have you robots ever seen a dead body irl?
if so,
>how did it happen?
Seen a couple, nothing special or traumatic though.
Saw my grandmother's corpse at an open casket funeral. It's fucking creepy how they apply the makeup, she looked like a doll of some sort
user, I think most people have been to an open casket funeral.
ikr. Got misunderstood tho, I'm talking about a rando dead on the street, a murder victim or some shit like that
I was 14 at the time, on a trip to new york
guy got railed by a taxi - pinned between the hood of the car and a streetpost - in front of the hotel I was staying at
room was basically street-level and I had been chilling on the windowsill so I saw basically the whole thing
we found my cousin passed out, I had to give CPR because we didn't know what was going on the drive to the hospital while my uncle was right next to me in the car. ended up in a vegetative state of sorts, I was 14 at the time, dont mix alcohol and pills kids.
yeah it was my dad's corpse in an open casket
on my grandfather's funeral.
>how did it happen?
the fucker died of pancreatic cancer.
Found my uncles corpse together with my other uncle, he had shot himself.
A couple months later my second uncle hung himself but didn't see his corpse except for in casket
When my hamster died :(.
fucking hell, that had to fuck you up too.
some old dude just died cuz of heat when on vacation. nothing special or interesting. why u ask?
I don't know, I was 5 years old and at the time it just made me confused since I didn't know what was happening.
So it's hard to tell if my current situation was affected by it or not, I did and still do miss them both though, they were really nice people.
just being curious yk. Death is very common but not a lot of people talk about it
I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure you didn't understand the whole thing at the time but holy shit, that's though.
Saw my grandpas corpse when he was in his late eighties, and I was 11. I was never close with him because he had Alzheimers as long as I knew him. So he was always like that one creepy retard you see in school to me. He died in his bed at a nursing home, and was frozen in position similar to pic related. His arm was up, bug eyed, and had mad scientist white hair. It was really creepy, but because I wasnt used to seeing him like that, I almost bust out laughing in front of my family. I had to leave the room and laugh in the hall for a second.
Now that Im older I feel kinda sad that I never got to know him, and I feel like a scumbag about almost laughing in front of my crying mother.
hi pleddit, have my gold
My friends younger brother crashed his dirtbike into a cable fence. It caught him by the neck and he bled out pretty much instantly. The worst part was leaving the older brother with his dead little brother to go get help
Not dead bodies but I've seen real skellys
No. I've never seen a dead body
When my grandma died she was saying for a few days to turn off the lights. It was too bright in the room. Only odd thing there were no lights on. She passed a few days later and my mom told me the lights story.
The lights could be a sign of the after life.
My uncle is a doctor and he used to have a real skull in his apartment for decoration. Doctor humour I guess. I used to play with the damned thing when I was like 5. It weirds me out when I think about it.
I see a lot of them daily.
>So he was always like that one creepy retard you see in school to me
that's messed up but I laughed
I saw a bunch of them at the Herculaneum in Italy, from the remnants of Vesuvius eruptions.
Also your uncle better have made a 'Alas poor Yoric' reference at least once
>how did it happen?
Bullet wounds, 2 headshots one in the leg and 5 in the torso
2017- Duterte's drug war
The guy was innocent cause i was always his roommate.
Paramedic here, saw someone who had a stomach bleed, vomited and choked to death on their own blood in their sleep.
did he get shot by the police or by some cartel member?
just being curious, feel free not to reply
I don't remember. No one would get the reference anyway, except his brother who used to be an actor for a while.
a mouse on the street today
Gramps and Dad when they died. A couple gunshot victims. One stabbing. Gramps and Dad were recent, the gunshot was when I was like 15 or 16, the stabbing when I was 29. Wasn't particularly horrific, at least not for me, though I noticed a lot of the lookie loos were crying and shit.