Would black men accept their son dating a white trap?

Would black men accept their son dating a white trap?

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poor black kid

Where do I meet traps like OP? I am a black dude that does well dating mostly non black women in a predominantly black city, I know I could pull a trap like that but all the traps in Atlanta look like they have HIV

they are teens
today teens
their homosex is approved by the media and their parents

you will have to date a millenial gay bald man who may be hiding his homosex or live alone because of it

those aren't the same people
sorry to say

absolutely fucking not, blacks are unquestionably the most racist and anti-queer of any race of people in America
t. Mutt who's lived around majority blacks all his life

I could not fuck a man unless he looked like a teenage girl

Drop a nuke on America.

they look happier than I have ever felt and ive had gfs. being poor ruined my life.

>being poor
those two never worked a day in their lvies

I was born in a crumbling house never went on vacation in the woods and every Christmas was told I wouldn't get presents.

ive never met anyone as poor as me. i hate my parents.

what about your cousins or neighbours
people at school

>mom told me for Christmas I get to wake up another day
Definitely changed my perspective

im not black but where and how do i get decent traps

Blacks are actually very cool when it comes to hating faggots, theyd never accept you

I need little white boy trap booty pleas

how poor were you? middle of nowhere shit?

no ive seen crackheads better off. my friends dad was an excon with 18 duis and he got out of jail and bought him a car. neighbors mom is a whore that just sleeps around and somehow buys her a car and shit at 17.

No, I want my son to have children with a white woman.

White bois are MADE to cross dress for BBC

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That would be my ideal black man, and how I wanted to look.

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Middle of Detroit perhaps kek

lol funny and hot, sauce?

its pretty hot familiooo


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White girls wants black cocks too

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Only young black guys are okay with LGBT and even then being okay with something isn't the same as being a part of something
t.black guy whose aunt think gays shouldn't be married

I want to fuck a white trap till he start shitting all over the place inadvertently crying and shit, wish I actually ever saw traps that look like this. The only traps I ever see are taller and wider than me (6ft)

I like the contrast of the black man being male and having big penis, and the white man being female and having small penis.

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Orgasm with black man for white traps

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This is demonic desu

just post the vid when he kills the fag after he finds out

"Omar bell Universe" A fiction about a black scientist who for revenge against racism spread a virus in the air that would make all white men shrink, become more feminine and become traps, and would not resist black men who would be the only men in this universe.

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White man, white woman
Makes no difference to me

There would still be couples of white traps and women where they would have children by artificial insemination and in some cases would have sex with the same black man since white traps and women would be friends and compete for the same black men in omar bell universe

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The American racial porn fetish about blacks and whites is disturbing and has done irreparable to me mentally. I hate it so much.

t. half-black/half-white man

*Honestly places like Jow Forums, Jow Forums, etc. go on an on about how bad IR relationships are for the kids inherently, but the real damage is done through the internet.

Some white boys have not accepted the transformation into women in Omar bell universe and complain about the clothes they are required to wear.

But at the slightest sign of a black man's compliment, they have to contain the erection of their tiny penis inside their panties and stop imagining kissing, sucking, being fucked by a black man and imagining their delicious black penis.

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even after the virus is spread in the air and turns all white men into super feminine traps that look like women, there are still white traps that keep trying to prove themselves to men, but they are not men, only black men are men

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Apparently, people around the world of "omar bell universe" were willing to pay quite a lot of money for feminized, white american sex slaves. If the feminization were forced, the price went up exponentially.

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just give me the pdf then

It's only hot to be fucked by black men only if you are very feminine and they really enjoy and want to fuck you and you want him.

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Clover BBC lover

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>white sex slaves
theres a long history of it during the middle ages and before

Black stepfather shows to white trap why they prefer black men.

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Nigga can you post some pictures of these white boys actually getting fucked by black dick?

Explaining that it is not gay for black men to have sex with white traps.

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I have some webms, but they have sound and I can't post here.

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Damn you got me addicted to black dick voodoo and I cant even hear a white boy yelling while a nigga is going bananas in his ass?

The vast majority of traps who are murdered each year are actually murdered by blacks.

There are only camp gays in ATL
Where are you finding traps

I like it when white boys have tight asses and their penises are small and pink, they look pretty feminine.

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this is so strange

There are transgenders dverywhere in ATL, they are all as big as damn me though (6ft 220lbs) or bigger lol like masculine dudes

I have yet to meet one, but you should probably search for twinks, they'll probably be more inline with what you're searching for

Yeah I am not gay and have not fucked with men or gay porn in any capacity until I started seeing this spam though. Dont want to look like a faggot using Grindr or some shit but I really want a twink or white trap to fuck

But also worried about getting AIDS cause Atlanta is the capital and I never wear condoms

Yes, it's pretty redpilled tbqh

No. Black culture has historically been homophobic. It's less homophonic today but this is just too far. A black man would rather his son be all the way gay and fuck a man than fuck a tranny. Black people see trannies as abominations and insults to the human species.

I would personally want my son to be happy with whoever he's happy with but the culture in general would not be accepting.

Black people don't murder gays.
Non-american Muslims do.

>does well at dating
why. are. you. here.

That makes no sense.
I'd rather my son be attracted to a tranny than a guy.

At least then I know he's a real man, only attracted to feminine features.

what do you call this body type? He's big not not fat

Surrender, you can not resist black men, they are delicious.

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Swole fat

>turning your son into a tranny race mixer
guarantee you he was raised by a single mother

I'd date a white dude if he looked like that and im straight. As long as we didnt fuck it would be okay (and no one knew it was an actual dude)

Damn thats a pretty white bitch my niggy dicky is getting sticky

i seen a few traps but theyve all been white. I saw one in costco few months ago that was actually sorta convincing. I mean you could still tell it was a dude, but at a quick glance he really did look like a girl. other than that I mostly just see cross dressers all over the place, earlier today i seen some nigga wearing a dress and a wig. his biceps were toned as fuck ans tatted and he had a bunch of stubble. it was kinda comical.

I, a poltard, am perfectly fine with my trap son paying the toll after burning the coal. But my true daughter must never waste her eggs on the subhuman negro.

Last tranny I saw in ATL was 6 foot 5 white at least 240lbs hairy as all fuck with a horrible wig just wearing a fucking evening gown casually shopping

damn bro... why this city is so gay?