Would you fuck your dad?

Okay so im an old man that mostly browses /b/ and /gif/ i have two daughters and asked on /b/ about this but they told me this board was full of women nowadays so it might be better to ask here.

Would any of you be willing to fuck your father?

I am a porn addict and fantasize about this shit 24/7
I have fucked young girls but what gets me off is imagining im fucking my daughter

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There are no women in this board, only trannies. Also you're going to Hell you incestuous porn addict, repent or suffer.

God I hope you do not have custody. Get help you sick fuck. I am 18 f I have some daddy issues but fucking my actual dad sounds repulsive. Please do not rape or abuse your kids.

no i dont want to fuck my dad because thats necrophilic


you are burning for all of eternity sir

How old are you and how old are your daughters?

your dad is a necromancer?

No you should an hero asap.

You should be on a sex offender's list you fucking nigger. Kill yourself boomerfag

How old are your daughters?

ya he summons hot dead chicks for me to fuck everyday and he even records the whole thing

Please, go to a psychologist.

No I would never. It's disgusting. And if I knew my dad wanted to fuck me I would never look at him again. Hopefully they'll find out.

Fucking a sibling is fucking gross regardless of how hot they are, seek immediate help

zoomers don't let Jow Forums infect your brains lmao get laid
You sound like a retard and if you browse Jow Forums your dad must be proud
19 and 21 but one of them is my wife's daughter meaning my stepdaughter
One of them caught me watching porn once

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post your daughters first, then i'll answer your question


in a sad and unoriginal way


remember this and stay in touch with reality

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Idk I wanted to fuck my mom

Holy shit this has to be a meme

continuing to remind op what he shouldn't become

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op should read berserk

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opee opee

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I don't really care about cartoons last thing i saw was looney toons

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I love berserk i love jacking off woo buddy

That only tells me how old you are. Probably 60

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Nigger my old ass boss said the same shit just try to fuck your daughter already so that she never talks to you again

lmao why are you posting a shitty morph of that pic of the fat lifeguard girl

OP. If you want more of that berserk volume, it's volume 9. Give it a read.



spoon feeding because I want op to read it

im 45 how old are you and why do you still read comics?

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>I am a porn addict and fantasize about this shit 24/7
stop jacking off you degenerate cumbrain.

I'm 27 and I read this when I was 17. Reads right to left.

Post more her you old fucking waste of space, also show us your daughter's panties

More than that, we're expecting.

dude what are you doing on this site go live life
i had three cars when i was your age i was partying around all California.

I can't even get through a marvel movie i couldn't make past the first page even if i tried to read your comic
Give me a minute

>a normie AND old
you really don't belong here