also, I don't use public transport.
It's either full of niggers or doesn't get to the places I need to go to.
It's probably a safety decision. We did so too at my work place as we were handling heavy machinery. Radio was fine, but headphones could make you ignore deadly dangers.
In what way is she a 4/10???
She's a major cutie wtf
>red knees
Oral slut
I'll pass
she is like a 7
She's a 6/10 at least. And she was just on her knees sucking cock.
>red knees
blowjob queen. semen demon
>high quality phiiosophical discussion
>posts an*me
get off my board faggot
i wonder if it's always the same person posting these retarded threads. that must be the saddest existence on earth.
I've been here since 2008, no it hasn't
she looks like she had been on her knees for quite some time
That's a 7 right there. If she acknowledged my existence on any given day it would make that day for me, so nice try.
>posts anime
>This place used to be a place filled with high quality philosophical and esoteric discussions.
you are the reason
this but unironically, women will leave you in an instant if a chad would settle with them
>have sex meme
He's right you know.
Indeed. (Have sex.)
happened to me on multiple occasions
(Have sex)
(Have sex)
(Have sex)
(Have sex)
(Have sex)
Have sex.
>have sex XD
Just because you post something over and over again doesn't actually mean you blew anyone out mongoloid. The more a man has sex the more sexist he becomes though, for the record. He just knows being honest would disallow a man from manipulating women into doing what they 'think' they want. Chad knows not to be nice. He knows what women are.
wake up
seeAnd wake up. Having sex makes men actually more sexist. Nice guys finish last and all. Your spammed 'meme' is not in any way shape nor form clever a retort. It's naive as fuck. If I had sex, and for all you know I do, I'd still say all the things I currently say, just not to the woman's face. You'd keep it anonymous.
Please refer to
she put her knees to the floor and her mouth to his cock
I have no reasons to engage in any sort of contact besides "hey, wanna bang" which, coming from a total stranger, would just creep her out and if I'm lucky enough to find someone that goes full hysterical, get pressed charges for harassment or some shit. Nah. Fuck it.
>red knees
certified cock sucker
>this post is low quality
>this post is spam
>trolling outside of /b/
If only we had moderation.
>weeb posts an anime image on an anime image board
>newfags shit their pants
every time
Sex; why do you refuse to have it?
public transit is full of weird people, men and women alike. headphones are good for avoiding beggars and those brainlets that babble about jesus to everyone. i do it because i only really listen to music when traveling plus i wanna avoid hearing all that, plus the trains and busses are all squeaky or screechy. i wouldn't say its a total strategy against men specifically though
> r9k tripfag calling other people weird
@ 53561053
>if I post the same bullshit over and over it means they're angry and I'm not delusional at all XD
Back 2 r e d d i t.
Even a 3/10 would be to high for me fml
it could be that she's a dick sucker
Because she's sad/depressed. A depressed public transportation girl is usually non-talkative. They sit there listening to Nirvana, Regina Spektor, some NPR podcast, or a Bee and Puppycat OST playlist while not saying a word and feeling sad. They literally cough up only a few words during the week. When at home, they are either laying on the bed or couch crying (or just laying there), watching Bee and Puppycat or BoJack Horseman, or playing some Mario game, all while drinking tea or wine. They may even cry.
Why don't you just get a girlfriend bro?