Should I kill myself? Ask me questions and I'll answer.
Should I kill myself? Ask me questions and I'll answer
How was your day? Was it shit like mine was?
What specifically made it shit?
What is your fav kind of food and why?
Honestly I'd recommend just offing yourself. Life isn't worth suffering through just to have your minute legacy completely trampled on and/or forgotten. Hope you can make it painless if you go through with it.
people who are able to commit suicide are the bravest people that exist
It is the act of completely going against your biological programming. The simple act of ending your life is probably the most difficult thing a person could physically do.
why do you want to kill ypurself, Jow Forums user?
Original test test test
So far my day has been okay, I guess. Woke up at 2pm after staying up til 7am after a 6 tab acid trip. Just been watching South Park on the tv with my friend. We're pet sitting at his aunt's house.
Every case is different. but like the new Taylor Swift song says "all of my heroes die all alone". Some people are just weak, they beg lie and steal rather than work. or in case of suicidals pity party not improving their lives until they back themselves into a mental corner. but like I said from the lyrics, a lot of great people have done it.
Honestly I don't know. I guess it depends on the day. I'm a very picky eater.
>Life isn't worth suffering through just to have your minute legacy completely trampled on and/or forgotten
I agree
I don't see any point in trying and I have almost no hope for the future. I'm so lazy. And stupid. I lost most of the (few) friends that I had. I gave up on school. I don't really have connections to my family. I'm sick of the endless struggle and competition that is life. I just feel like a burden to everyone around me and it would be best if I was gone.
Why do you want to kill yourself? I wish I had a day like yours.
Is there anything that you remotely want to do in any timeframe?
If no, kill yourself
Because life is an endless struggle that ends in failure and death no matter what you do
Give me a single negative consequence you will experience from suicide
There are none. Death is a liberation.
Anything you're gonna miss once your gone? Like any games you wanted to play or movies you wanted to watch.
exactly, I should have done it when I had the chance
Not really, no. Original failsafe.
if you are really ready to end it, then go out in style. get a loan from some shark, get a shit tone of illicit substances and ladies of the night and go nuts. bonus points if you off yourself in a creative way... but i recommend an out. a way at the last moment to still not die, because just in case?
Assuming its successful, none. But:
>some risk of failure (however small)
>potential to experience great physical pain for seconds or even minutes
have you tried just shooting a rusted out car?
You dont have to kill your self just yet, give it at least five years
ever considered that life isnt about suffering or an end goal. just fucking chill enjoy the ride and like smoke pot itll probably help that depression. idk worked for me
i mean if you enjoy the idea of never forming another thought again and being lost oblivion then theirs no downsides at all.
>life isnt about suffering
>everyone suffers
how do you afford pot? how many joints are in an ounce? because a guy offered me a way to buy it for 50 dollars cheaper, he said, than you normally have to pay. 150 instead of 200. thats way more than i can afford.