What woudl you robots do in this situation?

what woudl you robots do in this situation?


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>what woudl you robots do in this situation?
in what situation? if I witnessed murder? gtfo there and call the police
obviously, if I was the one murdered, I wouldn't be able to do anything

i'd just walk away and carry on with my day

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I'm not going to whatever rando fucking website you link me
Get smart enough to turn it into a webm or kill yourself

fuck off back to redit you pussy whipped fuckin faggot

well that escalated fast

i'd probably not be around people to begin with so i wouldn't be able to react anyway, if i was somehow forced there, i guess id just fuck off and drink the rest of the day, too autistic to call the police

link is fine

also did he die?

Stop trying to fit in, its really obvious you're phoneposting from high school

call the cops and try to stop the bleeding so I cant get sued

old sack of shit leave the computer if you are scared of websites

He's retarded. Why is he fighting him when one of the others has a knife pulled out. That's just asking to get killed. I'd walk away and call the cops.

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>nothing bad can happen clicking random links on the internet
Is this what its like talking to someone with a double digit IQ?

i don't think he noticed the knife, i sure didn't, could have been drunk (russian) too
of course context for this would be extremely helpful

If I was hanging out with people in some park at that time of night, I'd probably be too stoned and/or drunk to do much useful. I'd probably just fuck off, desu

One said in russian that he should put his knife away. So the man who got stabbed heard it. He retard.

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i suppose it's just classic russian retardation then

D-dont go outside robots.

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>D-dont go outside robots.
the neet aristocracy is safe indoors, user
we are waiting until only the chads are left thriving, then we will bandy the betas and omegas together and we will then rule the world

Yeah, how do I get over my fear of being stabbed, mugged or just beaten up?

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what you don't get is that a cardinal hallmark of betas, let alone omegas, is that they neither band together nor aspire to rule anything.

oof thats gonna leave a mark

>tfw you could be dead now if you didn't pick a reclusive lifestyle
Dodged a bullet right there, bros.

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What's the backstory on this?
What can possibly drive a retard to do something like this? I get the heat of the moment, but even in street fights, people have to retain some sort of healthy reasoning.

>what you don't get is that a cardinal hallmark of betas, let alone omegas, is that they neither band together nor aspire to rule anything.
it was once foretold that a prophet, a neet, could bring them together, and in the darkness bind them
plus punishing thotties and exterminating chaddos

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Love hearing the roastie scream, if only it was the woman being stabbed in the neck

hope that worthless piece of cumstain gets killer later

not the guy ur replying too but jesus christ mate, you're in a state where you think this is common opinion its not. Absolutley fucking braindead

of course he did. he stabbed him in the neck like 10 times