LISTEN. Femanon here. THIS is why you have no girlfriend:
It's because you're boring as fuck. I bet you're some STEMbug who has no interests besides whatever it is you do for work (probably something CS related), video games, and whatever strand of retardation that you got from being here. You're an a-social person with no interest in other people, no social circle or roots in a community and no real idea of what you want from a woman. All your attempts to get a gf have likely boiled down to awkwardly flirting with random women
PROTIP: you're not too ugly or poor for a gf
S _ _ _ T _ _ s
Suck tits?
I dont date thots
And all women are thots
thanks for rubbing it in femanon
I know this. Tell me something useful.
die trannie?
wait wait
don't tell yet
this is nice copypasta lole
Women are boring and mundane creatures who think they're interesting when in reality they're all basic cunts. I have many hobbies and interests. Would consider myself like a 5/10 in looks but all I'm able to attract are hamplanets looking for a provider and surrogate daddy for their nigger baby. I also just moved to a nee area and making new friends here is tough.
>he's gotta have social media
>his MBTI has to start with E
>he's gotta be 6'2 and have a perfect jawline
>he's gotta make atleast 60k a year
This is what all women think so cut the bullshit. I own a house but would rather not let it get taken away by some white trash and her niglet.
>his MBTI has to start with E
Nobody gives a shit about that in the real world. I mean people like extroverted people more but nobody ever gonna say out loud or even think "omg I wish his MBTI was something else"
I know that I'm not too ugly, I KNOW it
video games have stolen my very soul, over ten thousand hours of my life
I have no one I hang out with, no social circles, no community, absolutely nothing
and there's not much to do besides trying to find another "hobby" solely for the purpose of finding a gf, who will be let down extremely quickly
>I have many hobbies and interests.
They are not attractive because they don't involve meeting lots of new people and climbing the social ladder
im not some STEMfag, i have plenty of hobbies and im probably not that boring
my problem is that being around anyone for any length of time makes me uncomfortable, and even if i do end up enjoying time with someone i make them angry or something and dont understand why because im a huge autist
it feels like i have to decode every god damn sentence, getting it wrong 90% with no idea why, and all for a prize that just makes me feel uncomfortable
doesnt stop me from wanting a gf tho
And social climbers are the biggest assuckers and NPCs. Women are the biggest NPCs.
>show tits
Idiot newfaggots. Stop bumping the threads that are the most faggoty of bait.
>You're an a-social person with no interest in other people, no social circle or roots in a community and no real idea of what you want from a woman.
crazy how accurate this is for me
women are the most fucking boring specimen on the planet so I'm not sure what makes you so entitled.
I'm some STEM guy, yes, lost my virgin card with some crazy 42 yo cougar and after that I fucked dozen other girls because I know how and when make a move.
Op, I know you right, but don't come to this board to hurt more the robots that not ascended to the next level since they already suffer enough to not have any hope.
Maybe because you've already rooted the whole community.
Where do I meet these mythical horny cougars? Because in my experience they're just as picky (if not more) than girls in their 20s.
Normgroid cancer has really infected this board good God. Literally bait copypasta 24/7. There really is no respite from the self improvement meme is there?
Most people here wish they were STEMfags. Most of the people here are NEETs and don't have a real career going along. If they were STEMfags they'd be having great careers and independence to do whatever they want. They'd probably be fucking bitches.
>It's because you're boring as fuck. I bet you're some STEMbug who has no interests besides whatever it is you do for work (probably something CS related), video games, and whatever strand of retardation that you got from being here
I've got a ton of hobbies and experiences I can talk about. Taking anime and vidya off the list I've still got at least 5 different hobbies I heavily partake in
>You're an a-social person with no interest in other people, no social circle or roots in a community and no real idea of what you want from a woman
I had friends before they ditched me, and have tried making new ones since then. It's not easy, especially when you work graveyard shift. And I do know exactly what I want from a woman
>All your attempts to get a gf have likely boiled down to awkwardly flirting with random women
I mean I've asked women on dates if that's what you mean. I dont get a lot of opportunities cause I get no matches on dating sites, the ones I've asked out were women I knew previously and got on with well
It can't possibly be this, because 99% of humanity is stupefyingly boring, and utterly reliant on the remaining 1% to labor to create distractions to allow them to pretend they aren't. If boring people didn't get partners, humanity would be extinct.
Boring people usually get gf's... if they have a social life and community
It's the only way a boring person can get a gf unless he is a 10/10 or rich
>I've still got at least 5 different hobbies I heavily partake in
Also, I'd like to point out that these are opposites:
>It's because you're boring as fuck.
>You're an a-social person with no interest in other people
People with notable interest "in other people" are always the most boring of all, because they literally never have anything to say or anything in their head but:
>"Did you hear? Janey said that Chad said that Stacy said that she saw Tyrone at Sonic with Jose and they both had vanilla shakes, but that means that Lacey is a liar because she said that she was sucking Tyrone's dick one night and he said he only drinks chocolate shakes, JUST LIKE LACEY!"
Please see:
Having a social life MAKES UP FOR BEING BORING.
If you're boring, you NEED a rich social life to get a gf
If you're boring and have no social life, you must be a 10/10 or rich to get a gf
>they are not attractive because they arent popular
The cougar I fuck was a writer. You should go where women related to arts go like theaters, galleries, museums if you want an artist cougar, if not, just go to bars and try your luck. With time you will get the ropes and start know when they are receptive in supermarkets and others places. The last milf I fucked was the aunt of a college classmate of mine.
Yep, if you have people that you can talk to and keep them interested as much as needed, you can get friends/gf, depending on the gender. Not everyone can be interesting, and it gets even worse when you stop talking to people cause you disconnect from the normie world and stop giving a fuck about normie shit that doesn't interest you.
t. CS fag that stopped talking to normies long enough to fuck me up for good
Yeah pretty much right on the nose except for the awkwardly flirting with random women thing. I don't flirt with anyone, it's too risky.
A woman telling someone they have no real hobbies. Now THAT'S comedy.
>Femanon here.
No you're not.
>It's because you're boring as fuck.
As if most people are somehow "interesting". Most people are boring as fuck..
>I bet you're some STEMbug who has no interests besides whatever it is you do for work (probably something CS related), video games, and whatever strand of retardation that you got from being here.
The average fuck has no interests besides their work and Netflix. Your point?
>no social circle or roots in a community
Status. The word is status. A man without status.
>All your attempts to get a gf have likely boiled down to awkwardly flirting with random women
And most normies do that.
Garbage thread, made me reply.
Of course dumbass. They also say "I want someone with their shit together" and not "I want a paypig". That doesn't invalidate his point.
Noone in this world wants anything else from a woman but sex. Why would I waste 100000000000000000000 hours and 100000000000000000 bucks, an entire lifetime, mental trauma, etc on a girlfriend if I can just hire a prostitute?
The only reason you want a girlfriend is because everyone else has one, are they really happy? no, they just have a girlfriend and that's what "matters" apprently.
I effectively don't have even a single interest. I do nothing at all, all day.
I lack any talent, skill, passion, interest, even hobby. When you say this most people will respond, "You may not have talents but you are at least average at everything you do!"... well no, that's the opposite, everything I do is either barely average or straight up shit.
I was not supposed to be born.
You can always lie about it though.
What a great copypasta, whore. You women always delude yourselves into thinking that you choose a partner based on "personality", that's why you tell hopeless men that they don't have a GF because they have a "bad personality".
The truth is you choose a mate based solely on their ability to protect your sorry ass from long extinct predators. The only value men have in biological terms is protecting others, men choose friends based on that and women choose partners based on that. So don't bullshit me about personality because not even you buy it. I know for a fact that you'd pick an uninteresting, hot man over a super interesting ugly fat guy.
I don't judge women for this, it's simple biology. Men choose women solely on their ability to bear and care for children too, the difference is that men don't go around telling women they need to get better personalities, they just pick the hottest ones thay can feasibly fuck and tell the others to fuck off.
Stop deluding yourself bitch. You have not transcended your primal insticts for survival. You are a fucking primate with a computer, so get back to acting like one.
this is all true honestly.
>It's because you're boring as fuck
i am
>no interest in other people, no social circle or roots in a community and no real idea of what you want from a woman
you're right
>boiled down to awkwardly flirting with random women
never flirted with anyone
Could I get a gf if I study CS like vidya, libretard (gnu+linux), but also like hiking and want to learn a musical instrument?
Oh wow you really thought about it a lot eh?
Liking money, vidya and pussy makes men boring?
By this logic every male should be incel lmao.
Have a gf
GF hasn't any social community I'm the one
Honestly its somehow right
Are you retarded or just extremely autistic? he didn't insinuate normies think that they can just sense when someone is a social outcast.
I used to have talents, skills and passions but progressively I lost them all because these things didn't get my peepee wet so I thought it was all a waste of time. I thought as a teenager girls would eventualy flock to me because I could play guitar real good, could paint and draw real good, I was the fastest runner, the best at archery, high jump, javalin, hockey. All this potenial but because foids didn't acknowledge any of it, it all felt fruitless so I opted out.
>inbf stop caring about what femoids think
I'm human and a male, it's in my biology and evolutionary phycology to care about what they think.
i single because trust issues. that and I hate being on land all i wanna do is sail the oceans forever but im posted ashore
Okay tranny larping as a female
>posts picture of a man who was desperate for validation
Roastie sure is getting toastie
No flirting, but damn user u r pretty
Got proposal from two girls and goddamn both of em r not pretty at all
Yeah OP, Women are perfect saints that can do no wrong.
>I'm an npc, it's in my programing to care about what they think.
This is kinda true. I know a guy with a girlfriend in a band and he constantly has to entertain the bitch by talking or telling loads of stories about things he has done. This would be way too tiring for me to keep up.
>tfw have hobbies no female cares about
I brew cider, do artistic cartography maps, write fiction, board games (both playing and designing), and some gardening. I also take ballet classes in my spare time as my exercise.
Someone told me recently I only had feminine hobbies. Is that true?
No, I'm a male human roast beef. You can't just do away with millions of years of evolutionary psychology and sexual hormones. Anyway, I was only a teenager so I thought with my dick first foid.
>You're an a-social person with no interest in other people,
How does this makes you boring? What if I dont need other people to entertain myself?
That's all true OP, but my standards are also too high. Would rather be alone than date below an 8/10.
femanon whos interests are netflix makeup and guys. Yeah alright and you belittle mine that literally makes up the shit that you take for granted everyday the math and science needed to go into your shitty hair drier the compounds needed for your birth control and that somehow is not interesting interests? If that's the case fuck all females including you. You aren't worth the O2 you consume. Get the fuck off my board.
This is what's expected of all men these days. We are all supposed to be women's personal jesters. A clown world it truly is.
a tasteful shitpost
I'd argue working on my cs projects and occasional vidya is better than women whose personality consists of binging netflix but whatever man
somebody that fucking understands
I tip my hat to you
>females are dumb niggers whose interests have no practical use
couldn't agree more, op.
been there, done that. not worth it, famalam.
kek and true
but OP has a point, though poorly conceived, lacking all thoughtfulness, and indicative of a vapid, cliche, and dull personality, but she makes some point.
I'm worse, I have a learning disability and I'm an introvert, gamer, anime lover with no friends, borning, without any interests that would intrigue a foid.
Hey but at least I've got pretty good looks and I'm not a frail looking beta even though it's done nothing for me.
Im a chadfisher and youre quite wrong.
i collect coins,old books and old used vgames.
also play the guitar/harmonica and used to go biking often
i dont like to tell anyone that i like to do those things tho
there isn't a pic of me from at least 7 years now.
no friends (not even online) or even contact with people of my age
sometimes i just walk in the city all day or multiple days, looking.
my mom tell me very often i will die alone so i dont bother to this point.
i may be a npc, dont know
but iam sure of something
women aren't capable (or at least the 99% of them) to have genuine interest on things that their purpose is seeking the attention of their pears.
well they are designed to attract more than being attracted to someone
i guess the only way for guys like me is the rope
If Chad did nothing but play video games all day, women would still be crawling in through the basement window for a chance to take his cock. Try again.
Nah it's cause I reject and push away women and don't look for them, I'm definitely not boring.
But I am too poor so I'll blame it on that
This is true. I knew a chad in hs and he was a massive gamer, spending all his time playing cod and all the girls loved him.
timestamp or bait and you can fuck off larper
Oh but I do... well now that I think about it, one of my only skills would probably be pretending to have niche and obscure hobbies to appear interesting.
Go back to fucking tumblr
Women are the niggers of gender
>boring as fuck with no interests
you described women, not us
look at this incel piece of shit
women are the niggers of gender but psuedointellectual redditors are the niggers of the internet
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