Girl gets bullied watch the video lol

were fembots bullied by Stacy and her friends?

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So erotic. Too bad real female bullying is just them talking about each other nehind their backs

I was bullied a lot but not by Stacys. Mostly guys and girls that were unpopular but slightly more popular than I was.

I don't really think it's erotic and i am a degenerate.
But i liked when she made the beta girl lick her shoes

This is some good shit negro. Its always fun to see roasties getting btfo'd at an early age. Absolute kek

Pushover sloot deserved it anyway

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haha op you should post more

lol that girl in the OP pic would never get bullied, she's adorable. I mean, unless she was really, really weird. And that would just be a bonus for me.

what language are they speaking?
Is it german?

People are nasty and evil and vile and I want everyone to suffer before they die.

God I fucking wish that were me getting bullied.

>Those slaps
>She makes her get down and kiss her shoe


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I am romanian and I can confirm it's romanian language

what are they saying then?

Don't have girl on girl bullying but have this

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Thought it might be romanian because of the 'da's

The girl that got bullied broke the other girl's relationship with a guy and at the end she tells her to delete his number and never talk to him again

Of all ways too be bullied, that one was fair as she could just had punched backed and used the trump card too grow out a massive cock to later rape the bullie

the "da"s could be anything russian related..
"da" means as much as "yes" i though everyone already knew that

Broke it? Like she seduced him or cheated or something?
She could have also ripped her hoop earrings out

that was hilarious. not just attacked but out matched

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Yeah, something like that I guess, she didn't say many details but basically her relationship was broken because of the girl in red.

me on the left
love seeing these

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Sweet, new fap material, thanks OP

Fucking kek, manlet and his landwhale of a wife get btfo by a total chad. I guess Chad's really do win in the end.

bumping a good and nice thread