If by magic the weakest 30% of men amongst the white race were transformed into gay traps and femboys...

If by magic the weakest 30% of men amongst the white race were transformed into gay traps and femboys, how would you feel? (you not included)
What ramifications would this event have in your life, social dynamics and the dynamics within society?

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maybe i could get laid or get a steady partner then

Why do women and trannies and fags want to take part in that pic related?
Then they bitch that no decent guy will date them after. God, I just want to lock them all up in a huge gas chamber and kill them all.

I don't know, I'd probably have a bit more sex
It would probably be all around a good thing, and I suggest any weak or small men become traps

Be pretty hot desu. Spartans were alphas and fucked men

BBC belongs to white men

only person who mentioned shitskins was you
fuck off

t. 30%

Ok? Am I supposed to be taken aback? BBC looks better in a white man

>amerimutt neet trying to talk about race like as if they belong to a specific one

Did I say white American ass retard?

birth rates would decrease considering 30% of males would be gay, so unless the state forced all of them to reproduce or the heteros majorly compensate for them it'd have pretty negative long term affects and productivity would decrease substantially.

sounds hot though

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i'd stream going postal

this, I wouldn't mind being with them

>What ramifications would this event have in your life, social dynamics and the dynamics within society?
demand for enemas and adult diapers will surge. invest now.

Like a demon possessed my cock would rise up with one single mission; to plant my seed inside of this new race of cumsleeves

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It would be pretty hot but...
Rates of rectal cancer will be through the roof.

Shut the fuck up you butthurt fag.

No one who gets laid even a little bit gets angry at women being whores. Neither should you.

30% huh?
at that point evolution would kick in, and they would steadily gain the ability to reproduce
ontop of that, theres a lot of competition for women removed, as there would be a lot more women than men

Its already happening, user. Its a gradual process but soon, a good percentage of white men will be sissified sluts who will take big black cock up their boipussies daily

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Then why do they bitch about guys not wanting to be with them when it's time to settle down?
Kill yourself, faggot. I hope they kill themselves too.

Fuck I want to fuck a white sissy cuck with my niggers cock so bad

oh look, some 30%ers

I shift-clicked this thread already but just so you know most are straight in the world so this would create a massive string of suicides best case scenario.

As it is actual trans commit suicide already, so just imagine.

They dont.

And even if they did so what. That means they are unhappy. Doesnt that make you feel better?! The pigs have won tonight...

I'd be okay with it I guess.

what the fuck is up with this nasty shit why arent you behaving like normal human beings

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I'd feel pretty disgusted, and I'd probably kill as many as possible. I'm sure I could find enough people with similar anti-fag sentiment to protect us socially, and after that it legally wouldn't even be a problem. Maybe we'd even be able to make killing gays legal once and for all.

Who's the artist who drew that pic OP? It's bretty gud shit.

>you not included
I'd feel fucking pissed

You can be included if you want lul.

Yes, it does make me feel better about that. They complain about it endlessly.

This post is a psyop and should therefore be banned. Mods aren't doing their job.

monkeyfluff, but they haven't drawn anything in over a year. Plus, this is literally the only gay(ish) pic they have drawn, everything else is female or futa

cringe cuck thread. kys.

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Jow Forums is National Socialist / Fascist / White Nationalist board. Fuck off you faggots, cucks and niggers.

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No, I am not. I'm an ecofascist.

Is it gay that I find this picture hot?

Based as fuark

Uncle Ted would be proud

I'd be happy. I assume you're fetish has them getting BLACKED so that's the weakest 30% of the white race out of the gene pool along with around 30% of all black men, possibly more if you keep gang bangs in mind, distracted by fags until they're old and unfit to have kids, AND there is a greater disparity among the male/female population. I see this as a win win op!

Could I choose to become a trap?

Little cringebabies.

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Moral decay have people following their instincts like dogs looking for a dopamine fix. Thats why depression is on the rise, all those who see life rationally has access to all the knowledge in the world with a few fingertaps so they see the truth about the world which is sad and depressing.
Way back there were obligations, believed lies and most important a lack of knowledge. Cities excemt you had to interact with the community and the community had to interact with you.now its easier than ever to fallout of the social world because socializing has evolved into something more and more and more humans cant even comprehend.

>Discordtranny raid the thread

Honestly, if Sissy's looked like they do in drawn art, I'd be gay too, but they don't, they look gross and deformed

I've been to thailand and fucked traps... it isnt that good.

these retards will never actually read or learn anything. they just enjoy larping as fascies to epically troll the libtards and be politically incorrect XD.

just dont shoot up a school morons. post anime naxi shit in image boards all you please.

All white men should be breeding sows for black thugs

>What ramifications would this event have in your life, social dynamics and the dynamics within society?

Non because they weren't getting laid in the 1st place .

the white race would become stronger overall, as all the weakest would leave the gene pool, then again white woman would be way more likely to date man from other race. Homophobia in the west would be basically destroyed, but the muslim world would only hate more, so more terrorist attack. Also they wouldn't have that much sex considering they would vastly outnumber gay tops within their country. Would be hot as fuck do, please make this happen

Not so confident that im in top 70. I cant even bench 1pl8 where does that put me?

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