>Finland >+25C in the middle of the night with 100% humidity >can't even sleep >can't air out the apartment
Love it how Finland has the worst of everything. In the winter we have the coldest and dryest air you can imagine, in the summer it's the opposite. Normal weather? Never.
As a Finn I can't even imagnie something like that.
Then again you guys close airports and go into emergency mode when you get 2 centimeters of snow
Dominic Morgan
isnt 25 c just a little above room temperature?
Carson Cruz
wtf im in upstate ny and dont mind the warm. i have an AC though but i go outside a lot and dont even use it.
today was 90 degrees and felt fine just using a fan just use the ac a little bit
its the cold the FUCKING COLD that gets me
Matthew Lewis
>25C yea, its 77 degrees according to google. this guy is a massive bitch
Daniel Morgan
>this guy is a massive bitch
It's on, fuckface. Where do you live?
Eli Reed
>BOOHOO you're a bitch if you don't like African heat BOOHOO
No you got it all wrong. Your tougness is determined by how well you stand cold. OP is from FINLAND, the coldest country in the world. Why the fuck would he have to withstand heat? Your small nuts would freeze off if it was below 20 degrees Celsius (Fahrenheit is for brainlets and subhumans)
Charles Young
murica, in a state that gets as high as 100 f in the summer and as low as -50 f in the winter. i also walk year round for transportation because im a poorfag
James Jones
>isnt 25 c just a little above room temperature?
Normal room temp is 20C, every degree above it is exponentially hotter 30C is death
Angel Hall
>100 f in the summer and as low as -50 f in the winter
I have no idea what that means. How about you come out from the stone age and learn actual measuring systems
Benjamin Lee
get a fucking ac what the fuck is with euros and not having an ac
>African heat >Fahrenheit is for brainlets and subhumans wont deny it, but are you really not american with some goofy ass assumption like 77 is africa levels of hotness? use google, i did for celsius. its little sweden
Connor Johnson
>get a fucking ac what the fuck is with euros and not having an ac
Regulations. I've never lived in a building where they'd allow installing an AC.
Jeremiah Campbell
could you give laymans rundown on the reasoning?
Cooper Howard
so you're telling me you need a loicense for an ac
Christopher Cox
>use google, i did for celsius
>uses world domination machine instead of DuckDuckGo
Isaac Campbell
I don't have AC and I hate summer. People who have AC love summer. It's so biased. Turn off your AC for a month and let's see if it's still your favorite season.
Nathaniel Collins
yea, so the weather aint that bad. just dress for it and stay active so your body acclimates as soon as possible
Liam Thompson
im right there with you, but i hate summer because all the poorfags come out, crime goes up, people play loud ass music when im trying to sleep, sound dont travel as fast, and cause i gotta keep my windows open for cross draft cooling all awful smells and sounds come in too. fuck summer
Oliver Reyes
>i gotta keep my windows open for cross draft cooling all awful smells and sounds come in too
Haha I relate to this. I also get crane flies pretty much every night, it's horrible. I sit in the dark wanking to porn and I see the silhouette of a huge crane fly swooping in front of the screen
Leo Morales
>tfw ive had 30-31C on my flat in the city thank god i could come back to my comfy rular house, fuck uni
Owen Rodriguez
>yea, its 77 degrees no, he said its 25
Daniel Bennett
25C is considered cold where I'm from
Carter Taylor
25C gives me diarrhea and I can't sleep, not even naked Normally my indoor temp is 17-19