What the fuck do NEETs do all day? I've been at home for like two weeks and it's already making me extremely depressed.
What the fuck do NEETs do all day? I've been at home for like two weeks and it's already making me extremely depressed
lay on bed pretending you are a magical girl
Why do normalfags need to be constantly stimulated? I wanted to kill myself throughout the entirety of my education and the couple of years I had a consistent job. Now that I'm mostly NEET, I can actually stop to enjoy the solitude in silence.
Theres your answer
vidya, fap or watch tv
You just answered your own question lmao
>Lay in bed, vidya, food
Welcome to paradise
Playing vidya
Watching shows and movies
Talking walks in the park
Learning how to cook
There's a lot to do, bud.
>I've been at home for like two weeks and it's already making me extremely depressed.
Now keep it up for four years and you can be a dark lord
When I was NEET for two years, I rediscovered reading, did math, and regularly visited local art museums in between the usual baser activities. Now that I'm working again I still do these as time allows, but less so. At least I found things which give a certain meaning to life again, and let me tell you: it sure as shit ain't working.
Only been working for 6 months and am already losing sight of my interests/hobbies. Should I stop? Lmao
We're doin your mom doin doin your mom
>What the fuck do NEETs do all day?
play games and ppost on Jow Forums
i dont know why i should tell you, everytime this thread comes up and i say what i do, no one gives a shit
Most NEETs are depressed user
been playing botw on cemu and watchin nichijou, pretty comfy besides trying to stop my mom from going to jail for going apeshit on her husband
People that get depressed/bored for not slaving to others are just ones of boring nature. There are so many things you can do both productive and entertaining if you're a NEET. In reality you're depressed at how boring your personality is
2pm- wake up and lurk net
3pm- drink coffee, take meds, lurk net
4pm- go out and get food
5pm- lurk net
6pm- see above
7pm- see above, shower
8pm- go to cafe, lurk the net
9pm- see above
10pm- get takeout and watch shitty television
11pm- discord and lurk
12am- get drunk
1am- get drunk
2am- lurk net
3am- watch shitty shows (lurking on and off)
4am- see above
5am- see above
6am- sleep
then the same thing the next day
needs moar lurking
Normalfags love being jacked into the Matrix. They can't live without it.
Just means you are a boring person
i need to get back into videogam
I read you, user.
How come this isn't original?
Fucking normie, I didnt leave my house for 3 years at one point. Im a wagecuck now but only out of necessity.
Do whatever you feel like doing. If you can't think of anything to do you may be a brainwashed normie.
Thing about things that may could would or should happen and lurk the web play some games too been neet since 19 mid 17 too now im 23 lurk this shit everyday its entertaining to watch how people live their shitty or good lives like ants while im out of the loop
I mean think* here my bad