Would any american anons be interested in establishing an underground refuge for robots?
Would any american anons be interested in establishing an underground refuge for robots?
imagine the smell.txt
underground only? i wouldnt mind land for crops a well and maybe small livestock could be self sustaining we'd have to run good internet out there which could be expensive until satellite internet from elon and etc gets done
It's time for operation morlock.
It needs to be underground so it can stay secret and we can hide from feminist journalist vigilantes who want to kill us.
Join the MGTOW compound but you have to graduate from being a basement dweller
Sure. I have 2.5 acres with an opportunity to buy another 20. Only whites are allowed in the robot collective, though.
It is literally already built i helped build it I dont live there anymore but it exists and its as great as you are imagining it and no none of you can live there if you were worthy than you would be living there already
We should require 2% neanderthal that will keep out the abbos pygmies blacks and most browns and we won't be called racist
Are you implying a feminist can survive outside a city? you know there are plants and bushes with thorns and hairs that make you burn and swell like a fucking balloon breed aggressive animals and only clear a few acres in the center of a 100 acre forest
mmm, radon
There are ways to filter and prevent that
I don't care if I'm called racist. Non-whites want their own space, so I want my own as well. I have a shit ton of stone, so I don't even necessarily need to buy any building supplies beyond lime mortar. I do need to buy books, though.
But what if I like radon?
but radon is odorless and colorless it just kills you many things and do that quicker and better
No you dumb bitch Im not going to start a diamond building factory and waste 100% of my life attending livestock just so you faggots can enjoy eating meat.
Well have a fish farm thats filtered through our lab grown vegetables. Dont like it? fuck off cowboy
Ever since I posted my underground homestead fantasy youve been spamming your commune bunker shit and Im starting to think youre only doing this to lure me out.
So whats the deal? You want to kill me or something. Then do it im not afraid to die you fagggot ass Op.
aggressive aint ya? but i was just wondering about food should've mentioned that how does the lab work is it on those special lights what is your plan for those just store a ton? how about fish food will you grow it in the lab or once again store a ton of it if you dont ever want to go out you'll need some good water filter or a well that runs into the bunker
R9K Municipality sounds like a better idea
I am Italian, is that close enough?
we're going to get ya
building bunkers is illegal in USA
>wow this sun is hot my skin itches i'm running out of SOBE and STARBUCKS and worst of all my dum dum beta escort got mauled by a bear and i have to hold up my umbrella ALL by myself
We'd devolve into the Falmer within a few generations or become the Engineers from Alien
No it isn't you Eurofag. You call to make sure your not cutting into power or waterlines and your free to go.
If you could do that, you could plant and release those animals inside abandoned buildings so that the grow and overrun the city. Trees and creepers grow inside abandoned houses inna city and demolish. Wildlife shelters in the new gardens, encouraging their spread. Wolves or other native predators with an acquired taste of human flesh are reintroduced and establish dens in these areas. Roasties, niggers, soibois and jews now have to live besieged by the newly aggesive ecosystem in their backyard. Get creative
Some guy tried to do this in the States not very long ago. He made some millions in the stock market and was a conspiracy theorist. He hired some local Black kid to dig the tunnels for him. Something went wrong while digging and a fire broke out and killed the kid. In a bizarre sentencing, the guy who hired the kid was found guilty of murder in the first degree and sentenced to some crazy amount of prison time. His mugshot was him losing his shit.
Oh I kept seeing that story. Slashdot spun the story as something like 'white compute programmer inadvertently kills innocent black youth' which I found pretty hilarious.
Sure. You also need to bring a skillset to the table. Can program, farm, cook, or metalwork? You'll also go through a vetting process to make sure you're not a glow nigger or SJW faggot.
what's your whereabouts?
Central USA, middle of nowhere.
What would that process be like user. What questions?
I can't be on an anonymous imageboard with you people for more than 30 minutes.
3 days into living in this place and I'd go insane.
It would be nice to have a bunker but we can't live underground in vaults like this is fallout or LOTR where we'll magically mutate into dwarves. Prolonged life underground causes your bones and muscles to weaken and you become impotent. We should have one for backup but realistically a robot collective would have to be above ground. Besides, the bunker can be used to house roasties and feminists as concubines. Solidarity though brothers, we there must be cooperation and everybody to pull their own weight. That's a hard concept to grasp for alot of the selfish lazy assholes here but if its gonna work that's how its gotta be.
>life underground causes your bones and muscles to weaken and you become impotent
what an absolute shit lie
Probably age, background, and ethnicity, with some amplifying questions to probe a candidates background that will change according to my whim. Glowniggers and bad actors can falsify documentation very easily, so it's better to not have a rigid set of parameters that can be easily bypassed.
I could see glowniggers trying to infiltrate but why would sjws want to join a collective of robots? Also, I'm mechanically inclined but not skilled in one particular field. I make my money from my wage slave job and from some illegal activities that I won't name on the side. Thing is I'm more socially competent than the average robot. Does that disqualify me or could I be a liaison to the surface or something?
>mfw I block the manhole and leave
SJW's and their pets don't want anyone to have nice things. They'll expose anyone they deem an enemy for 30 seconds of internet fame and goodboy points. I just want a robot commune from from browns and ideological shitters. I have no interest in having homosexuals either, so please look elsewhere if you fall into that category.
As for that illegal side operation, I reccomend you cease that immediately. No interest in attracting government officials, and I'm sure some low-level bureaucrat would love to make a name for themselves by Waco'ing my property at the first hint of illicit activity.
I'm somewhat lenient on whether you're a normie or true-blue robot. I'm a failed normalfag myself, but I've been on Jow Forums for around 14 years. I don't think I'll ever fit in into polite society, so now I just want to be away from regular society and want to make something that is worthwhile. Don't really have any friends or family, so I can only do so much alone.
That's why I would like to take in a few robots, and make something good.
>not starting a semi rural leftist commune where we grow our own produce and manufacture CRTs for sustenance and profit in the Pacific Northwest
How would waste disposal work?
Would we just chuck our garbage out the hatch and just forget about it?
He must think were 4 years old or something. Living underground doesn't make you into a noodle bro.
Trust Id know
Are hapas welcome? Also I can program, cook, and repair shit.