/onpopular opinions/

Keep politics out
Ill start
>milk is only enjoyable with ice

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Jet fueI can't meIt steeI beams


Have you considered professional help user?

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its not that bad if you drink it quick enough before the ice melts. i love frosty cold milk

i wouldnt put ice in my milk, but very cold milk is better than room temperature milk

Its spelled UNpopular

but at least you tried, right?
you fucking idiot

did you know that every table spoon of milk contains approximately 12 MILLION PUS CELLS ?.............

dont believe me?
google it

i dont mind since i dont have the habit of sucking cocks

I'm here for a good time not for a long one

scotch is seriously overrated, tastes like fake leather and liquid smoke. american whiskey is the best whiskey, hands down

going to the beach is retarded

No but i think a jet plane can fuck enough shit up, then when that fucked up shit collapses it destroyes more and more in a snowball effect
I am a professional. Professional fat fucking retard
Also icy milk is based you're just a norman
Yeah. I dont leave it out to sit for 30 minutes, the ice just makes it extra cold which is really nice
Like i said, professional fat fucking retard
Thats a maybe 1.5cm square area of pus, spread throughout a gallon of milk i dont really care, i like most of my wounds anyway so ive ingested my fair share of pus (before people call me weird saliva helps heal wounds)
True. Splash around for 15 minutes, get out to put on more sunscreen, wait 5 minutes for it to soak in, rinse and repeat for 5 hours. You still get sunburnt somehow too. Not worth it

don't forget the sand getting stuck on your feet

Ice waters the malk down. If I wanted watered down shit I'd buy 1% like my wife. I prefer to just turn the fridge way too low and keep my glorious whole milk in the back by the vent so it reaches a perfect 32.5 degrees. You get an absolutely frigid glass of moojuice just barely on the verge of freezing.

People always eat apples like the cartoons taking like three bites until it makes that stupid torus shape.
I eat everything except the stem. I'm not fat.

Or your asscrack
I dont leave it out long enough for it to make any noticable difference.

Milk is only enjoyable when poured

Psychiatry is a weapon used to silence non conformist opinions. For example if someone says that white people are being delinerately replaced NPCs would call them crazy.

waiting for transvestites to become physically attractive and abundant enough to have a harem of 9/10 bimbos

i only drink that too, i almost threw up one time when i was a kid with a piece of that fat stuff that floats on top that lead me into developing an intense disgust for whole milk for the rest of my life plus its healthier

this, and
>windows phone was pretty good, it only lacked 3rd party support
>nintendo didnt singlehandedly save gaming, for starters the videogame crash was a us thing, and even in the us games were widespread on platforms like the c64, tandy color computer and atari line of computers
>steve jobs is overrated
>bill gates and jack tramiel are underrated

Hello, Samson.....

Its me, Neptune.......
Guess what?... My son Jet (hack_blastard) got hired by Sam Hyde.

He moved up to Rhode Island, and hes getting paid really well to do Sam's video editing.

hows the 'mooching off your mother' thing been going lately?

>to silence
and how they do that?

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That was spoiled milk you inbred retard there aren't chunks in whole milk

are birds human

Not sure if you'd qualify this as a Jow Forums opinion but I do sincerely believe that homeless people should be euthanized.

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Long time no see, chubby

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when you heat it up to make some coffee with milk there is

they're better

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This one looks rather smug

Peak humanity is when we genetically engineer birds to sing in hentai moans. Until we reach that point humans can never achieve apotheosis

Make cubes out of milk and use those.

So.... I suppose you're never going to get a job, huh?

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divorce should be illegal if you have children, no matter how evil the parents are. the family should always stick together. over eons it will make solid civilizations and parents will know what to do better.

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remember, mommy wont live forever

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I see that you obviously still don't have a girlfriend. gee, that's surprising.

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they look smug by default i think its cute

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starting off with an easy one:
spring is the best season out of them all

Bestiality is not only not a bad thing. It's totally natural, and should not be frowned upon unless it's unpleasant or otherwise harmful for the animal.

Unforgivable. Fucking disgusting. Seek help, degenerate.

2015-Reddit-tier meme.

Not an unpopular opinion at all. Scotch is fucking gross.

I swear to God.

Interesting thought even though I disagree. Generally, I think psychiatry is kind of a crapshoot. The mind is not a science and we thereby cannot know how to treat and deal with it. People think they know a lot about the brain when in reality we all know jack shit.

Why? Care to elaborate?

Coffee is disgusting and not worth it.

Factually true.

>evil the parents
parents should stay together for the sake of raising the child in a healthy way but if they're abusing that child that shouldnt be the case

>putting your lives in the hands of catastrophic failure or undiagnosed heart/lung problems in exchange for cheap thrills
why do white people do this?

Im honestly shocked to see that you're all alone. It seems like you'd have tons of girls after you.

after all, girls love obese, lazy, sedentary, unbathed, unemployed, smelly alcoholic slobs who mooch off their poor old retired mothers.

oh, and the greasy, unwashed stinky hair and the awful stringy unkempt hairstyle also turns the ladies on.

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Fuck you, stop committing milk genocide by mixing water and milk. Water is inferior too milk.

Despite making up 99.8% of earths drinkable liquids it contains 0% protein, kalcium or fat while milk is alone is superior and do not need any liquid mixing as it damper the kalcium

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People who have been convicted of abusing children should be made infertile

People who've been convicted of abusing their partners shouldn't be allowed to marry after the conviction

>2015-Reddit-tier meme.

Nope, it can't. You furry fucking loser

A lot of us aren't really incels nor social rejects, we just end up being insecure, sad or frustrated and we blame le society for it

Heres how you'd like to think the world perceives you, Sambo

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But the real you is quite different

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its the same shit, the difference is that whole has more fat and calories, from my experience of comparing the daily recommended intake of both side by side 1% has even more calcium and protein

Anyone who self identifies as an incel should be flung into the sun

Anyone who begins a sentence with:
>I'm not an incel, but....
Should also be flung into the sun

Anyone who denies being an incel and doesn't try to defend them, but still has incel tendencies is on thin fucking ice

and ive heard that you've become much fatter, dumpier, pastey, acne riddled from not bathing, and smellier

dude, stfu......... you're boring as shit.....

Beer in't actually that good

Because I see no point in keeping them. We are at a situation now where there are more people existing on earth than ever before while consuming more resources than ever before. We can't afford to be so wasteful forever. If we could kill even a few million homeless people it would save many tons of CO2 and other atmospheric pollutants from ever being released into our air.

I want them to get off the boat because it's sinking.

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it is only if you are thirsty, as any drink does. I high key hate the smell it leaves, kinda reminds me of piss

I like a good drink myself, but I prefer whiskey and rum heavily. Hell, I'll take wine over beer. Never understood the obsession with it.

You fucking water lover
How dare you critize milk that is far more superior too filthy water. Do you drink water too your cookies??
It`s impossible for water and milk too have the same levels of protein, fat and calcium?
Milk consist of down melted grass from a cow??
what is in a glass of fucking water huh?

theres a way bigger meaner way more resource demanding problem that should be addressed before we begin talking about what harm homelessness brings to society

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ketchup makes better sauce than actual pizza sauce on a pizza

I disagree. The world's maximum capacity is quite unclear. We may have reached that capacity in the 70s, or we may be thousands of years away. Who knows?
I still think we should maintain a responsibility to provide resources for the homeless to dig themselves out of that mess rather than keeping them stuck in it and blaming them for landing there. You don't have to be a junkie to become homeless. Sometimes bad luck just strikes.
Also, some people are 'homeless' by choice. I've known people who've lived in vans for years despite the fact that they can easily afford to live in a proper apartment or buy a house, strictly because they enjoy the lifestyle that much.
Still, an interesting opinion. You seem interested in utilizing efficiency.

I like Apple's products. I think they catch way too much shit.

Ok ive been drinking for a few hours and I just want to sazy that there is no cuisine like motherfucking chimichangas and KETCHUP. Ive been eating that shit for literal years now and there aint a limp ass faggot that will tell me otherwise.

Real unpopular opinion coming through:
Beer is only good if administered anally.

The capacity very well my be in the dozens of billions. Moss produces far more oxygen than grass amd trees, so if people started putting up moss lawns oxygen output would go way up. Multi layered greenhouses could also provide food for us, greenhouses are already more efficient than farmland as they offer protection from bugs and bad weather, and if we build them up it means we coild grow multiple plants in the same spot on top of each other. The limit is how well we can build these things

Wanting to be remember after your death is completely worthless

Thats stupid, its the closest we may ever get to immortality.

flabby belly is the best part on a woman's body

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video games are the lowest form of entertainment

>and how do they do that
Not him but it's pretty simple. With the Advent of what I like to call "cancel culture" among NPCs all it takes is one single slip up or, in this case, to be labelled a psycho, incel or god forbid racist by some psychiatric Jew and Bam, you're done. If by some miracle someone actually platforms you afterward, you'll be forever known as "that loon/misogynist/racist" and the person who platformed you could very well be deplatformed themselves for hosting you. It's a very observable phenomena that happens to pretty much any right winger who tries to into public speaking these days.

TL;DR once a Jew negatively labels you your career is basically over

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The Disney film "Home on the Range" would've been way more successful and memorable if they left in those delted scenes

Gay people are objectively the gayest people alive

>the courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late, theoden king