>ywn have a chubby weeb gf who makes you eat her out and will turn you into a weeb
why even live
Ywn have a chubby weeb gf who makes you eat her out and will turn you into a weeb
>tfw have vivid dreams of a chubby milf sitting on my face while tugging my cock
What's with every chubby girl have a ripped, mountain of a man bf?
Literally all I want in life, except more into vidya than anime
>tfw no gf with 900 hours in Animal Crossing
This, I'd prefer a gf that would sit on my face while playing vidya
Anime would still be nice though
>tfw chubby, bitchy hoodrat gf that bullies me for being white
Based beyond belief
thanks user my parents hate her and I feel like I'm gonna fucking die every time she takes me on a date in her neighborhood
How do i get a sheboon gf
Im Jow Forums and white i just barely talk to blacks so idk how to talk to black girls
race mixing is gross bro
if you're white and your gf is also white, you're racist
idk my gf is brown and she asked me out and made all the "moves" so it's hard to say how I would approach a woman
I really want a black gf but im fucking autistic
>meet hot chubby bisexual weeb through fetlife
>she's fucking crazy and we are in a relationship for like 5 months
>dumps me after we do coke all night and get in a spat
It was for the best because she had graphic loli porn on her computer and also dropped hints she wanted to be a man (or at least got off to the idea of being a transgender). She also loved interracial sex so we could have had threeways with black chicks but I didnt take it that far, for better or worse. Despite all that I miss her. I know I could never marry such a woman but I honestly do love her.
i'm a mulatto so i feel more than okay talking about how gross race mixing is
tfw i finally found a boy who values me as a person and as a chubby weeb gf who makes him eat me out
Dont rub it in that ill never have a gf like that
you're just jealous that my girlfriend makes me call her mami
whatever helps you sleep at night, don't say I didn't warn you when your muttlets end up isolated and bitter when they realize they look like strangers in their own home because of their parents' fetish
you can, just try talking to girls and listening to what they have to say. maybe start on anime forums or at a convention where weeb girls chill (or libraries thats where i hide out)
Alright, ill try that im getting better at talking to people even though i have anxiety
me too my guy. it gets better with time and practice (although i still suck at not panicking every time i have to speak to someone i dont know)
>values me as a person
bet he didnt do that in the beginning tho
>you find fat attractive? you creep!
>bet he didnt do that in the beginning tho
sike sike i woulda dropped his ass if he wasnt respectful of me as an equal from the beginning
Yea same, im getting better at it i can now feign confidence
Where can I evenfind weeb girls, and not spazzy con girls?
the manga sections of libraries
I hit second base in a library in my home town. Good to know some things never change.
tfw no lactating chubby milf will ever love me
I just broke up with my big tiddy goth chick and I feel more relief than I've ever felt in my life. She wasted all my money on food and pot, didn't work, and just laid there during sex. Shit sucked, guys. This fantasy isn't accurate at all irl.
Been there done that. Its fucking gross, maybe it's because she was black also.
High test makes you like big girls...At least that's what Jow Forums told me.
What a terrible person. That's probably how all her relationships go tbqhwy