Nigger hate thread

Niggers are absolute sub humans that have invented virtually nothing useful, rely on foreign aid to stay afloat and in general are just absolute savages. I feel very sorry for the 10% of blacks that are self conscious and are actual decent people. Imagine being surrounded by niggers all day.

Attached: virgin nog stared down by superior aryan male.jpg (2168x1438, 345K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is an original comment and my favourite number is 12

Attached: nigger cucked.jpg (654x499, 34K)

This is an original comment and my favourite number is 10

Attached: nigger faggot.jpg (1161x1280, 245K)

I know this is going to burn you up but what have you personally done for the world? Or even for your own neighborhood?

Chocolate cricket, spooky niglet!

>we're oppressed
>we're arrested a lot
stop breaking the law
>victim blaming!

Attached: 1520010562880.jpg (610x405, 80K)

I like big sharks that eat people in the ocean

Attached: nigger brain all over the concrete.webm (352x640, 1.36M)

I dont think he likes the sistas too much
>Girl thats why I dont got a man right now

Holy shit, what's the backstory here? Is that in the US?

I love cheesy pizzas with lots of sauce underneath with herbs like oregano on it.

Attached: nigger slammed down.webm (480x360, 704K)

>purely socioeconomic factors

Attached: race predicts crime.png (933x1188, 102K)

Automatic transmission cars don't require any acceleration to feed onto the gear box.

Attached: nigger getting burnt.webm (400x220, 1.82M)

Brazil. It's a thing. I think they're afraid of the living dead or something. They always shoot the head until there's not much left to make sure their enemies stay down with 0 chance of survival. They do it to men, women, children, they don't give a fuck.

No our police are required to coddle the blacks and give them free pizza and houses

Semi-automatic technology operates via gas, this gas pushes the bolt back, ejects the casing and furthermore feeds a new cartridge into the chamber.

Attached: nigger gets bashed.webm (202x360, 1.31M)

Why do whites always look so smug

When trying to knock somebody out, aim for the jaw.

Attached: stupid cocky nigger.webm (720x544, 1.67M)

>she called me a nigger

Attached: nigs gonna nog.webm (552x358, 1.64M)

I like red apples, I don't really like the bitter taste of green apples.

Attached: Nigger stabbed in throat.webm (800x600, 1.31M)

Looks like something out of a zombie apocalypse, wow

>she was literally just standing there

Attached: videoplayback_2.webm (320x240, 304K)

>institutional racism is real
wtf, i love leftism now

I love the warm Mediterranean climate. Italians are a very nice people with nice culture and cuisine!

Attached: nigger bashed on the beach.webm (1280x720, 597K)

its ok user, i despise the other 90% as well since they have a crab mentality of trying to bring down anyone else trying to do better in life as trying to be "white". not to mention their impulsiveness to act violently before even considering a rational approach.
i too walk across the street whenever a pack of them at night. the saying "around blacks, dont relax" holds true if you want to remain safe.

>Incels are absolute sub humans that have invented virtually nothing useful, rely on governmen aid to stay afloat and in general are just absolute savages when behind keyboards. I feel very sorry for the 10% of virgins that are self conscious and are actual decent people. Imagine being surrounded by incels all day.

>reality is an institution
lmao fucking reality cucked

Attached: niglets_1_1.webm (854x480, 1.65M)

The one question to stump everybody on this site.

Yes you are correct. And so are Niggers.

Attached: crunched in the head.webm (326x180, 772K)

the video cuts off pretty early, did towel-senpai really not assist?
>reality is an institution
i agree, hume was right

I behaved like a human being

Attached: nigs.webm (360x480, 1.21M)

I wonder where those kids learned that behavior

I walk my neighbors dog every couple of days, I do gardening and I mow the neighbors lawns whenever I am mowing mine. I also install plumbing into peoples homes and apartments as a job. What do you do you fucking nigger?

When the white man finally has enough of stupid fucking niggers.

Attached: white man taking his anger out on nigger head.webm (1280x720, 631K)

So are you a plumber? WOW CONGRATZZZ, the world would burn without you

Ape brain would be a good food to feed to my fish.

Attached: ape brain.webm (352x288, 720K)

i volunteer with (nonblack) at risk youth and sufferers of muscular dystrophy

I make an honorable living working for other people to fix their homes. What do you do you faggot loser? What would people do without plumbing in todays world? Stupid niggers like you live in OUR world.

Attached: roman plumbing vs african.jpg (515x497, 54K)

>gives a satisfactory answer
>cherrypicks the response then goes NOOOO THIS DOESNT COUNT

thats unironically true though lol

>doesn't have a job
>talks shit on tradesmen
typical nigger, go overdose on meth

That the world would burn without a plumber? Wut.

>t. sociology student

Wow it's fucking nothing. Gratz dude.

NYC nigger crime stats

Attached: Nigger stats NYC.jpg (992x768, 145K)

plumbing is a massive advancement. you dont have to like it or even think about it, but i know you drink water

I am providing text to satisfy the robot god

Attached: big mouth_2.webm (600x338, 620K)

>remotely trying to imply that plumbing and other civic infrastructures are not absolutely crucial for things to function
Decent bait, got a (you) from me.

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stupid nigger gets mogged

Attached: tiny nigger mogged.jpg (540x720, 61K)

I'm white thanks, and I'm in my third year of college with part-time work as the manager of a community market. As for contributions, myself and five others have raised money to fund the building of multilple schools and wells in Africa, hiring the workers ourselves as the majoprity of charities are corrupt and the money will be taken along the way. As for overseeing it to make sure it's done properly, we pay out of our own money to fly to Africa each year and oversee and assist in the construction. Previously done work in India, but that place is beyond saving.

The strongest race mentally and physically is the EUROPEAN RACE

Attached: Strongest Race.jpg (960x937, 137K)

the black looks more violent for some reason

Literally you in a meme


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the west today summed up in a simple meme

Attached: The west today.jpg (1200x1153, 137K)

>I'm in my third year of college wit

Paying $$$ to learn to be retarded.lmao at the college boi

In this situation, it was the white man that was the nigger

>leftism will bring us to the final frontier
>right wingers cant stop their imperialistic nationbuilding
baka so true

I know it must make me retarded but I believe the problems in Africa are cause by their corrupt government, not the people. However, a lot of the people are uneducated and will remain that way unless they get outside help. Now, I know, I also must be retarded for not being racist, but the people I have met and the lives I have seen change are more convincing than a bunch of sheltered Jow Forums autists.

Lmao I get paid to go to college in this country. Nice try though

For defending himselve?

Swede cuck detected ??


Attached: swedish contestant euro vision.jpg (1024x577, 71K)

>Bragging about being paid a pittance in exchange for retardism

>claims not to be racist
you are not an ally

But yet you have said that India is beyond saving, like somehow the vast majority of Africa is any different.

Nope, try again. English is my first language, but I'm not English.

Angled head and posture
The white man is in a neutral state, while the nog is ready to swing at any moment an opportunity rises

For acting like a nigger and using a cheap shot. The black man didn't seem to violent

Hmmm, convincing arguement, but as I said, I have a job but in this country we also get money to pay for college related things, such as transport etc


I've been to both, in a group my size, we can have a far bigger impact for African villages than we can for Indian slums.

lmao @ these white cope threads. It's like watching a dying animal flail. I give it 20 years and you'll all be getting stomped and dragged out of your homes. There's nothing you can do about it.

Lmao so Jow Forums is actually filled with Jow Forums incels.

I can only laugh at you. I actually kinda feel sad for you. Your lives are so pathetic that the only way to make yourself feel special is to have hatred towards a ethnic group.

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>Admits to niggers wanting to stomp and kill whites

And this is why we don't like niggers. You can come and try to drag me out of my home, I will shoot you in the head multiple times and then piss on you.

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Plumbers are more important than any kind of job you could do after your social studies

>Anyone that doesn't agree with me is an incel and anyone that hates niggers automatically browses Jow Forums

Go jump off a cliff you nigger.

He was just defending himself lmao

I study business and computing, as I am good at it, I enjoy it and it has high paying jobs.

Excuse my ignorance in that case. What is the context between the full video? I did not see the black man do any attacking.

Yeah and after studying it, you won't have a job and will be a complete loser. You have a low IQ as it is with your stupid leftard points of views. Go suck some nigger cock faggot.

Attached: stats.jpg (416x1000, 124K)

>foreign aid
you're retarded if you think foreign intervention is helping them stay afloat and not bringing them down
For every $1 loaned foreigners take $5-$10 out. Loans are constantly pulled out, "donations" are traded for mining, intervention secures land for corporations and imprisons communities, etc. I think Botswana pays 30%-60% of their debt they accumulate each year and have to ask for more since the interest is so high

Lmao I don't know what the state of your country is, but over here it's smooth sailing. I wouldn't consider myself left or right, I feel that's more an American thing to do. Also, I don't care about the stats of America, it's a bit of a shithole. Where I am from, most crimes are commited by white people, usually to related to crime families.

Even the most worthless NEET generally has yet to be arrested, steal things, destroy other people's property, commit fraud, and assault people.

NEETs - 1
Niggers - 0

You can't really do any of those things if you never leave the house. And despite never leaving the house, you're still a drain on governement money. Truely no better than a nigger.

>burn you up
Not everyone is that egotistical dumb ass. You can't kill everyone in charge single handedly to make the world a better place, of which, you'd have to. There's no breathing room to change anything yourself. What do you expect? Magic?

They help by not being stupid violent niggers though.

yeah because NEETS are usually more into child porn anyway

If everybody had this outlook, the world would be a much more primitve place.

I'm at medical school. I'm not white though, but regularly get told I'm worth nothing by white layabouts. Go figure.

so was that you shitposting or someone else?

I work as a nurse in a hospital. Feels pretty good to help people and try to ease their suffering

Attached: apu thumbs up.jpg (880x670, 169K)

>I am a kike that moves money around and support anti-logic aka anti-racism

Hope it is bait.

That was part shitposting, but in my country, it is usually the poor and uneducated that become plumbers. I understand that their a vital part of any country, but we just have an excess of them currently. I was in the wrong to call him out like that, but it's hard to be sympathetics to people like that in these threads. They don't get respect.

You're naive. No one chooses to be great. It just happens over time. You stand on the shoulders of giants, they did too. If your race had no giants then just shut the fuck up.

Hmm right, that's one way of saying it. You all seem to talk the same without saying much. It's usually just a bunch of insults relating to some incel concepts

Actually, SSI is 750 USD vs niggers in prison costing two grand per month, 3k more so in prison.

Get rekt baka.

>And this is why we don't like niggers. You can come and try to drag me out of my home, I will shoot you in the head multiple times and then piss on you.
Keep crying. Posting old pictures that have no basis in reality today do nothing. Face it, there's nothing you can do. You will be bred out of existence. Nature has made herself very clear: resistance is futile.

Call me naive but I've seen the change one person can make. People are too afraid of trying things and nothing changes because you are all afraid of failure. Not even talking about race or anything, but you people never really try for anything. It's hopeless talking to people like you. No one chooses to be great but it doesn't "just happen", real people have to try things. It's not a far fetched concept and you're the naive one if you truely believe what you say.

then why are they all fat and why are all their men cutting off their dicks and wearing dresses

>hmm you talk the same
You're from reddit. You are politically correct, a sheep, and strawman the word incel. Hyper redditor. Plumbing is a very important job you idiot. Moving money around to help those that won't help themselves is ridiculous and unironically Jewish. You might think my calling you Jewish is a strawman too of sorts but you just are too much of a sheep to see why being some manager is a 'kike' position. You just move money around.

>Actually, SSI is 750 USD vs niggers in prison costing two grand per month, 3k more so in prison.
*In America

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you try to change the world you'll faggot enable people into not doing it themselves, or worse, hog all the cash whilst pretending you're hot shit. What is even better? You cannot create nor destroy in this reality, only move shit around. The only way to help society is to essentially rob it, if you mean being a hard and intelligent worker is helping it. You get over paid, that takes from the rest of the people. Feed and actually take care of them? Now they're lazy and incompetent to boot. You're still BAD.

This is an American website faggot.

But anyway, are you implying other countries send niggers to jail for free? Implying also, that all neets are on the bux, because they aren't.

I don't have reddit and I already said it's an important job. Weird how you notice that you're also making a strawman with both the jew and reddit arguement, yet you can't stop yourself. Anyway, as the manage I organise the place and keep it running. I work for one guy and he pays me well. Of course, I'm not surprised there are people trying to find a reason that what I am doing is pointless or whatever random shit you want come out with, but you don't need to worry about me and my job. Your views are fucked.

I honestly feel bad for you if you truely believe that, but if you do, then there's no point in me even trying to convince you.

This whole thread is actually a waste.