>The study also found that girls who played video games in their formative years were more likely to suffer from psychological disorders such as Borderline Personality Disorder, and engage in sexually risky behavior
Thoughts on this fembot? Have we finally discovered the smoking gun for why you are so slutty?
>ywn be 18 and meet 32 and 40 year old mommydoms damn it ALL
Matthew Hill
I actually once met a woman in her 40s who used Jow Forums. She was stunningly good looking for her age, sent me nudes, but was also married and had 3 kids. She had a really fucked up childhood.
Sebastian Collins
Who would win? >"oh, but user, those girls on lolcow and crystal cafe are just like you are! They're lonely!" >this single image Vote now on your phones
Ian Allen
I was weird and lonely well before I started playing video games, thank you very much.
Carson Sanders
Feels good being male again. This is a man's world after all. Don't fuck with our toys or we'll fuck your mind
Andrew Baker
>or we'll fuck your mind
think i speak for all the fembots here when i say this is kinda hot.
yeah, we're sluts, but do you really have to hate us?
Christopher Campbell
Eh. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to win. Pic related.
In all seriousness, I played a lot of video games as a little girl. My parents never had much money so it wasn't until I was in my early twenties / recently that I started gaming again. However I have zero interest in playing with people online and prefer games from my childhood and strategy games. I have an emulator for Pokemon games, Civilization, Age of Empires, Rollercoaster Tycoon.
I am not sure how representative I am of OP's study as I never identified as a gamer, game in isolation from other "gamers", am generally unfamilar with gaming culture and controversy (I tried reading about Gamergate and my fucking brain startsd to melt and drip out my nose because of how little I cared about either perspective), etc. I'm not "slutty" (24 year old virgin), do not have BPD (I actually hate borderlines lol), etc. However I have been bullied and struggled to make friends.
To address OP's theory, I think you may be putting the cart before the horse. Video games are pretty "normal" for men, whereas normie women will generally look down on anything that isn't Candy Crush. The kind of girl who likes video games or has a disposition which favours fantasy and action genres or strategy games is also the sort of girl other girls mock and belittle. Likewise, a lonely girl from a dysfunctional family (the sort of environment that breeds BPD) may be drawn to video games in a way her normal, functional female peers do not.
However I would guess this is not entirely on normie women. Young boys who like video games have a large group of peers to befriend. With girls, they may not have many female friends to "game" with. While many of my female friends roleplay, I'm the only one that plays PC games. In lieu of female friends, girl gamers (ugh, what a phrase) only have men to befriend.
>women can't enjoy entertainment or they become sluts Can you imagine not being able to enjoy music or movie or you become mentally ill? Lol
Nolan Martin
Reading your post broadened my understanding of the auism spectrum
Luke Hughes
Interesting. There is a direct correlation between female sluttiness and the invention of the radio!
Adrian Fisher
2/? - I'll quit spoilering since I think y'all get my point.
Although this doesn't apply to all men, a sizeable portion of the male population is unable of seeing women as friends. As such, girl gamers may be stuck in a situation where their only potential friends are people incapable of seeing her as a friend. I can see why such a predicament would cause anyone to become more mentally ill and neurotic. You want friends and there's a community of losers just like you who share your dweeby hobbies but none of them want a meaningful friendship connection with you because theybtreat you as a decorative dick cozy. A female friend of mine who likes model jets can only befriend older, married men for this exact reason. And even they still try shit on her when she just wants to fly her planes. It's incredibly emotionally isolating and makes one a touch paranoid ("why is this person being nice to me?").
One other theory could be that Stacey thots recognised that LARPing as a gamer girl by posing with a controller in their mouth will get them NEETbux by proxy. Such women are definitely stupid / crazy / emotionally fucked up because any woman who thinks for more than five seconds realises how inherently misogynistic the porn industry is. However, since the study in the OP appears to look at time spent playing, this is probably an irrelevant non-sequiter.
Anyway, this study is neat and I would love more details. I'd read it, but my break is almost up.
Mm. I'm glad. I told my Stacey sister my doctor suspects autism and she said, "yeah, I figured". Unless you said it to be mean, in that case... >making fun of autism >on Jow Forums >4 >chan >Jow Forums >>>>>>chan Jow Forums
Evan Martin
If you masturbate you're a hypocritical slut.
Dylan Bailey
Not sure how. But yeah. Like all the time.
Nolan Rogers
>it's making me think! Nooooo! >*goes insane*
Maybe barbie dolls really were the best thing for young girls. Barie dolls and chairs.
Eli Williams
My brother showed me vidya, i'm socially inept according to some. i can't thank him enough.
Jason Miller
Your dad should have fucked you years ago.
Dylan Ward
I don't think guys necessarily can't be friends with girls Just that there are no longer are any hobbies and interests guy-oriented Also the introduction of any female into any male group throws off the dynamic. It's not that I want to date you, just someone will and that sucks I've seen this behavior plenty in childhood
Cooper White
All the gamer girls I've known have been broken sluts, so this checks out. Super accurate.
David Scott
I don't play vidya and am still a crazy schizoaffective disorder having bitch
Blake Peterson
>still a crazy schizoaffective disorder having bitch
How has it affected your interpersonal relationships with men and women?
Kevin Richardson
Fuck you OP and stop shitting up the board with these stupid Fembot threads, leave the robots alone t. femanon
Aaron Rodriguez
Women bully me. Men are scared of my autistic behavior or are very insistent and inclined to be pedos (hence I'm legal and look 10). Why?
Alexander Ramirez
hey how you doin' do you wanna have an e-bf that buys you steam games?
Levi Carter
Because I wanted to know if you are a virgin.
Aiden Mitchell
I am. But why does it matter at all
Carson Myers
>do you wanna have an e-bf that buys you steam games? Yes hello how are you doing
Isaac Perez
This post gave perspective. And it certainly did more to change my opinion than some cunt insulting me or the white knights from reddit trying to sell me bullshit. It hadn't occured to me that certain girls couldn't make friends with other girls and only had unrelatable fellow hobbists to socialize with. From the guy perspective we have girls, who already have their other interests and friend circles, invading our hobbies. They bring negative change by either demanding the place changes to accomodate their sensibilities ("stop swearing", "this is problematic", "I don't like that, ban it") or by making everything revolve around them. Guys will drop any conversation and revolve around her instead like she is a Protoss Carrier and they're the drones who constantly orbit her and will attack anything in unison for her. With that said, I'd give being your friend a try.
Michael Collins
I disagree.
>don't think guys can be friends with girls Patently false. I have nine male friends, and only one is gay. I had a crush on one of the straight ones, he rejected me, but we stayed friends and I don't feel that way about him anymore. Most of them have girlfriends and wives now (many that I wingmanned for) but a few don't. Even they don't really like me that way. I think only one of the eight had a crush on me, but that's about it. One of them I've known since childhood and we're like siblings and he calls me sister. Just because you're incapable of viewing all women as fuckholes does not mean all men are equally incapacitated.
>Just that there are no longer are any hobbies and interests guy-oriented ?
>Also the introduction of any female into any male group throws off the dynamic. It's not that I want to date you, just someone will and that sucks It's stupid that you argue men and women can't be friends and then immediately follow up by saying you don't want to date every girl you know. So which is it? Are you able to control yourself and not make moves on every girl, or are men just blinded by their dicks to such a degree they cannot see women as friends?
Anyway, your explanation is pretty unfair and pathetic. "Because a man will be creepy I won't be friends with the person he's being creepy to". That really puts the OP study into context. No wonder these "gamer girls" feel lonely and neurotic - even the few men that don't try to date them shun them because of another person's actions. No matter what you do, your status as a "friend" in many men's eyes is always contingent on the actions of someone else. That's really depressing and I'm shocked you'd admit that so casually.
How about this - be friends with people you like and if two of your friends are in conflict encourage resolution or compromise and if that's impossible side with the friend that did nothing wrong. I do this with male and female friends.
Jordan Bailey
youre ugly so it doesnt count
Daniel Martinez
2/2 reply to When my gay friend's sister was bullying him and she refused to retrench, we kicked her out of our circle of friends. If I adopted your perspective - that a man and a homosexual disrupted the group's natural dynamic and therefore should be shunned by how his presence prompts others to act - I'd be siding with the bully, his sister, and he'd be alone. Instead, I chose to retract my friendship from the true source of the disruption - his mean sister.
Likewise, a female friend of mine was a typical incel wetdream - a cute Asian chick who speedbuilt model robots from anime. We had a friend that kept making advances on her even when she said no. At one point, he cornered her when we were all drinking. My best friend, a man, told him he wouldn't be invited back to his home unless he changed him behaviour. My friend did the right thing. He didn't blame one of his friends for being the target of someone else's obsession. I think the fact you care more about a friend "dynamic" more than doing the right thing by women who could have been your friends if you opened up to them is a moral defect that is costing you a lot.
Obviously this doesn't apply to situations where you don't like the girl as a person.
Anyway, hope this makes you reflect upon which friends you choose to stand by.
James Cox
>be girl gamer >join csgo team >talk >+4 friend requests
Ian Sanders
>be a girl gamer >join my csgo team >my deep voice causes you to get wet >i issue commands to you and start to masturbate
Ethan Peterson
i'm lookin for a fembot who posted in an ideal partner thread and made a vocaroo saying "i wish i was real too" i liked the sound of your voice
Gavin Baker
>ugly women aren't women I mean, I am ugly but that doesn't detract from my point at all since many of my male friends have sexy female friends too.
>perspective On Jow Forums? Woah.
>cunt insulting me >white knight shill Yeah, the truth is nuanced and shills don't always convey that, intentionally or not. Analytical people are often accused of "sealioning" when they're being sincere.
>couldn't make friends with other girls Definitely was my situation. The first and only sleepover I ever went to with other girls ended horribly. They wanted to watch Titanic (I'm dating myself), and I thought it was so dumb I kept laughing until one of the girls called me a freak. I always friends with boys because they liked horror movies, catching frogs, playing with worms, etc.
>invading our hobbies Yeah, there is definitely this feeling of being "besieged". I think there is room for male (and female) only spaces but that those spaces shouldn't encompass something as broad as video games. Especially since women have been nerds since the beginning. The first Star Trek magazine or convention (maybe both) was developed by women.
With that said, I don't think that it's just women who struggle finding female friendships who you should consider being friends with. Plenty of normie women can sincerely be nerdy. Those early lady Trekkies? Many were housewives. And those normie women are't as possessive of their hobbies as men can sometimes be over theirs. When I took a cooking class, the one man there was immediately fawned over by the women rather than perceived as a foreign entity.
I think part of that may be that normie women have better relationships with men than nerdy gamers do with women. For those Stacies (and even a tomboy like myself) in my cooking class, a guy trying to make creme broulee is fun because they know how to act around men. For a lot of nerdy dudes, talking to women is daunting, so one appearing is probably very threatening.
Oliver Ortiz
>tfw no RTSgf to steamroll with my Sardaukar and hurt her by yelling insults at her through the mic
All I want is to pound your pussyhole while yelling "WHO'S YOUR BARON?", you stupid whore...
Continued reply to >demanding things change Yeah, that's tricky. I do know what you mean. I knew a girl who only let other girls play D&D with her because "men can't do it right" with respect to not swearing excessively, not being gross, etc.
To me, that seemed stupid because I like gross, dark, offensive humour. I'd probably feel just as annoyed as you if we all played together and she told me to stop pilfering dead corpses or making sex jokes. However, while you and I may have different senses of humour than her, that doesn't mean she's any less of roleplayer. She may be a buzzkill and a nag in our eyes, but she still plays more than I do.
So I agree with you that women on average have different sensibilities than men, and this can be a huge drag, especially if they're presumptuous enough to start barking orders within the first couple hours. My only reply is (1) not all women lol and (2) you don't have to play with them. I'm sure there's plenty of obnoxious Christfags or overly aggressive men you hate playing with and subsequently avoid.
However, sometimes I find mild and reasonable complaints are conflated with the type of behaviour that girl demonstrated. I used to roleplay a lot more, but no matter what game I played, this guy would always make sexual advances on my character - even if I was playing as a male. It wasn't that he was making a rape joke. That'd be fine. It was that he was always targetting me specifically with highly sexualised behaviour I felt was a proxy for flirting. When I told him privately to cut it out because I didn't like him that way and it honestly felt out of place in the story, I asked the DM to interfere. Thankfully my friends were cool and the guy clued in no one else found his flirting funny but I could easily see how people less sympathetic to me could see that as "local woman can't take a joke; bitches until DM structures game to correspond to her wishes".
Fuck it/3
Xavier Russell
COntinued reply to Whoops. Sorry. I have a friend literally at my door.
Anyway I'm glad my post gave you perspective. Yours definitely gave me some, too, hence it prompting me to reflect in (nearly) three posts worth of stuff. Maybe the thread will be alive when they leave and we can talk more. If not, godspeed user.
Connor Clark
Dude, you should totally watch the GWAR movies. They're so bad, they're good. You'll probably enjoy them. Back in the 00s the vidya scene was almost exclusively comprised of guys who weren't particularly popular and had niche interests. The forums and chatrooms had a cozy air, like the bars in some 90s movies where the juke boxes play hearty rock, the pinball machines click, and the patrons are your companions. Irl you'd be surrounded by girls who thought you were lame and guys you couldn't relate to. They liked chasing a ball around while you liked "that power ranger cartoon". But in the nerd space you could be foul mouthed and people would understand if you said "row row fight the powa". But guys existed in this conflicting state of mind where they both wanted a gf and disliked outsiders who stirred the up to then cozy pot.
Jose Williams
I like girl gamers
Nathan Bailey
There's a Dune rts? Or is it a mod for some shit
Jason Gray
false causality shitty study for retarded femshits
Jeremiah Rogers
cont I'm all for both genders having their own spaces even in the same hobby. People need to have their own spaces to retreat to and chill. Even significant others who love eachother sometimes want some ME time with the lads or the ladies. My belief is that the people in charge of social engineering have gotten it into their heads that forced coexistence of different groups will lead to being used to eachother when in truth we're driving eachother up the fucking wall and have nowhere to go to for a breather. "Familiarity breeds contempt" as they say.
>On Jow Forums? Woah.
I don't know if I belong here. I had my chances with girls and I get approached every now and then. I just don't feel romantic attraction and I'm generally a misanthrope. Probably bipolar or something too. I have mood cycles.
>I thought it was so dumb I kept laughing until one of the girls called me a freak.
That reminds me of that one time when our liberal teacher (kinda ahead of her time) had us write a report on a book about a junkie. tl;dr the guy is a teen, starts smoking to look cool and is then introduced to drugs by a girl he likes. He wastes away, steals from his family, and loses his friends. He finally stops only to relapse and die of an overdose. The girls in my (female majority) class were all "awww poor guy". They and the teacher were very unhappy when I said "the junkie had it coming".
Dune 2000 and Emperor: Battle for Dune. Play them in this order.
Eli Lewis
>again You found your marbles and stopped taking estrogen?
Caleb Wilson
please i want to hear fembot voices
Liam Moore
>I have nine male friends, and only one is gay. Didn't you said you struggled to make friends? Normie
Jace Lopez
Yeah, as a child.
Gavin Brown
we must protect are gamer girls from falling prey to the disco predators
Luis Thomas
Not that user just wanted to say I have seen the GWAR movies and I have never met anyone else who has.
Blake Adams
>another tranny thread Find a strong rope.
Jordan Adams
behind every tranny is a thirsty male
males must stop being horny as they scare women into cutting off their breasts just so they can escape their horninesss
Levi Watson
>lolcow >crystal cafe Explored, it's fuckin trash bro holy shit its just a bunch of whores talking about the chads texting them or calling other sluts insecure. Imageboard fags are insufferable no matter the form.
Question. Is there boards for seperate races or professions?
Connor Watson
no this is totally junk science. the claim is based on little to no real research. its correlation not causation
Michael Smith
>fembots even existing >posting bullshit That's beyond bullshit stop it.
Nicholas Brown
>Have we finally discovered the smoking gun for why you are so slutty? >tfw no slutbot to pound into the bed, choke, slap, call names, and just generally use like a toy because she sucks and lost at Tekken and Mortal Kombat AGAIN
Isaiah Sanchez
>Have we finally discovered the smoking gun for why you are so slutty? Yes, the fact that they're women
Mason Roberts
Well you havent sucked my cock yet so I cant stop hating you. :)
Jaxson Wood
>y'all Stopped reading there. Unsurprisingly not original
Ethan Richardson
I got bpd from shitty genetics and crazy immigrant parents. Though they were in their late thirties/early forties when they had me and I've noticed a lot of the people I met in group homes had older parents.
Playing Lion King as a child does not make a person crazy, op.