Why are you guys such NPCs? Most of you have absolutely no ambition to achieve something in life. You refuse to leave your comfort zone and as a result you live a pathetic life as a manchild who is contend shitposting on a congolese bark etching board.
Only few people on here are redpilled enough to realize that self-overcoming is the only way to live this life as a player character. YOU could be a player character, but instead you waste your time playing vidya, watching porn and jerking off. Get off your fucking ass, start lifting, find friends, get a gf and a job. In that order. That'll be your first main quest line.
Yes first.
After completing this intro chapter the real game begins: from here on its open world, pick and choose your own adventure. You could settle for going to college, getting a good degree and having a well paid office job for the next 40 years.
Or you could do something crazy.
Maybe start training for an ultramarathon. Or travel the world for a year. Or become the president. The possibilities are literally endless if you are willing to work hard enough.
Your life is a movie and RIGHT NOW you're in the first scene where the main character gets introduced as a loser. How do you want that movie to end? Make it a movie that's worth watching.
Fuck you, I like my comfort zone and I'm not leaving it. I'm doing just fine here, thank you very much.
Alexander Morgan
My extraordinary world is everyone else's ordinary world. I'd rather play a NPC for myself than random normalfags. Fuck off OP.
Ethan Cruz
People who take the NPC meme seriously don't know how to read articles, if they even bothered to read articles in the first place.
>Subjects experienced themselves as inwardly talking to themselves in 26 percent of all samples, but there were large individual differences: some subjects never experienced inner speech; other subjects experienced inner speech in as many as 75 percent of their samples. The median percentage across subjects was 20 percent. psychologytoday.com/us/blog/pristine-inner-experience/201110/not-everyone-conducts-inner-speech
i dont want to be the hero i dont want to be the hero i dont want to be the hero i dont want to be the hero please stop i just want to live like a neet
Ayden Bailey
its not that easy to find gf. friends, job. let alone getting the energy to even try
Jason Garcia
>YOU could be a player character >start lifting, find friends, get a gf and a job you are literally describing another NPC figure, an ordinary joe Hitler was a player character Lenin was a player character Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Da Vinci you know what fuck it even that faggot Eminem is more of a player character than what you are describing you are just creating another npc, but one that is holding up the surface "norm", someone disposable that will be forgotten like every other normalfag out there, nothing more, nothing less
Wait no, you just made a great conversation and then left, hear me out. What if hittler was a hacker, who rose through the ranks of the German leader progression system, then unlocked the corpal punishment ability, but broke the limit of how many times he could use it in line with what his subjects would think about him. That way he could kill as much as he wanted, and as long as he kept happiness up his followers would never revolt. What if in the menu screen for life there's a hall of fame. What if certain people aren't NPCs, but are just casuals. What if soldiers just really like the fps mechanic.
Landon Butler
God knows his spectacle doesn't amuse me in the slightest nor makes me want to partake in it. Yes God, I am weak and pathetic, yes God I don't find pleasure in objectives and the linear progression of a life well spent. For every life simile or ""general rule of a successful existence"", for every tedious every day """task""", for every time I had to work for my """dream""" to be a big corporation drone, for every person I was obligated to assimilate in my life in order to pursue something, for every time I had to keep my mask up and emulate people's emotions, for every archetype of disgusting predictable social behavior, for every boring ass ""exotic place"" in the world, for every putrid human's ego I had to pat to live in this ""extraordinary life"" and to """make bread""" obviously. For all of this, God... I can't find your play test ground fascinating. If I won't be included in the astral society, I apologize. I just feel with every inch of my body and mind the strongest hate ever felt for what You've created and Made me experience it. In the name of the Holy, Amen.
what the fuck is it to you? ultimately, it doesn't matter. "Your life is supposed to be a movie worth watching", my fucking ass. i do what i like. fuck off.
Jackson Gonzalez
>How do you want that movie to end? Realistically it will be suicide.
Trying desperately to achieve a set form of amazingness is just a boundary, a pressured life and not really what life is about. You don't need to be amazing, you don't need to push yourself to the top if you don't desire it. Just do your own thing and let others do theirs, instead of getting pressured into trying to hunt a vision of yourself that is only to fulfill a set standard of being an amazing or enterprising character rather than just yourself. Do what YOU want, if you want to be amazing be it, but don't shit on others for wanting different things in life.
Jayden Jones
Couldn't have said it better myself, there is a true prayer.
All life takes the path of least resistance. organisms will evolve along a line that is successful for it, improve slightly upon that for as long as the environment is stable. Drastic evolution only comes during great stress, mass extinction events, economic collapse, total war ravaging the area. As long as you can live long enough to effectively reproduce, everything is wasted effort. If this is how you feel your life should be lived, feel free but there is no 'npc' or 'player character' in life, all paths are equally valid as long as reproduction happens. The path we walk is broad my friend, slow down, there's no quests to be completed, only sweetness.
Anthony Mitchell
Thats not true, I have made lots of progress in life, but it doesnt really help. I still feel cut off from other people and like I am wasting my time.
Kevin Collins
I think most of the guys here tried leaving the comfort many times and didn't find anything fulfilling outside. So they came back in it forever
Leo Martinez
the real NPC behaviour is exerting needless effort in the hope of getting social recognition and thinking more money makes you more happy and fulfilled.
Somebody with inner taught can break out of society expectation to willingly choose to live a comfortable life
Michael Turner
>How do you want that movie to end? why would I care? I'll be dead and have no way of experiencing it. Those desperately trying to leave a legacy instead of enjoying their life are pathetic
Camden Perry
they cannot gain sovereignty. if they could, they would. their viacom brains are mashed potatoes.
Ethan Morales
A girl lied and said i tried to get her to kill herself, and even though everyone knows it's bullshit they still go along with it, i can never make friends because of that. The girl rallied a bunch of people against me because of that lie and now every time i go somewhere social that bullshit about me spreads, so your dumb video game analogy wont work here.
Aaron Watson
Pull a Skyrim playthrough and kill everyone in the town, it's probably the best thing you can do
Ryder Reed
This world is not of God, but if the devil. In wanting nothing, you come closer to attaining all. Continue in your disdain for the world and her empty promises, and continue in dark night towards the dawn.
Comfy and nihilist pilled >bruh just travel and be successful like the protagonist in a novel
Owen Mitchell
Some people are simply like that. They don't want that kind of life or don't want to do the hard work. I think it is that simple.
Cameron Cruz
Not everyone is meant to be a star, jackass. You can shoot for the moon all you want, but there has to be people left on planet earth. It's a simple fact of life that there are hordes of uninteresting, quite frankly subhuman trash and they are not meant to be anything. They just don't have it in them. Deny this all you want and bitch online because you think "men these days" need to be better, but your e-platitudes are gay and retarded.
Nathaniel Williams
I don't think they are trash because they don't want that kind of life.. but other than that I agree with you!
William Garcia
They are trash though. Bottom-end genetic scum. Uninteresting nothings. Most people are like that who have ever lived on the earth.
William Davis
Anyone who uses the term "redpill" seriously is an NPC. Sorry op.
Nathaniel Allen
Do you mean people that do nothing with their lifes? I don't know what to call these people but I think it's wrong to say they are scum. It's totally wrong what they do.. The only way they will change is when they find something they love to do and do it as a job. And we need people that do the simple jobs.
Camden Adams
You idiot. I mean people who are destined by nature to be nothings. That is how most humans are, past present and future. They just don't have it in them to ascend to greatness, whatever that may mean.
Aiden Cooper
>you have to live your life the way I want you to Fuck off.
Kevin Powell
Living normally means a life of labor and being someone else's bitch. Fuck that.
Gabriel Adams
Oh okay. Well that is possible. Thank you for explaining it to me! If nature decided it then it's more understandable that you think that way. But I think it's wrrong to say that. Maybe because I think it's mean even when it's the truth idk. But as I said thanks for explaining it!
Jaxon Reyes
You're a stupid piece of shit and I am tired of your posts. I'd prefer if you stop replying to me.
Jonathan Martin
this is some great shitpost, my favorite part is where you can't handle the fact that you too are on this shitty board being a neet or hiki or w/e the fuck and then idealize yourself as some kind of fucking life coach to a bunch of people who really just couldn't give a shit about society or lifting or finding friends or any of that bullshit that you just listed off. Listen here buddy, keep your fucking insecurities to yourself, you're not a guru, a lifecoach, or a leader. Quit lying to yourself.
>start lifting, find friends, get a gf and a job. In that order. Kek, almost didn't notice you're underage, explains why you think life is a game or a movie.
Dominic Martin
>life is a video game/movie and everything is analogues to them
Life isn't a movie OP. Jospeh Campbell is a retarded faggot. Life is too vast to be condensed into a movie. The hero's journey theory only works with fiction. Reality is not fiction. Reality is so naked, people think we live in a simulation or something.
Aiden Myers
>Get off your fucking ass, start lifting, find friends, get a gf and a job. In that order. why though >You could settle for going to college, getting a good degree and having a well paid office job for the next 40 years. >Maybe start training for an ultramarathon. Or travel the world for a year. Or become the president. why the fuck would I want to so any of this?
Xavier Adams
>started lifting >got a job >still have no friends and no gf fine with that
Henry Nguyen
>life is just like muh mmo rpgs
lmao this is such a childish and out of touch view of the world.
Owen Gray
> he thinks he has less chances of being forgotten by being absolutely nothing yeah ok
Jason Moore
I'm not going to go into detail with this because it's going to cause anger, I've lived the life that is "ALWAYS ON, GO GO GO GO, NEVER STOP" I even got to live the fabled "E-celeb" life. I see it all around me now though, other Youtubers experiencing the same dramatic burnout that leads to a deep depression which ends in only suicide. It literally just happened to that one guy, the momentum is not forever and you will lose yourself faster then you think.
Taking life slow as an average joe is a much better alternative then this deep hell that awaits you.
Zachary Lee
The developers really let the western servers go to shit. They need to nerf players with the good looks buff. Things really went to shit when they launched the dating app patch. They should also get rid of the RNG mechanics for muscle insertions, as well of other aspects of the game like familial wealth. Also, what game doesn't allow me to pick the race of my starting character? As it stands, this fucking game is really unbalanced.
Caleb Green
Get ur fag shit outta u dumb son of a count as if all these is sooo easy as if all motivational speeches really are that easy to do.shut up you stupid swine and wake the fuck up the world ain't how they tell you in the social medias. If it were we wouldn't have homeless people on earth or world hunger get ur npc shit outta u normiefag
Justin Cox
My question to you is why? Why do I want to do any of this shit? I live my life the way I choose to live it and im not going to have to tell me it's wrong. Go fuck yourself with what you think it means to live. And I could not give a shit about my "movie"
Levi Miller
The type of thread made by underaged retards who masturbate to motivational quotes slapped on photos of men in suits standing next to flashy cars. Same individuals who end up reading self help literature and strive to have their own business, but instead they are only able to get a position as real estate agents and their biggest point of pride is their slightly newish Porsche.
Brayden Edwards
Please, stop. If you are going to do things without any reason you are just gonna be as miserable as before. It's much better to find a goal and try to achieve it. There are many better things to do than lifting, finding friends, family and a well-paid job (unless there are none, I guess). You should just get to know what works and how to do what you want. If you are fine being an asocial hikki, you are fine being an asocial hikki. That's all to it.