Imagine JUSTing your life this hard

imagine JUSTing your life this hard

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he actually looks like a fucking monkey

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damn, I thought that she will live him in a year or something not after a month
mumkey on suicide watch

The relationship lasted like 2 weeks, I say it's 2 weeks until he kills himself

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This entire thing feels like it's a really elaborate joke. How could someone be this stupid?

Can someone give me a rundown of what happened?, Last I heard he had a yt scene gf but not much else

he cheated on his old gf with some mentally ill furry pedophile and some time later the 2 got engaged. they just broke up

>be mumkey Jones
>have loving gf who buys a house for you
>yt channel gets deleted for no reason
>begin a downward spiral of self destruction beginning with cheating on said loving gf with a pedophilic furry
>break up with loving gf to pursue a relationship with pedo
>pedo predictably cheats on you with a 15 year old
>she dumps you
>admit defeat
>probably kys a couple weeks from now
Don't think I missed anything important.

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lmao why did he even do it, he knew he was going to be screwn over, what a cuck

How do Youtube/Internet personalities with great gfs get seduced by the weirdest fucking women ever?

I remember watching his video three years ago. He is the only reason I've discovered /r8k/ through Elliot Rodgers videos . Dann
>thanking the retards that helped enable your destructive behavior because they didn't make fun of you for it
This guy is all brains

It's hard to feel sorry for him consider what he did to his previous girlfriend. That was an extremely scummy thing to do. What a fucking mess.

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How does one even become so retarded?
Seems like he got what he deserves.

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so when is the suicide? this post wasn't orignial.

you can't fucking write this shit.

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If you're ever cheating on your gf, never break up with her. The girl you're cheating with is with you only because of the appeal of cheating and that's why you're with her as well. Your fantasy might be that you'll be with her once you dump your gf, but it simply won't happen. The fantasy is what's keeping your mistress around. Once you lose the wife, you'll lose the mistress as well. It's a well known phenomenon.

Also, can you cunts quit posting literal whos on this board. Who actually gives a shit about some cunt with a camera?

>Throwing away your years long relationship and potential marriage for a furry pedo who was only with you for two weeks and cucked you with a 15 year old

>Didn't see this coming, wow!

I literally cant even feel bad for him anymore

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I thought it would take a couple more weeks than this desu

Obligatory RIP to Mumkey when he commits the ol roperino

I've actually talked to the guy on a podcast before. He was cool, kind, and down to earth behind the scenes. Honestly, I've always been kind of lukewarm on his videos, but sometimes they would get a laugh out of me. I don't like how they watered down Jow Forums culture for normie consumption, but oh well. That was his hustle and if I were in his position, I would have milked it too. I gotta give him credit for always trying to help out the little guys on YouTube because almost nobody does that. I feel bad for him but he obviously made dumb decisions. It would be best for him to just spend less time with YouTube, which seems to be what he's going to do (?) but shit changes like the wind blows with him.

I like Mumkey but at this point i don't think there's any use for him to remain alive. Unless he manages to get another chance with Sheep he should just get a Kurt Cobain haircut

I will never understand why people talk about private issues like this to a huge audience of people. What a retard. All he had to do was say broke up with gf in a tweet or something, he is just gonna projared himself

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>releases the funny video he's been talking about all the time now
>"sike, all of that downfall shit was an elaborate ruse, never dated that furry bitch, never took any drugs, I'm still with sheepover, all my activities return soon"

Same here, if he shows true (which is very fucking unlikely) I think everyone would forgive him, but he's just on a road to becoming a lolcow or an hero

I think when you're someone people kind of give a shit about, word would spread somehow anyway. also, it's probably therapeutic for him

life lesson learnt, relationships built on betrayal never work.

they're driven by novelty and lust. But after the novelty wears off, you realise you've made a huge mistake.

He just wants attention so hard now. When I fucked up hard I just dealt with like a man and didn't bitch about to anyone (I know the irony of me bring on r9k but come on)

Because it's all an elaborate ruse to get views. He and his gf are probably having sex on a bed covered in shekels as we speak.

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How do you not only get cucked by a 14 year old, you get cucked by a 14 year old dating a pedo furry who you were romantically invested in. Wtf is he doing?

>people who didnt stick with me are bad people for not giving me a second chance
i feel so bad for him ,he thinks people are pity machines with unlimited sympathy. Doing bad shit has consequences, you can't magic away those consequences with "oh forgive me everyone makes mistakes". you gotta learn from them.

people who are distressed do talk to anyone who will listen. he's desperate right now because no one wants him.

Woah thats good

he's like a version of brendan fraser who did it all to himself

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Mumkey on a neverending d o w n w a r d s p i r a l now

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Views don't pay shit and his actual patreon has been dropping like a fucking stone

This has all happened with him in the span of like 8 months... How JUST can you get?

No sympathy. Faggot had it all. Making a living just shitposting on the Internet. Qt 3.14 gf. No one made him throw it all away. He did it to himself.

He's bought a cat, seems like the only thing keeping him alive. Doubt he'd be enough of an asshole to kill himself and the cat by proxy

Well worth watching the entire thing
You should be clear he was actually doing better after getting kicked off of YT, it nearly tripled his Patreon earnings

Damn, this makes me feel happy that I am not playing the game. I know they say its better to have loved and lost than never having loved at all, but... a lot of loss I read about online sure is skull splitting mental anguish. I'd rather not.

Tread theme:

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All Internet personalities are truly broken people who need the validation of thousands of people to keep from killing themselves

He has a cat to take care off

Seems to be the only thing keeping him sane. I don't think he'll kill himself now purely because of this
Absolute madlad for buying a cat while dating a furry though

While I do agree with you, I still feel bad for the guy. We all fuck up sometimes, we do big fuck ups. Hopefully he can make a recovery.

To an extent I do agree with you, but he is fucked in the head. I see him doing a Chris Chan in the future if he doesn't off himself, blaming his mental illness on it all. The situation was accelerated by his disease, but not directly caused.

you either die young or die a lolcow. there is no inbetween.

I think the guy critising him is kind of retarded. I can't watch him insult Mumkey. It's like kicking someone when they're down, it's fucking low unthoughtful content.

Did she kill his cat?

I don't think I ever watched him before, but this shit has been great. I call that he'll release one or two of his normal "funny" videos but they'll be shit, shittier than usual because how could they be anything but in his current state, and he'll attempt then, having failed the last thing he's dependent on.

>muh cat
Finding it a nice new home with loving people who can take care of it isn't so far out of the realm of possibility considering how you can easily rationalize the destruction of your interpersonal relationships. It'll hurt you to leave it behind, giving up on that final thing, but it'll be a righteous sort of hurt that kind of feels good (you could probably think of some movie that has a similar moment), like everything else Tyler has done.

i wouldnt be surprised if he offed himself, really hope he doesnt tho

His first video really felt like it could be that, the introduction of the cat felt completely like parody

i thought that was steven crowder for a minute. can i get a quick rundown?

>I think the guy critising him is kind of retarded.
Jersh has a hard time understanding people yes. I mean why doesn't everyone who makes content on the internet not just move to eastern europe and do it from there, the cost of living is low so it makes perfect sense for everyone to do that.

tldr; Mumkey Jones is a retarded faggot

cinema is dead and hollywood killed it.

Who the fuck is Liu and someone please fill me in on what's going on with him

a porn artist who draws furry and has groomed a 15 year old

>mumkey cheats on his gf with liu (liu was also "dating" a 15yo)
>he admits it to his gf and they break up
>she cant decide if she wants to be with the kid or with mumkey
>chooses mumkey
>they break up a month later

Holy shit that's something so autistic that only mumkey could do it.
inb4 Mumkey commits Etika

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does anyone have a picture of the girl he cheated on or the pedo furry?

poor fella i really liked him in the mummy movies
his wife fucked him over.
this is why you never get married. women will just take everything from you.

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The only man who truly deserves sympathy. I think he was an amazing actor. Shame his wife literally ruined his life and it's actually really suprising he's still hasn't commited suicide

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>downloading his latest videos cuz he might ginna khs

What is it with internet celebrities? Mumkey Jones, Adam warski, baked Alaska and others fuck up their relationships and lives over nothing

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she was way too good for him

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All humans are flawed people. It's just sometimes people have a error in judgement and it costs us a lot. I remember Tobuccus when he had raped allegations thrown at him that ruined him.

celebrity life is actually really difficult and internet celebreties have zero support structures.

Holy jesus fuck, she's a cutie, Why would you throw away a healthy relationship for a fucking nonce?

He's no longer paying alimony I don't think.

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Funny how this fatfuck is probably going to prison , and somehow still comes out on top.

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That's really good news, still don't think he'll ever be the same Brendan, full of life and energy after what he went through.

He betrayed the elusive mommy gf. There is no greater sin. If he doesn't rope himself, he should be put to it.

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He cheated on sheepover with some furry pedophile and the relationship lasted 2 weeks. This is following the whole episode with Assburger going to prison.

For once in my life I side with the chick on this one.
Mumkey, what were you thinking? I like you. Why would you sacrifice sheepover on the altar of this pervy roastie loser?

>pushes away everyone that doesn't approve of his new mistress
oh my god how could my friends and family abandon me like this? don't they realize i'm about changing people and forgiveness now?
no i'm not going to forgive them for not patting me on the back while i throw my life away, even though i now acknowledge this relationship was never going to last, meaning they were right all along
i, as a cheater, demand the utmost loyalty from my friends
i'm the hero of the movie that is my life and in the end everyone is supposed to come back to me with open arms no matter what a piece of shit i am, becasue i am not defined by my worst mistakes

Jesus christ mental illness everywhere. Mumkey surrounded himself with shit

This. I've never seen a man with a cock and balls adopt such nasty and slutty and cunty behavior and then just double down on it. Massive disappointment.

he seems to have a hard time understanding consequences. It's like American X history when the nazi bald guy stomps a nigga and causes loads of shit, but even after he changed and realised what he done was wrong, the consequences didn't go away. The message here is that Mumkey is a skinhead.

Yeah fucked up. Even though Bedhead Bernie didn't approve of his shit at all he still considered mumkey a friend and was genuinely concerned for his well-being. Shout out to everyone else, but not him for not enabling your self-destruction? What a piece of shit

dude the niggers literally killed his brother you retard lmao

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just ignore the fact they were skinheads who hated any nigga who wasnt white

>its justified to kill people for having different beliefs than you
>it's not justified to kill people who murdered your loves ones

Sasuga retard nigger-kun.

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How the fuck did you get that from what I just said? They're beliefs clearly caused some damage and hurt other people. Why the fuck are you trying to argue about a movie in a JUST thread anyway? Did you not understand that the movie was about consequence and thats why I reference it. I could give less of a fuck what you think about nazis and why you're sympathetic towards them. I never said kill them. God you a low IQ bitch nigga.

sounds like sharia meets the left to me

Sheepover was adorable, rich, and loyal. I'd stay with her even if she never let me fuck her, but Mumkey was able to fuck her and he left her. Dude deserves his woes.

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>posts anime
yeah no your opinion is not valid here

Just shut the fuck up cuck. It is not justified to kill people for simply disagreeing with you.

It is completely justified to exterminate the trash that thinks its okay to trample on the innocent for exercising their rights.

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okay discord tranny

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he didn't buy it factcheck yourself jew

Retard starts projecting. Yeah I think you're stunted mentally. You've missed the point of my original comment so hard. You stupid fucking Anime nazi loving bitch cunt.

You're more likely to be a discord tranny because you post Anime

Eat shit cattle.

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I hope he;s wrong but it wouldn't surprise me at this point

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That is the opposite of reality.

The cringe is real you anime cunt

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Yeah you have to go back.
A man posts what he will. A slave cringes as he must.

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