Everyone got the affairs in order?
Prepping for the big melt, edition
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another wednesday without my scottish friend
i have to try harder to gain back my scottish friend , if i become better at roleplaying lillie from pokemon or some girls from snk do you guys think he will get me back ?
i just want to be usefull to him because i m a dumbass i justwant to be great to him ... what is wrong with that ...
i think its because i m a brown and because of all those muslim criminal in the uk he think i m one of them but i m not , i m very sweeet and its not because of my skin color that i m violent
seriously where are you ... plump ........ i have been missing you but you ignore me ...... i just want to be your friend
>Everyone got the affairs in order?
are you fucking threatening me lad
>its not because of my skin color that i m violent
The autist actually made me laugh
We're all going to melt tomorrow
I am beyond it. I can't believe a lad i once considered a mate has turned out to be a pedo
I am almost in tears over shippy coming out as a nonce
I'm a melt today mate
no money talk this thread please, it is un-british
another terrible day without my Algerian flump to talk to and play video games with
i used to love watching pokemon with him, he was my flump and i loved him so it doesnt matter that he's a man or a muslim he's my special flump
but he gets angry for no reason and threatens me and that scares me sometimes
now i cry when i watch our old anime together
why did he change i miss you so much
my flump
Me to Iad me to
Mr shekelberg has very kindly allowed us to come to work in shorts and trainers tomorrow
*cooks a fryup on the scorching pavement outside britfeel tower*
Amazon have "lost" the trainers I bought 12 days ago via Prime. Fucking bellends.
I don't know how you neets do it, I'm losing my fucking mind here
>By the will of Allah the most merciful will spare you the saif al Islam! You will be my Plump and you must sit through all of Love Live! with me! >Inshallah he is a merciful god.
what do
A bizarre but very watchable movie. Thanks to my mate user for recommending it
>maybe the real treasure was the friends we made along the way
no word of a lie I thought this was Tim
Amazon are really good at giving you money back though
use the live chat feature, make a stink about how you're dissatisfied as a Prime customer and they'll give you a refund and usually a month of Prime free.
ball ache that you didn't get the item yet though
Newly anointed NEET lad?
ask him (not sure of its gender) what he even means. i am confused
nah, you're alright. fuck off with ya.
Yep. Graduated last week and I'm sick of being jobless already. Might just do some shitty labouring with my friend even though I fucking hate it, at least I'd be doing something then
do what? giz a clue
hullo? hullo???
dis da treatser pizza wizza sleazer cheezer?
two big fuckin' wheezer cheezers wif da meaty melty mixer stix and da edgey wedgeys makin' da gooey spewey dairy chewy!
im not Kevin send it to where i live please mister pizza man
different user here but if you dont mind physical work then labouring can be a great job unless you get stuck with a herd of deanos and failed deanos in which case its a living hell
*goes under the table and starts panting like mad*
might get a pizza tomorrow
fucking shills done a number on me
My bennies still haven't went to universal credit
Seems handier to just get it all at once
It's hard finding a good site. It's either like you said or you work long af hours (7.30-5.00 is what most site's hours are). If it was 8-4 I MIGHT be okay with it, but the job isn't as straightforward as a shitty entry-level job should be
do nothing all day. idk how neets do it
Bad ending ya fookin animal.
Creasing at this, what game is it from?
doubt many neets do absolutely nothing all day
that'd send them to the nut house
absolute fucking gold
still laughing almost a minute later
norf fc lives on
ps making a norf fc rpgmaker game
Good digits. Also I just made this in an Image editor
>absolute fucking gold
>still laughing almost a minute later
nice get
Yeah I guess they have interests and everything. I might be depressed, I only want to work because I have nothing else to do
Yeah I did that, they've admitted they've lost them and they gave me a refund and a tenner credit but that'll still be less than buying the same pair again as they don't have any more stock.
Last week they sent me a "cosmetically damaged" length of hose for my aquarium and someone had bought it, cut it into three pieces and returned it then Amazon sold it again, wankers.
>there's an Indian remake of Oculus
>Yer gonna need yer nanny by the time me an Baz are finished with yers!
>one of the nonce nest members bricking it
your time is up pedo cunt
Finally sent off my application to do the 1 year A Level I'd need to do a Computer Science Degree.
Hope I guess accepted. I don't see why I shouldn't.
I hope you get your Scottish friend back user
Literally can't get past him lads, third playthrough I've ended up with the Bazza boss battle and I can't fucking do him the belly bounce + intimidate loop is deadly and im ALWAYS underlevelled when he appears
fucking bullshit. he's unbeatable at the levels you can encounter him.
>posts unoriginal fedora variation to mock some lad enjoying a bit of OC
Mong un
Wouldnt mind a game like the Yakuza series but set in outer Manchester
I reckon yakiza zero was over rated. The combat was quite repetitive and it was pretty easy, don't think I died once.
can't get past the "Bus replacement Service" level, what a joke this is - no matter how closely you follow the bus from the train station you'll always mysteriously get a red light just as it scoots off into the distance and the -10 rep with Daz is killing me.
Good pun ar kid, got a chuckle out of me
Its Yakuza lad, they are all massively overrated. I still have a laugh with them though.
IBS kicking off and ive got an hour long drive (at least) coming up in an hour, not good
>fan so noisy makes it hard to hear stuff on my laptop
Had a mate with IBS the farts were pure lethal
Birmingham, West Midlands, England
24 July 2019
Was a typo. Think I would have enjoyed it more if it was 20 hours long, i thought it was too long. Still a good game like, I just reckon people exaggerate it. I might play the first one
>I uploaded a Kalindra chan archive on Imgur a year and a bit ago
>Check back on the statistics after all this time
>MFW the whole album has roughly used up 1tb of total bandwidth on imgur ranging from 40,000 views to 250,000 views depending on the picture.
>MFW I'm starting to see a revival of Kalindra posting on other boards but mainly on Jow Forums, /tv/ and /sp/ all using my imgur download names.
What have I done?
Wasnt picking you up on the spelling lad, not about that business. The context made your meaning clear. Just think the whole series is overrated but a good loff regardless. Thinking of playing the original or the remake?
if you pretended to convert to islam just to try to get a QT muslim wife then theyd see straight through you right away and probably kill you yea?
Probably the remake, not sure. I will look up reviews and see what the difference is between them
Which colour is best?
Changes colour with heat 1
hope my pal user is keeping well in this heat
My key worker keeps telling me that I need to go to AA to show improvement but I always bail on going just before it's time to leave.
I fucking hate them. It's the most miserable hour and a half, listening to old cunts prattle on about shit. At the same time I have nothing better to do and I feel guilty for not going.
Probably depends what mosque you go to. Imagine not a great idea anyway considering how controlling the religion is
>Which colour is best?
>Changes colour with heat 1
>>Which colour is best?
>>Changes colour with heat 1
lads i signed up for this stupid study thing and spent the money on a 3 week postage passport instead of the 2 day one
anyone got a photo of a passport so i can get this lady off my back and show her i got it
remember to leave a little saucer of water out for our animal friends tonight and tomorrow
This one is the closest colour to Pakistan's, this one has my vote Amer.
It's dress down for the week here. I cycle to work so I'm very thankful to Mr. Shekelsburg
fuck rodents and fuck you, rodent lover
i hereby challenge edgebaston to a round of fisticuffs underneath the bridge near university train station
How's your love life going champ?
going going gone, 6 years ago
*tosses chair*
Evening lads. This heat completely kills my enthusiasm to do anything, I don't feel like eating, I don't feel like watching films, I just end up sitting here
Is there a camo version?
>didn't make any meaningful friendships in secondary
>didn't make any meaningful friendships in college
>now at uni
>no friends at home
>no friends online
>the 2 people I talk to from uni don't respond much
being virtually friendless truly does suck, I just want someone to have a pint with
No, just solid colours
Camo would be too complex
Same, wanna be friends?
Good question, as he'll be taking his pieces of card behind enemy lines.
>Rutger Hauer dies in 2019, the same year in which Roy Batty dies at the end of Blade Runner
Been a busy month
Prince Amer rolling in that dough! get in there son
Sitting where?
'kin 'ell
defcon 2, shirt off
Tears in the rain...
>on the train
>just me, my brother, some old dude and a woman sitting opposite me
>sit there looking pensive for a while then take my phone out of my shorts
>pockets were a bit tight so i had to fumble and accidentally turned the torch on by accident when I took my phone out of my pocket
>feel like the woman thought I fucked up trying to take a picture of her
movies for this feel?
>Roy Batty
silly name really
I'm currently on the roof directly outside my flat lad
>Everyone got the affairs in order?
thanks for the reminder
opening windows now
On the fucking roof? Aren't you burnt to a crisp?
they just tell you they're lesbian so that you leave them alone
Youll get used to it my man and realise that having no friends is far easier than the stresa of trying to make them and the loneliness of inevitable rejection upon rejection.
Imagine being called Amer Hussain, what a paki fucking name lmao.
>Look babe, that Algerian cunt is still talking about me in /britfeel/
Howling like a wolf about the post above me
Ahahahaha awooooooo
Unlucky. Always get camo if you can
Get some water in icecube trays in yer freezer then you can have nice cold drinks tomorrow.
as opposed to all those pakis called John White yeah