I'm so sick of getting redpills forced down my throaty

I'm so sick of getting redpills forced down my throaty.
I try to avoid pol - I get off my computer and go to a local cafe for breakfast. I open the paper and every single fucking page has articles screaming at me about the failure of multiculturalism and the superiority of an all White society.
How do normies do it? How do I avoid returning to pol and stockpiling ANFO for the upcomong boogaloo?
>Page 1: Teen jail rampage. Violence in youth prisons is skyrocketing due to nigger and islander inmates
>Page 2: Hit and run by local mudslime running red light kills White father
>Page 4: Chink immigrants are emptying local supermarkets to illegally export Australian baby formula to China, leaving local mums empty-handed.
>Page 6: South Asian immigrants charged with trafficking slave from their poo in loo homeland
>Page 8: pic related
Page 9: 3 local mudslimes jailed for setting fire to mosque of other local mudslimes because they can't lrave their sectarian bullshit at home and need to bring it to our shores.
Fuck the 1950s sound comfy.

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This is obviously a larp because no one reads newspapers anymore.

>live action role playing on his keyboard

Just imagine the brainlet wojak.

Most of my news comes from Bing Trending and I won't even click on most of the garbage (Pic related) as for everyone else they hate America so all the bad stuff makes them happy.

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I can't find a job either and I'm a white incel.

>thinking you're enlightened for reading stories about politicians

Why would anyone want to hire an incel?

What I do not understand is why society hates men who cannot score with opposite sex. When will people realize that women are cruel. They try to ostracize lonely men.

People understand this just fine. It's a natural culling method.

Because there's a reason you can't get laid. It's not something happening to you for no reason and as such they dislike you for whatever that glaring reason is.

>culling method
Western society is degenerate scum, it is incredibly divided among multiple lines, there is no "culling" here, it's just the west doing what it has done for decades, which is hate certain men and boys while exalting others.
It makes them feel good. This is the spirit of the western world in action.

You don't feel pity for ugly things.

This is common sense.

Stop blue pilling mental gymnastics everywhere. It's absurdly simple the motives of normalfaggots.

>meek people without confidence are worse than violent thugs with criminal records and face tattoos who are swimming in pussy

Murder and thuggery gets chicks wet. Such is life in the clown world.

t. bitch user

I have the opposite problem.
Don't get me wrong, far-right politics is far from new, but the degree to which they dominate the Internet and media now is just insane.

You look at the comments of any Youtube video (regardless of if it has anything to do with politics or race), any Yahoo article about anything, any gaming message board, you go try to play a game online, or really almost anywhere on the Internet and there's nothing but bytching about SJWs, illegals, minorities, reverse racism, and whoever else these guys think is their enemy. It literally makes the Internet less enjoyable overall when you can't even read Youtube comments anymore. I used to not really be bothered by it, but the Internet is so inundated by this stuff it's literally driving political discourse in the real world and influencing politicians.

So what do yall think is driving this phenomenon? Because it wasn't really like this in the 2000s. Did Obama getting elected just drive a lot of people crazy? Is it just the culmination of years of FOX News? Do they really think they're helping the world? Or am I just underestimating the influence/quantity of trolls and bots? I'm just trying to understand what's driving the sheer dedication.

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lol who paid you to write this you dumb idiot
c+ low hanging fruit but bad rhetoric, obviously reflective of the person who would commit themselves to something like this in the first place

The west is degenerate and guys think that a knee-jerk reaction will fix things.

>who paid you to write this?
Ironic. He's right.

Heres the ultimate redpill
>these are only reported on because they're guarenteed to get views from everyone on every side, so news companies deliberately only report these things
>the world ks getting better, carbon waste is going down, plastic pollution is, crime, homelessness, starvations, all of it is going down
>the reason immigrants arent working usually isnt because they dont want to, overpopulation has made entry level jobs easily filled and cheaply paid therefore even minimum wage is competative now. Overpopulation is the main factor in most economic issues.
Trump election is to blame. The sensible people on the right even say he never should have been president. A president shouldnt make nuclear threats on twitter on new years day, but he does. His stupidity and ineptness riled up alot of people, mixed with the same stupidity and ineptness of hillary, people fought. I honestly wish rubio won, hes so much saner than clinton or trump. What will fix this is a sane president on either side winning 2020, not makimg everyone worry if the president is slandering people on twitter again, and focusing on actual issues like global warming and plastic pollution. Thats the solution. A president who doesnt radicalize his fanbase therefore radicalizing the other side and doesnt focus on whims and wishes amd instead the good of the nation. Im hoping biden wins solely because i know hes a decent person, side means nothing anymore i just want someone who is worth the position.

And besides, why would you fret over not being able to read youtube comments? They're meaningless trash just like this website.
But youtube comments have gotten much better. Trust me, faggot, they were worse in the 2000s when leftists dominated the site.

It turns out whites don't like the prospect of becoming a minority in their own homelands. They are going to like it even less in the intervening years as diversity ramps up and whites in the US in particular become more conservative because liberal whites have such low birthrates and political views are substantially heritable. The next 50-100 years are going to be interesting to say the least.

Dude fuck society. You dont need them.

Women dont try to ostracize you. They just dont give a shit about you.

Dude violent thugs arent swimming in pussy lol.

I dunno, try going out more. Thugs do that.

> I know Biden is a decent person
